Crowley and Johnson handshake post game

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I find the stomach punch\lovetap a ridiculous MRP offence. Its the over sanitising of a great game.

SJ's getting into Mayne's face promising him 2-3 weeks off should nullify his word completely. Force was undetectable otherwise.

+ it's a prelim final he'd stand to miss.

Must get off. No reprimand.
Ling now having a cry about it on Gameday.

He has no right to whinge about anything to do with tagging.
When he was playing he used to wrap both arms around an opposition player and be facing away from the ball. That was ok in Geelong's eyes but what Crowley does isn't.
The reason Ling was ironed out by Solomon was that he had been sniping our young guys all day.
Bunch of small town ,low IQ tossers.
This is what you get when you have generations of families whose main occupation was sorting nuts and bolts at the Ford factory!

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SJ & JS both fantastic players but terrible sports. You'd think they'd learn to cool it against us by now but hey, that's their problem.
While I cannot stand SJ and put him up there with Heath Shaw as one of the most stupid and undisciplined footballers of recent times I though Selwood normally at least follows the creed that what happens on the ground stays on the ground - like Hodge. If he has resorted to sooking to the media after the game about this certainly lowers my views on him as a player.

The TV did show replays of Mayne getting whacked in the centre square which left him hunched on the ground for a while but the commentators continued to talk about something else while they did. This of course was before the retaliation love tap from Mayne to SJ which SJ was clearly staging for.
Its times like this i wish we had media support via ex players or massive journo supporters.

They could get their hands on all the footage and search for the Geelong behind the play incidents and draw attention to it.
Just like whats happening with the SJ incident.

It is making Mayne look bad and bringing massive attention to it.
When that happens there is more chance the AFL will highly scrutinise the incident and could give it a week.

While the Crowley incident and Mayne incident where they got whacked will have no attention put on it and they will get away with it.

Plus makes us look like the bad guys, when we were just giving as good as we got.
Its just the bullies arent used to being beaten and copping some of their own medicine and cant handle it.
Used to think that Geelong is dealt a hard hand by the mrp. How wrong was I. They deserved all the weeks out they were given and more. The way they are taking shot at our boys is downright ugly. I'm glad we stick it back to them and showed them.

IIRC, Chris Scot prematch mentioned he "expected" a rough contest, so we know they are trying to rough us up a little early on. I believe thats why RTB took offense at the journo suggesting it was us pulling that crap.

Hope Dawson and mayne gets off. Else I want to see some Geelong players get rubbed as well to be fair.
This is why I'm really starting to despise Geelong and their supporters on bf.

Their players do this crap all the time but they whinge about it loudly when it's given back... As if no one has the right to beat them at their own game.

They've been doing it to freo for years but act all like innocent lambs just trying to have a clean game of footy. They've even got a thread about it now on their board.

Which team gets more suspensions freo or Geelong?
This is why I'm really starting to despise Geelong and their supporters on bf.

Their players do this crap all the time but they whinge about it loudly when it's given back... As if no one has the right to beat them at their own game.

They've been doing it to freo for years but act all like innocent lambs just trying to have a clean game of footy. They've even got a thread about it now on their board.

Which team gets more suspensions freo or Geelong?

What thread is this?

I'd like to go in and have a bit of a chuckle at it :D
Anybody see the footage on the Sunday Footy Show of the incident? Did not start with Crowley walking up hand extended only to be shoved in the chest but Crowley's double handed grab of Johnson eluding to the fact he started it. Who was reporting on the incident? Bill Brownless of course who then dismissed Lloyd when he tried to explain it was Johnson who was showing poor sportsmanship.

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MRP on Notice.

I went in there and pointed out that Geelong players gave as good as they got and asked about 3 incidents.

If I get banned, you'll know why
I went in there and pointed out that Geelong players gave as good as they got and asked about 3 incidents.

If I get banned, you'll know why

You could provide close up video evidence of all of this and geelong supporters will rationalise it by saying something along the lines of 'they deserve it'.

Did deep and the 'they deserve it' usually boils down to because they were getting on top of the geelong players. They just can't stand not getting their way in the game so they resort to these tactics and then blame Freo.
He has no right to whinge about anything to do with tagging.
When he was playing he used to wrap both arms around an opposition player and be facing away from the ball. That was ok in Geelong's eyes but what Crowley does isn't.
The reason Ling was ironed out by Solomon was that he had been sniping our young guys all day.
Bunch of small town ,low IQ tossers.
This is what you get when you have generations of families whose main occupation was sorting nuts and bolts at the Ford factory!

That is hilarious mate.

Now pay attention Mrs Ling
Nut on .. nut off .. nut on
Which team gets more suspensions freo or Geelong?

And the answer is, Geelong. Especially so under Scott. They play like he used to.

They have a perception as being angels in the media, which is a carryover from when they played fairer and humbler football under Thompson. They are not a fair football side now, and they are entitled and arrogant.
dun really care about what the media thinks of us but it was pretty poor by the sunday footy show to only show SJ shaking hands but not the shoulder punch before hand ... again making crowley look like the bad guy there
Prior to the game, J Pod was a man possessed when walking to the forward 50, he was barging any player he could and looked like he wanted to knocked someone out. Of course it's Freo fault when he went down. What really annoys me is that Geelong think its ok for them to do it and they are high and mighty in that area but yet when Freo got involved the media jumps on us and reports everything like we are filthy and out of the rules, like "Shane" in the media conference. Seriously? Johnson has been doing this for years and gets weeks for his sooky-ness as well as many Geelong players trying to toe the line.
The media hype up the rivalry and it seems Geelong players still can't learn from previous seasons to keep their cool.
Anybody see the footage on the Sunday Footy Show of the incident? Did not start with Crowley walking up hand extended only to be shoved in the chest but Crowley's double handed grab of Johnson eluding to the fact he started it. Who was reporting on the incident? Bill Brownless of course who then dismissed Lloyd when he tried to explain it was Johnson who was showing poor sportsmanship.

Yes this ****ing pissed me off. Careful editing there by Billy/Channel 9 crew :rolleyes: Matthew Lloyd said it was low of Johnson to refuse to shake Crowley's hand but Billy wouldn't have a bar of it. God you are a fat f**k Billy you biased twat.

I can't believe even after we defeated Geelong on their own shithole ground, the Victorian media still finds ways to rubbish us and make it out that we instigated all the aggressive behaviour. Total lack of respect. Kudos to Lloyd though for sticking up for us and I'm sure there have been others who haven't been total knobs.
dun really care about what the media thinks of us but it was pretty poor by the sunday footy show to only show SJ shaking hands but not the shoulder punch before hand ... again making crowley look like the bad guy there

Nah. Even in the edited version, it was clearly SJ being the knob.
Shaking with one hand and shoving with the other then acting like butter wouldn't melt when he was met with the appropriate response.
"I was only trying to shake your hand mate!"
Get your hand off it SJ, you tool.
That SJ footage isn't great, quite embarrassing for him really.

If nothing else, this kind of stuff is all part of the rivalry that is building. Which in itself is a good thing, I'm sick of the Hawthron one we have

Hopefully he learns from that, because as a Geelong supporter, i'm not proud of it

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Crowley and Johnson handshake post game

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