Vic Daniel Andrews and the Statue of Limitations

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Like I said, I voted for the Andrews government on ball two of his “hat trick”. His run of wins doesn't make him exempt from scrutiny.

I’d liken Andrews’ stint to Ed’s stint as President with the Pies. The first half was a breath of fresh air after general ineptitude. But the second half was ****ing toxic, as we descended into an autocratic mess of faceplant after faceplant.

It needed to be called out at the time and it needs to be readdressed as time goes by to ensure that we (both Victoria and Collingwood FC) don't make the same mistakes again.
thats fine ...... but the attention on andrews from the 'chairman dan' campaigns jointly pushed by abject political failures like louise staley and tim smith along with partisan conservative cheerleaders across all major news outlets has gone well beyond scrutiny ...... well beyond

when one of the major dailys in this state publishes a series of front page stories 'interviewing' the stairs where he fell then we have gone well past the perfectly acceptable democratic pursuit of holding power to account - it is shameful unhinged nonsense that treats the democratic process with contempt ..... and thats where a lot of the so-called 'anti-dan' movement now sits (even on this website)
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thats fine ...... but the attention on andrews from the 'chairman dan' campaigns jointly pushed by abject political failures like louise staley and tim smith along with partisan conservative cheerleaders across all major news outlets has gone well beyond scrutiny ...... well beyond

As a centrist myself, we can both agree that the extreme-ish right's "Chairman Dan" arguments aren't helpful to either side and if anything (IMV), fortifies the left to a degree and is negative in its sentiment.

when one of the major dailys in this state publishes a series of front page stories 'interviewing' the stairs where he fell then we have gone well past the perfectly acceptable democratic pursuit of holding power to account - it is shameful unhinged nonsense that treats the democratic process with contempt ..... and thats where a lot of the so-called 'anti-dan' movement now sits (even on this website)

Fully agreed on this front. The Murdoch press is mostly shit (and am not just saying this because of the bad tips on yesterday's races from the HUN). Rachael Baxendale was mostly combinative and I don't like her, but you need to be able digest an alternate point of view and line of questioning....always!). Otherwise you might just might as well read the Pravda and demand a local version thereof.

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Not sure if Jimbo has thought this one through. Espec. the potential impact him outing himself as a cooker fan might play out for his Victorian franchise owners.

Or maybe the cookers are precisely the ones who would use Jims Mowing for legal advice so it's a good business move? Will leave it to the cooker posters in this thread to let us know.

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Not sure if Jimbo has thought this one through. Espec. the potential impact him outing himself as a cooker fan might play out for his Victorian franchise owners.

That shouldn't be news to anyone

Not sure if Jimbo has thought this one through. Espec. the potential impact him outing himself as a cooker fan might play out for his Victorian franchise owners.

Pretty sure if the boot was on the other foot and a boycott of Jim's... was mooted because he seems to be a bit of a dickhead he'd be the first to complain about being cancelled.
Dan "running out of options" because cooker Jim Penman, anti-lockdown whinger Paul Dimattina and anti-lockdown whinger and wage thief Chris Lucas won't serve him? Also saw another article quoting chopping board thrower and professional w***er Avi Yemini saying that he wouldn't give Andrews a booking if he owned a restaurant.

Being banned by these four should be considered a badge of honour. Truly a who's who of ****heads.
Not sure if Jimbo has thought this one through. Espec. the potential impact him outing himself as a cooker fan might play out for his Victorian franchise owners.

Or maybe the cookers are precisely the ones who would use Jims Mowing for legal advice so it's a good business move? Will leave it to the cooker posters in this thread to let us know.

Jim’s whingin

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Dan "running out of options" because cooker Jim Penman, anti-lockdown whinger Paul Dimattina and anti-lockdown whinger and wage thief Chris Lucas won't serve him? Also saw another article quoting chopping board thrower and professional w***er Avi Yemini saying that he wouldn't give Andrews a booking if he owned a restaurant.

Being banned by these four should be considered a badge of honour. Truly a who's who of ****heads.

HOPEFULLY Dan is also banned from every golf course and RSL world wide!
I thought the Dailymail was rubbish and right wing? Now supposedly Jim’s going to lose business owners and customers as a result of that article? 😂
Not sure if Jimbo has thought this one through. Espec. the potential impact him outing himself as a cooker fan might play out for his Victorian franchise owners.

That cat has been out of the bag for a loooooooooooong time.

Old mate Jim is a genuine crackpot. Believes in eugenics etc.
How so? He’s made stupid comments in the past. Don’t think anything is going to change now 😂
whats your issue here though

that Jim is being criticised?

that he's even being mentioned?

that only the DailyMail published the article?
Dan "running out of options" because cooker Jim Penman, anti-lockdown whinger Paul Dimattina and anti-lockdown whinger and wage thief Chris Lucas won't serve him? Also saw another article quoting chopping board thrower and professional w***er Avi Yemini saying that he wouldn't give Andrews a booking if he owned a restaurant.

Being banned by these four should be considered a badge of honour. Truly a who's who of ****heads.
Bec from Brighton ?
Dan "running out of options" because cooker Jim Penman, anti-lockdown whinger Paul Dimattina and anti-lockdown whinger and wage thief Chris Lucas won't serve him? Also saw another article quoting chopping board thrower and professional w***er Avi Yemini saying that he wouldn't give Andrews a booking if he owned a restaurant.

Being banned by these four should be considered a badge of honour. Truly a who's who of ****heads.
I don't give a shit about Penman or Lucas, but I know Paul Dimattina well and he is a thoroughly decent man who runs a top gourmet pub. For his "sin" of being a strident opponent of lockdowns he is written off by you as a "**** head" and "anti-lockdown whinger'?

This is a publican who almost lost his business due to lockdowns. He was fined $10,000 for "trading" after 8.00pm on the eve of one of the many lockdowns for allowing a few friends to stay on the premises and have a few quiet drinks.
whats your issue here though

that Jim is being criticised?

that he's even being mentioned?

that only the DailyMail published the article?

Who said I had an issue?

All 3 are laughable Grales. The last point is the funniest. The irony is the best part in that the Dailymail has been ridiculed on this site for god knows how long about its content and now supposedly it’s a good source to use and will harm his business. 😂

All fantastic theatre at this point.
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Who said I had an issue?
you clearly do
All 3 are laughable Grales. The last point is the funniest. The irony is the best part.
seems the issue here is you don't understand how questions work

I wasn't making points I was asking you questions
All fantastic theatre at this point.
so just a bit of trolling fun for you then?

no actual position on what Jim said or anything else, just here for the lols at others talking about it?

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Vic Daniel Andrews and the Statue of Limitations

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