David Koch - The Chairman of the Board

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I can't believe I'm defending the Crows here, but at least they eventually had the kahunas to sack Neil Craig when his game plan was as bad as Ken's is now. Trouble is, for Ken to be terminated, Koch would need to admit he was wrong in extending Ken's contract, and that's about as likely as Eddie McGuire barracking for Essendon on Anzac Day.
There's probably an out for Kochie's ego if Ken's contract has a performance trigger for 2023 which has been suggested.
No, but I'll look into it.

Not sure if a franchise is completely precluded from the Corporations Act and unable to undertake an EGM. Technically we're all franchises of the AFL.\

This might be a good chance to take control back of your club.
If you don't read the constitution - you can't just assume things to be correct. The only people who can call an EGM as per the Corporations Act, are the 10 members ie 10 directors. Port's 2013 Constitution.

In this Constitution words and phrases defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) shall have the
meaning so defined and unless the context otherwise requires:

4.9 "Member" means a person who is a Director of the Company and whose name is entered
as a Member of the Company in the Register and "Member of the Company" shall have a
corresponding meaning;

4.6 "Club Members" are "the Members of the Company, Club football players, the coaches
and the staff of the Company for the time being, those supporters of the Club who have
paid their annual subscription for Club Membership or are Patrons, Life Members or Life
Governors of the Club as determined by the Board from time to time under clause 8"
and "Club Membership" shall have a corresponding meaning;

Subject to any law to the contrary, whilst the AFL shall continue to exist (or if it shall cease to
exist, whilst its successors in title or any assignee of its major undertaking shall continue to exist)
any special resolution of Members of the Company amending or repealing and replacing this
Constitution shall have no force or effect without the prior written consent to such amendment
or repeal and replacement from the AFL.

12.1 Subject to this clause and clause 12A, the Directors of the Company shall be such
persons as shall be appointed from time to time by the AFL.

[clause 12A is a transition clause between SANFL control and AFL control and lists the Directors transferred from 31st October 2013 to 1st November 2013 the start date of this constitution]

12.6 Subject to clause 12.10, the Board of Directors will comprise:
12.6.1 two persons nominated to the AFL by the Club Membership ("Club
nominees"); and
12.6.2 eight persons appointed by the AFL.

12.7 The AFL may in its absolute discretion decline to approve the appointment a Club
nominee. In that event, the Club Membership is entitled to nominate a replacement
person for approval by the AFL as a Director.

Subject to clause 7, this Constitution may be amended or repealed and replaced by a special
resolution of the Members of the Company. [ie any change has to be approved by AFL per clause 7]

Below is the fundamental difference between the crows constitution and Port's post getting rid of SANFL control. The crows have a definitive date when the AFL exits control of their board. 2028 is the year both Port and the crows pay their final instalment of 15 to buy back their sub licence from the SANFL.

58. Definitions
Development Grant Completion Date means 31 October 2028 (or such earlier time as the AFC and the AFL agree);

Member means a member of the AFC according to this constitution, including the AFL Voting Member;

7. Members
7.1 Classes of Membership
The AFC will consist of the following classes of Members:
(a) AFL
The AFL, who through its delegate will have the right to attend, debate and vote at general meetings for and on behalf of the AFL

(d) Other Classes of Membership & Variations to Existing Classes

(i) Subject to the Corporations Act and clause 7.1(d)(ii), the Board in its absolute discretion has the right to establish other classes of membership, or vary existing classes of membership, from time to time.
(ii) The Board may not amend any of the rights of the AFL before the Development Grant Completion Date without the prior consent of the AFL.

7.2 Cessation of AFL Membership
(a) The AFL will cease to be a Member on the Development Grant Completion Date.
(b) From the Development Grant Completion Date, the Board may grant all of the rights held by the AFL to any other class of Member that is in existence on the Development Grant Completion Date or is otherwise established by the Board.
(c) If the Board does not grant the rights of the AFL Voting Member to another class or classes, the Board will grant all of the rights held by the AFL to the Electing Members.
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Koch was the one that appointed our CEO. Koch is the one that ALWAYS back Ken in. Koch is the one that famously declared he wanted a 10 year coach. Koch is a huge problem!!!
Koch was the one who said after one game the effort was disgraceful before KT and Boak had a cry. Koch was the one who was upset after 2017 before KT talked him round and played mediator.

Koch is a problem now but he wasn't always the source of our destruction.

Sent from my Nokia 7.2 using Tapatalk
Interestingly, a crow who is unknowing that Koch had a past in Taperoo, said to me that Koch seems more like a crows type of supporter because he takes cheap shots at Port supporters as if they're all feral.

I think Koch does assume that the Port supporter base are not intellectual enough to understand football clubs in the AFL industry. Thus resorts to condescending propaganda. I don't really know, but he strikes me to be the type of football follower that wasn't an avid follower of our club nor the game long enough before becoming president, and then has gotten his tutelage from KT and Hinkley.
I can't believe I'm defending the Crows here, but at least they eventually had the kahunas to sack Neil Craig ...
The Camry Crows didn't sack Craig though. They were the first, and only, AFL club to put a head coach on staff. They had to convince him to resign.
Interestingly, a crow who is unknowing that Koch had a past in Taperoo, said to me that Koch seems more like a crows type of supporter because he takes cheap shots at Port supporters as if they're all feral.

I think Koch does assume that the Port supporter base are not intellectual enough to understand football clubs in the AFL industry. Thus resorts to condescending propaganda. I don't really know, but he strikes me to be the type of football follower that wasn't an avid follower of our club nor the game long enough before becoming president, and then has gotten his tutelage from KT and Hinkley.

I would tend to express it another way. Koch is the quintessential Sydney business person, arrogant and ignorant and those who have had business dealings with them will understand.
The Camry Crows didn't sack Craig though. They were the first, and only, AFL club to put a head coach on staff. They had to convince him to resign.

To Craig’s credit, he did the right thing by his club.
Can’t see Kenneth doing the same.
If Koch is as good at business as he perhaps wants us to believe, he would be sounding out Clarko.
You would think with his profile and standing and the excitement an appointment of that nature would generate would be more than worth it in terms of increased attendances and sponsorship opportunities.
Koch was the one who said after one game the effort was disgraceful before KT and Boak had a cry. Koch was the one who was upset after 2017 before KT talked him round and played mediator.

Koch is a problem now but he wasn't always the source of our destruction.

Sent from my Nokia 7.2 using Tapatalk
Koch has always been a big problem his comments in his earlier days show that he was not serious about his position and simply having the masses on. koch must go there is no redemption for this man anywhere at Alberton!
If Koch is as good at business as he perhaps wants us to believe, he would be sounding out Clarko.
You would think with his profile and standing and the excitement an appointment of that nature would generate would be more than worth it in terms of increased attendances and sponsorship opportunities.
I want to believe that Koch is already sounding out clarko while publicly supporting Hinkley. That is what a ruthless professional would do...and I think Koch is that guy underneath the clown exterior.

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Koch was the one who said after one game the effort was disgraceful before KT and Boak had a cry. Koch was the one who was upset after 2017 before KT talked him round and played mediator.

Koch is a problem now but he wasn't always the source of our destruction.

Sent from my Nokia 7.2 using Tapatalk

Koch started off great but his demise came as soon as he decided to extend Hinkley's contract after 2017.

In 2017 KT had an onslaught of member backlash and he responded with something like 'we hear it, we get it'. Well he obviously didn't get it! As far back as 2017 Ken has demonstrated that he's not capable of winning a Premiership. The fact we still have Hinkley as coach after KT is no longer around is an absolute disgrace.

The problem with Koch and the people in charge of our club, is they only seems to be interested in Port existing. Nobody wants to put noses out of joint so complacency sets in over the years. An attitude of near enough is good enough becomes acceptable. Those in charge of the club talk about winning Premierships and being successful. However, their actions show they are only interested in keeping the money flowing and egotistical backscratching, rather than making the changes required to win a Premiership. Koch has overseen this culture for too long and needs to go asap!
Remember when Koch first came on board, he said that despite the club's debts, what it needed to be successful was a fully funded football department?

Hows that looking now David? You're not cutting spending to save money are you?

That was really a KT thing though. Koch wouldn't know what fully funded or not fully funded even meant. I blame Richardson.
Great comment from Peter-
Dont you get it folks…Hinkley isn’t going to resign, he’s got to keep up the charade about being positive and not giving up. If he’s sacked, Port have to pay out the remainder of his contract. Not the case, unless negotiated, if he resigns.

He’s basically daring Port to sack him but they haven’t got the guts to do it because Koch backed him all the way. Koch is too proud to admit that keeping Hinkley was a mistake. So this debacle will keep going on.

Watch next week. If they lose to Carlton it will all be about them letting the wrong guy go, Michael Voss, and then the pressure will be right on Koch.

What is wrong with the club is that the board and senior administration is comprised of big corporate wokesters and SJWs. Nothing like the old Port culture. This is a just big ego trip for the corporates. Just another line on their resume of board appointments.

only way to sort this out is for members to get the numbers & have a special meeting to vote the corporate wokesters out, especially Koch. A fish rots from the head.
Kock is a ‘wokester’ now is he?

He’s literally a neo lib, racist platform wielder, his entire career is based on that platform.

And anyone who starts ranting about woke like that needs a slap.
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If you don't read the constitution - you can't just assume things to be correct. The only people who can call an EGM as per the Corporations Act, are the 10 members ie 10 directors. Port's 2013 Constitution.

In this Constitution words and phrases defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) shall have the
meaning so defined and unless the context otherwise requires:

4.9 "Member" means a person who is a Director of the Company and whose name is entered
as a Member of the Company in the Register and "Member of the Company" shall have a
corresponding meaning;

4.6 "Club Members" are "the Members of the Company, Club football players, the coaches
and the staff of the Company for the time being, those supporters of the Club who have
paid their annual subscription for Club Membership or are Patrons, Life Members or Life
Governors of the Club as determined by the Board from time to time under clause 8"
and "Club Membership" shall have a corresponding meaning;

Subject to any law to the contrary, whilst the AFL shall continue to exist (or if it shall cease to
exist, whilst its successors in title or any assignee of its major undertaking shall continue to exist)
any special resolution of Members of the Company amending or repealing and replacing this
Constitution shall have no force or effect without the prior written consent to such amendment
or repeal and replacement from the AFL.

12.1 Subject to this clause and clause 12A, the Directors of the Company shall be such
persons as shall be appointed from time to time by the AFL.

[clause 12A is a transition clause between SANFL control and AFL control and lists the Directors transferred from 31st October 2013 to 1st November 2013 the start date of this constitution]

12.6 Subject to clause 12.10, the Board of Directors will comprise:
12.6.1 two persons nominated to the AFL by the Club Membership ("Club
nominees"); and
12.6.2 eight persons appointed by the AFL.

12.7 The AFL may in its absolute discretion decline to approve the appointment a Club
nominee. In that event, the Club Membership is entitled to nominate a replacement
person for approval by the AFL as a Director.

Subject to clause 7, this Constitution may be amended or repealed and replaced by a special
resolution of the Members of the Company. [ie any change has to be approved by AFL per clause 7]

Below is the fundamental difference between the crows constitution and Port's post getting rid of SANFL control. The crows have a definitive date when the AFL exits control of their board. 2028 is the year both Port and the crows pay their final instalment of 15 to buy back their sub licence from the SANFL.

58. Definitions
Development Grant Completion Date means 31 October 2028 (or such earlier time as the AFC and the AFL agree);

Member means a member of the AFC according to this constitution, including the AFL Voting Member;

7. Members
7.1 Classes of Membership
The AFC will consist of the following classes of Members:
(a) AFL
The AFL, who through its delegate will have the right to attend, debate and vote at general meetings for and on behalf of the AFL

(d) Other Classes of Membership & Variations to Existing Classes

(i) Subject to the Corporations Act and clause 7.1(d)(ii), the Board in its absolute discretion has the right to establish other classes of membership, or vary existing classes of membership, from time to time.
(ii) The Board may not amend any of the rights of the AFL before the Development Grant Completion Date without the prior consent of the AFL.

7.2 Cessation of AFL Membership
(a) The AFL will cease to be a Member on the Development Grant Completion Date.
(b) From the Development Grant Completion Date, the Board may grant all of the rights held by the AFL to any other class of Member that is in existence on the Development Grant Completion Date or is otherwise established by the Board.
(c) If the Board does not grant the rights of the AFL Voting Member to another class or classes, the Board will grant all of the rights held by the AFL to the Electing Members.
Yep! Sorry, but I thought you might be able to enact the Corporations Act like what we did, but you're up shit creek without a paddle. You'll literally need to buy your club back and / or just hope that all of the board appointments are competent in perpetuity.

I don't envy your set up!
Great comment from Peter-
Dont you get it folks…Hinkley isn’t going to resign, he’s got to keep up the charade about being positive and not giving up. If he’s sacked, Port have to pay out the remainder of his contract. Not the case, unless negotiated, if he resigns.

He’s basically daring Port to sack him but they haven’t got the guts to do it because Koch backed him all the way. Koch is too proud to admit that keeping Hinkley was a mistake. So this debacle will keep going on.

Watch next week. If they lose to Carlton it will all be about them letting the wrong guy go, Michael Voss, and then the pressure will be right on Koch.

What is wrong with the club is that the board and senior administration is comprised of big corporate wokesters and SJWs. Nothing like the old Port culture. This is a just big ego trip for the corporates. Just another line on their resume of board appointments.

only way to sort this out is for members to get the numbers & have a special meeting to vote the corporate wokesters out, especially Koch. A fish rots from the head.

Peter sounds like an absolute ****ing moron tbh. Typical RWNJ who blames literally everything on being woke.

Ken hasn't been sacked because he's into affirmative action for midget footballers.

I'm glad we don't have a racist club like the croms, actually.
Yes, it's the wokesters and SJW's, that's what it is. Well done on finally getting to the bottom of it Pete.
Change those terms to “no-hopers”, and he’s spot on.
I'be been considering creating a satirical blog (like The Shovel) to counter the PAFC media propaganda.

I wonder if a few others would be interested in being writers too?

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David Koch - The Chairman of the Board

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