Davis for Gardiner

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If we are not picking Davis at the moment because attiude issue, why the hell would we even THINK of trade for Gardiner who is nothing up trouble in the making. Davis and his "issues" we can handle, Gardiner's we can do without.

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swannykicker said:
in fact, if anyone knows how to forward this on to Brett Kirk please do.
Brett: Your a great inspiration to a great team, but why do I read your comments in the paper about Nick davis and the whole saga, if there is a media ban over such issues. Are your comments about being 'disappointed' any different to Davo's.
Maybe coz he is a captain.

Maybe coz he had permission from the leadership group/coach.
grimlock said:
Yeah but Davis won us a premiership by himself so he can do whatever the hell he wants. :)

I don't recall him playing a major hand in the Premiership.

He certainly got us to the Prelim on his own.
swannykicker said:
captain Kirk ought to lead by example then. if he doesnt want team mates airing frustration and disappointment in teh media, then he should do the same, like he does on field.
Big difference between a captain being ask to speak to the media, and a plyer speaking to the media of there own accord.

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grimlock said:
Well its obvious Kirk hates Davis. After all, he's a hippy and wouldn't agree with Davis's lust for KFC.

Thats why Kirk never kicks it to davis. Man i would love to see Davis go up to Kirk and keep telling him "you owe us one" for all the clangers he has had this year.

And they dare to blame Davis. What a bunch of hipocritical twats. Putting your ego ahead of the team i thought would be a perfect example of no ********s rule. How many games could we have won if Nicks bloody leads were honored instead of kicking it to MOL who is crap in front of goal.

Kirk is as hippy as much as i am a hindo. It's all show.
gardiner's not even worth one of the lonies! and thats low! so bit of an unfair swap for davis. and the eagles wouldnt want davis anyway because they absolutely love sampi down there, even tho he has no consistency. and finally, the swans are annoyed about davis speaking up to the media-fair enough- so how would they react to a player associating with known criminals, driving drunk and getting ****ed before a practice match?
freo1 said:
gardiner's not even worth one of the lonies! and thats low! so bit of an unfair swap for davis. and the eagles wouldnt want davis anyway because they absolutely love sampi down there, even tho he has no consistency. and finally, the swans are annoyed about davis speaking up to the media-fair enough- so how would they react to a player associating with known criminals, driving drunk and getting ****ed before a practice match?

Roosy would try and turn him around like Hall and then grab all the credit. Plus he can call him Gardy like he does with Kirky, Goodsy, Hally et al. That was the problem with Nick Davis, Roos couldnt call him Dvisy so he got the ****s.
Diego said:
Kirk is as hippy as much as i am a hindo. It's all show.

he'd probably agree - it was a nickname given to him BY OTHER PLAYERS because his hair is a bit longer than typical and he occasionally sports a shoulder-bag (or at least he used to).

talk about tilting at windmills...
Diego said:
Roosy would try and turn him around like Hall and then grab all the credit. Plus he can call him Gardy like he does with Kirky, Goodsy, Hally et al. That was the problem with Nick Davis, Roos couldnt call him Dvisy so he got the ****s.

yeah, the lame claytons nickname started bugging me a while ago.
Diego said:
Roosy would try and turn him around like Hall and then grab all the credit. Plus he can call him Gardy like he does with Kirky, Goodsy, Hally et al. That was the problem with Nick Davis, Roos couldnt call him Dvisy so he got the ****s.

Roos has never turned anyone around.

The turning around of wayward characters like Lockett and Hall were all done by Rodney Eade.

Roos is 0/1 in this "turning around" caper.
Would need a special car park fot the rebel bikers harleys.
Wouldn't have Gardiner as a gift, and I don't think Davis is going anywhere. I just hope all this BS is resolved quickly and the team get on with the job
grayham said:
Roos has never turned anyone around.

The turning around of wayward characters like Lockett and Hall were all done by Rodney Eade.

Roos is 0/1 in this "turning around" caper.

Gee, nice way of twisting facts there. Eade didn't turn around the career of Hall, he just got him to the club and left half way though his first season. Don't go forgetting that Hall got suspended for 5 weeks just after Roos took over the coaching role from Eade and then when he got the job full time was a major part in getting Hall to undertake anger mangerment classes, which Hall said turned his career around.

But keep believing what you want to believe.
Roos will coach the Swans to a single finals appearance this year, miss the finals in 2007 and walk out on the club, without having developed any real depth and its senior core on the brink of retirement, and say that "there is more to life than football - I never wanted to be a career coach, you knew that from the beginning". I expect to be banned from planet Ando for this outburst but time will tell.

As for Davis for Gardiner - apples for oranges isn't it. Gardiner's physical state is a bigger worry than his mental state. Head problems are a mystery and there is nothing to say that he would not grow up if he moved to Sydney. His body is a different issue. Davis will stay - and outlast Roos.

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Davis for Gardiner

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