Mod. Notice Depressed? Anxious? Call Beyond Blue (1300 224636), Lifeline (131114), resources in OP

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Not wrong
I'm separated at the moment
I miss my kids, miss playing and reading books before bed
My ex partner is horrible and is just telling so many lies about me
Her parents told me to kill myself
I'm struggling to hold on
In the last 24 hours I've called lifeline, dads in distress and mensline
They are all telling me I need to realise I'm a victim of abuse but I still love her
God I miss my kids
things sound like theyre really tough atm but hang in there, they can change for the better in surprising ways. We're here for you mate
Some days I just want the pain to stop. I have two beautiful kids, a good job, and a nice house, but the mental demons make me miserable so often. I can barely even take my own good advice. Urgh
what sort of help have you sought? Has it helped at all? What do you think troubles you the most? Feel free to pm me if you dont want to answer these questions to everyone
Good onya mate. Introspection is a beautiful gift, no matter how it's found or at what stage in your life it kicks in. It's like a bloody epiphany. It has saved me from stupid decisions and reactions in my younger days and helped me cope with truly awful events here and abroad.
Thanks for the kind words mate. I used to spend a lot of time ruminating on stuff and would wear myself down by making up stories in my head about what people thought of me or how I should have reacted in certain situations. I'm now learning to trust my own judgement and not to fear what other people think of me.

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Ended up with severe depression and extreme work related stress back in May. Resigned not long after. Was teaching disengaged and disadvantaged students (kids with drug/alcohol issues, issues with the law, mental health issues, trauma effected, bad homes, etc). Did a number on me in my first year of teaching. Taking a break at the moment, but doing a lot better now. Just gotta work on my self confidence, self control and try to refrain from drinking excessively every other weekend which doesn't particularly agree with me. Nearly at the end of my course of anti-depressants too, so going to start taking half doses so I can ease off slowly.
Ended up with severe depression and extreme work related stress back in May. Resigned not long after. Was teaching disengaged and disadvantaged students (kids with drug/alcohol issues, issues with the law, mental health issues, trauma effected, bad homes, etc). Did a number on me in my first year of teaching. Taking a break at the moment, but doing a lot better now. Just gotta work on my self confidence, self control and try to refrain from drinking excessively every other weekend which doesn't particularly agree with me. Nearly at the end of my course of anti-depressants too, so going to start taking half doses so I can ease off slowly.
Speak to your doctor before self-removing dosages of anti depressants. Let him know you'd like to lessen your dosage and he will advise/give you a removal plan.

It can be dangerous to change a dosage suddenly.

My mum was on a particular anti depressant and missed 2 days due to issues with the chemist. Had 3 siezures at home on the way to hospital and in hospital.
Ended up with severe depression and extreme work related stress back in May. Resigned not long after. Was teaching disengaged and disadvantaged students (kids with drug/alcohol issues, issues with the law, mental health issues, trauma effected, bad homes, etc). Did a number on me in my first year of teaching. Taking a break at the moment, but doing a lot better now. Just gotta work on my self confidence, self control and try to refrain from drinking excessively every other weekend which doesn't particularly agree with me. Nearly at the end of my course of anti-depressants too, so going to start taking half doses so I can ease off slowly.
good to hear you're doing better. I echo Darkphoenix's comments above. Only alter your AD doses on medical advice.
good to hear you're doing better. I echo Darkphoenix's comments above. Only alter your AD doses on medical advice.

Yeah they told me a couple weeks ago to start taking half, once I started working again. But I'm still waiting for jobs to pop up (because they all come out around Sep-Nov mostly advertising for a 2018 start).
Not wrong
I'm separated at the moment
I miss my kids, miss playing and reading books before bed
My ex partner is horrible and is just telling so many lies about me
Her parents told me to kill myself
I'm struggling to hold on
In the last 24 hours I've called lifeline, dads in distress and mensline
They are all telling me I need to realise I'm a victim of abuse but I still love her
God I miss my kids
Number 1, the kids come first, **** everything else, stay strong man, your kids need you.
I'm no angel, my Mrs was nearing her tether with me, i blamed her at first but i've decided to listen, and she's right, i am a peice of shit, she and my kids deserve better, luckily for me she gave me that chance, things are different now.

What i learnt was this, you can't truely hate somebody unless you loved them first.
To anyone who has shared the same issue, my dad raised me (4 kids) on his own when my mum left to start another family(i didnt blame her and we are on good terms now). It was only after my teenage years I finally understood my dads advice of working hard. I took many drugs and the withdrawals , after effects is something I do not wish on anyone (not even my worse enemy).I try not to make too many enemies now.

Drugs can cope with depression but only if you don't abuse it. Soon afterwards I dropped out of college. I called many hotlines but I just felt like it wasn't helping. So I sucked up the things that were out of my control and I am now working a well paying and went back to uni. Just give it time.
I'm finding that by setting myself a daily goal is helping me currently. Wether it's cutting down on my cigarette intake, incorporating alcohol free days, having conversations with random strangers. My current goal is to start learning a new language.

I started doing this because for a long time I forgot what it was like on how to live. I allowed negative people/ environments to continuously put me down and keep me down, that even though I was still breathing I was dead inside.

By setting myself goals, I am regaining my self confidence and am starting to realise as to what life is once again.why I still have a long way to go, I finally feel free to start letting go of the past.

Everyone deserves their right to their life.
What shits me is that in our society a woman can emotionally abuse and send a man to breaking point but the help is just not there
Particular in the country
It took me to get sick to wise up and admit to being abused
You know how hard that is for a man?
Yes it's masculine bullshit but it's hard and it breaks you
I miss my kids but I'm not going back for the status quo bullshit bullying that I've stayed silent about for so long to continue
It's a very lonely time
There is not a minute goes by that I don't miss their little faces
What shits me is that in our society a woman can emotionally abuse and send a man to breaking point but the help is just not there
Particular in the country
It took me to get sick to wise up and admit to being abused
You know how hard that is for a man?
Yes it's masculine bullshit but it's hard and it breaks you
I miss my kids but I'm not going back for the status quo bullshit bullying that I've stayed silent about for so long to continue
It's a very lonely time
There is not a minute goes by that I don't miss their little faces

Keep fighting mate, both you and your kids are worth it. As what I'm slowly learning the idea of bottling things up, being unemotional is highly overrated and not worth the bullshit that comes with it.
Also nobody deserves any form of abuse (pyhisical, sexual or mental) wether male or female. I think you have made the right choice and I believe that one day your kids will be appreciative of your decision to look after yourself.

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What shits me is that in our society a woman can emotionally abuse and send a man to breaking point but the help is just not there
Particular in the country
It took me to get sick to wise up and admit to being abused
You know how hard that is for a man?
Yes it's masculine bullshit but it's hard and it breaks you
I miss my kids but I'm not going back for the status quo bullshit bullying that I've stayed silent about for so long to continue
It's a very lonely time
There is not a minute goes by that I don't miss their little faces

Hang in there, and maybe research what you can do to be assertive in these situations, perhaps try some reading on how to deal with it, although its probably a complex issue.
I'm finding that by setting myself a daily goal is helping me currently. Wether it's cutting down on my cigarette intake, incorporating alcohol free days, having conversations with random strangers. My current goal is to start learning a new language.

I started doing this because for a long time I forgot what it was like on how to live. I allowed negative people/ environments to continuously put me down and keep me down, that even though I was still breathing I was dead inside.

By setting myself goals, I am regaining my self confidence and am starting to realise as to what life is once again.why I still have a long way to go, I finally feel free to start letting go of the past.

Everyone deserves their right to their life.
if you can try taking up hobbies other than drinking or smoking. Meeting random strangers has never been the issue for you but everyone is different and the ones who do obviously see a positive trait about you. Eventually you would meet someone who wants to travel or learn a new language too
if you can try taking up hobbies other than drinking or smoking. Meeting random strangers has never been the issue for you but everyone is different and the ones who do obviously see a positive trait about you. Eventually you would meet someone who wants to travel or learn a new language too

Thank you
i am going to go to my first martial arts lesson in 20 years! Really looking forward to it!
I cannot recommend The Barefoot Investor highly enough.

Not a self help book or anything, purely about managing finances and investing.

I've always earnt pretty good cash, but have been shocking with managing finances which without knowing has gotten me down.

I'm probably still depressed I guess, but this book was exactly what I needed.

Cutting back the booze, upping the exercise and getting in control of my life.

I'm hoping that this will lead me to a place where I care again, but it certainly feels like a step in the right direction.
I appreciate reading peoples posts in here and sharing them with us. I think it's important that people with mental health concerns can share with like minded people.

I won't go into a life story but will just say i suffer from clinical depression and anxiety for many years. Most of those years i didn't realise it until about 5 years back when it manifested. It really got bad when i was sacked from a job which had never happened to me before and the weight piled on and low self worth got worse.

It's no doubt it is a vicious cycle which needs monitoring and the right support networks in place. A couple of years back i was studying at TAFE and was having several months of feeling well and decided without consulting my GP to cut my meds back. I seemed fine for about 5 days when a couple of traumatic events nearly tipped me over the edge. I had made plans to suicide down to a T. I felt like i was numb and not in my body. It was a really scary experience i never want to have again. I must of had a guardian angel watching over me as earlier i remembered seeing a commercial on Tv about lifeline. A voice in my head was telling me to kill myself but there was like another voice telling me to call lifeline. I am glad i listened to that message as that's what i did and i am still here today.

I saw on facebook an advertisement for a program through beyond blue called New Access which i decided to try and had great success for me. It helped me to start setting goals again in my life which i never thought possible as depression as we know causes many of us to live one day at a time without positive thoughts of the future. I went back to TAFE last year and studied community services which is a whole new career change for me as i used to work in retail.

I volunteered at the mental health team at the hospital as that's where i wanted to work and now i am part time working as a peer support worker in the rehab team and inpatient unit helping to empower others. So funny enough to say i am using my mental illness to my advantage in helping others.

I still get bad days and am always trying to look after myself as it is a challenging job i do and if i am unwell i can't be at my best in helping others. If i didn't have this job then i would hate to think where i would be right now.

I am also battling a diagnosis of cancer from late last year which at the moment is clear and out of my body which makes me happy. I have other health concerns also but nothing life threatening and i need to eat better and exercise more to help reduce those symptoms. Small steps is the key to working on these goals.

I just wanted to share a little about my self for those people who may be feeling helpless that you can turn things around. Please don't give up on life because we all have so much to offer.
I appreciate reading peoples posts in here and sharing them with us. I think it's important that people with mental health concerns can share with like minded people.

I won't go into a life story but will just say i suffer from clinical depression and anxiety for many years. Most of those years i didn't realise it until about 5 years back when it manifested. It really got bad when i was sacked from a job which had never happened to me before and the weight piled on and low self worth got worse.

It's no doubt it is a vicious cycle which needs monitoring and the right support networks in place. A couple of years back i was studying at TAFE and was having several months of feeling well and decided without consulting my GP to cut my meds back. I seemed fine for about 5 days when a couple of traumatic events nearly tipped me over the edge. I had made plans to suicide down to a T. I felt like i was numb and not in my body. It was a really scary experience i never want to have again. I must of had a guardian angel watching over me as earlier i remembered seeing a commercial on Tv about lifeline. A voice in my head was telling me to kill myself but there was like another voice telling me to call lifeline. I am glad i listened to that message as that's what i did and i am still here today.

I saw on facebook an advertisement for a program through beyond blue called New Access which i decided to try and had great success for me. It helped me to start setting goals again in my life which i never thought possible as depression as we know causes many of us to live one day at a time without positive thoughts of the future. I went back to TAFE last year and studied community services which is a whole new career change for me as i used to work in retail.

I volunteered at the mental health team at the hospital as that's where i wanted to work and now i am part time working as a peer support worker in the rehab team and inpatient unit helping to empower others. So funny enough to say i am using my mental illness to my advantage in helping others.

I still get bad days and am always trying to look after myself as it is a challenging job i do and if i am unwell i can't be at my best in helping others. If i didn't have this job then i would hate to think where i would be right now.

I am also battling a diagnosis of cancer from late last year which at the moment is clear and out of my body which makes me happy. I have other health concerns also but nothing life threatening and i need to eat better and exercise more to help reduce those symptoms. Small steps is the key to working on these goals.

I just wanted to share a little about my self for those people who may be feeling helpless that you can turn things around. Please don't give up on life because we all have so much to offer.
great post. Well done on getting through your darkest days, and even going on to help others
Happy Father's Day to all those dads out there
I hope you got to spend some time with your kids and if you are away from them then I hope ur doing ok
Also to the mums on this thread, hope you all are well too
I spent the day with my little monsters and it was great
A hand made card from my little girl and a colourful painted rock from my little man saying I was his rock
Cheers all
Happy Father's Day to all those dads out there
I hope you got to spend some time with your kids and if you are away from them then I hope ur doing ok
Also to the mums on this thread, hope you all are well too
I spent the day with my little monsters and it was great
A hand made card from my little girl and a colourful painted rock from my little man saying I was his rock
Cheers all
another great post!

A very special father's day to those who have lost their fathers, and those who miss their kids due to separation or estrangement.
Ended up with severe depression and extreme work related stress back in May. Resigned not long after. Was teaching disengaged and disadvantaged students (kids with drug/alcohol issues, issues with the law, mental health issues, trauma effected, bad homes, etc). Did a number on me in my first year of teaching. Taking a break at the moment, but doing a lot better now. Just gotta work on my self confidence, self control and try to refrain from drinking excessively every other weekend which doesn't particularly agree with me. Nearly at the end of my course of anti-depressants too, so going to start taking half doses so I can ease off slowly.

Started taking half doses within the last week. Doing really well. Felt happy/like my old self again the other day. Was a great feeling. :)

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Mod. Notice Depressed? Anxious? Call Beyond Blue (1300 224636), Lifeline (131114), resources in OP

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