Mod. Notice Depressed? Anxious? Call Beyond Blue (1300 224636), Lifeline (131114), resources in OP

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I have heard of those high density pools in which u actually float on the surface...supposed to be very calming and meditative. Have u tried it?

Google search a salt water float tank near you and go and try it. Well worth the 60 or 70 bucks price.

The warm water is packed with magnesium salts and when you lay down in the water you just float on top without sinking..legs and all.

You close the lid, the lights go out and you just float there in silence and in total darkness. (You can have colour light on if needed)

After about 10 minutes I swear to god you feel like you're floating in space. No sense of up or down and just hovering without gravity. You can't even feel the water around you.

It's a magical experience that's like the ultimate form of meditation.

And after you get out an hour later all the magnesium has penetrated your body and you feel incredibly loose and free minded.

Give it a go folks. It's awesome.
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Google search a salt water float tank near you and go and try it. Well worth the 60 or 70 bucks price.

The warm water is packed with magnesium salts and when you lay down in the water you just float on top without sinking..legs and all.

You close the lid, the lights go out and you just float there in silence and in total darkness. (You can have colour light on if needed)

After about 10 minutes I swear to god you feel like you're floating in space. No sense of up or down and just hovering without gravity. You can't even feel the water around you.

It's a magical experience that's like the ultimate form of meditation.

And after you get out an hour later all the magnesium has penetrated your body and you feel incredibly loose and free minded.

Give it a go folks. It's awesome.
Sounds trippy, might have to give that a go. Where are these things?

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That looks absolutely awesome!

It is awesome:)

If you're in Perth "Float Fremantle" is a great place I go and experience this wonderfully way to relaxxxxxxx.

The “enclosed bathtubs” are designed to block out all external distractions such as sights, sounds, tactile sensations and even the sense of gravity to “trick your brain into thinking that you’re floating in mid-air”.

One hour of flotation, which costs $79, is meant to be as relaxing as four hours’ sleep.

Former AFL star Paul Medhurst swears by the devices.

“You’re always looking to get the best out of yourself, whether on a physical level or on a mental one,” he said.
Well after 9 years I've finally had the courage to not take any more emotional and sometimes physical abuse from my partner and left
The hardest thing to say goodbye to my little ones
God help me
That sounds really rough, hope you're doing okay - happy to have a chat if you're ever feeling down, and that goes for everyone! :)
Just saw this thread and thought I was share my story....
Never was diagnosed with "Depression or Anxiety but did really go through a real rough patch starting around September/October of 2015.

I could see it coming from at least 5-6 Months out but thought it was just something I would just get over as I have had similar episodes before (Clearly the Wrong Decision). I hit a wall the night after the Bulldogs BnF night and woke the next morning feeling the worst I had ever felt mentally (I didn't drink at that point in my life)

Life had stagnated since I left High School (No Job/No Motivation to Study and was just stuck) at that point 4 Years and Home, Social and Personal life all attributed to the "Down Fall". It was a fair assumption to make that the "Zest for Life" was not there or almost completely gone and the dark thoughts started not long after with "Would anyone care if I wasn't around anymore".

The best decision I made was going to a Counselor I was with him for a good 9-10 Months through '16, He basically acted as a sounding board that I could just vent about stuff that was going on to try and get to the root issues.

But no means am I completely out of the woods but I have certainly made significant progress like re-connecting and calling a truce with my old man after we had a falling out 10 Years prior, Dropping a 33kg and was getting to a point where I thought I could play footy again (Until a bum Achilles stopped me which I'm still working on), Commenced study in Screen and Media at RMIT University and loving it and just feeling good about myself and getting that confidence in yourself back.

I guess the moral of the story is: If you need help to get it, F**k whoever judges anyone going to getting themselves right. You should never feel ashamed to go and seek the help you need.

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Hi, i have been battling the demons for the past 6 or 7 years. Things took a toll in 2015 when things went bad, 2016 was also a shocker of a year and this year has been much the same. Seem to be going thru a rut where things won't go my way (my industry is dead at the minute), have found myself to have a few happy months then all of sudden the demons come crashing in then i turn to myself again, just problem after problem no matter how hard i decide to work. I don't really want to bring my family into it anymore because I'm ashamed how much ive put them thru, i think my sister has given up on me after the huge amount i have had to put her thru which is fair enough i guess. Always had a problem making the wrong decisions, saying the wrong things and financially stuffing money up the wall, don't really have confidence around my friends anymore as all i do is worry what they think about me. Lately I've found out the woman who i have a child with has been dating a friend I've known since i was 2 or 3, it's not that it's hard to deal with its the principle of it all, there are people out there who will do anything to destroy you for such little reasons it sucks but it's just the way it is.

Big thanks to the BigFooty staff who created this sub thread, never been a bloke for anyone to take serious on here but its a great thing you have done. Mental health is a huge issue it never declines but only you can make changes for the better and try to see the positive out of life.
Hi, i have been battling the demons for the past 6 or 7 years. Things took a toll in 2015 when things went bad, 2016 was also a shocker of a year and this year has been much the same. Seem to be going thru a rut where things won't go my way (my industry is dead at the minute), have found myself to have a few happy months then all of sudden the demons come crashing in then i turn to myself again, just problem after problem no matter how hard i decide to work. I don't really want to bring my family into it anymore because I'm ashamed how much ive put them thru, i think my sister has given up on me after the huge amount i have had to put her thru which is fair enough i guess. Always had a problem making the wrong decisions, saying the wrong things and financially stuffing money up the wall, don't really have confidence around my friends anymore as all i do is worry what they think about me. Lately I've found out the woman who i have a child with has been dating a friend I've known since i was 2 or 3, it's not that it's hard to deal with its the principle of it all, there are people out there who will do anything to destroy you for such little reasons it sucks but it's just the way it is.

Big thanks to the BigFooty staff who created this sub thread, never been a bloke for anyone to take serious on here but its a great thing you have done. Mental health is a huge issue it never declines but only you can make changes for the better and try to see the positive out of life.
Thanks for sharing. what sort of help have you sort for your difficult times?
Thanks for sharing. what sort of help have you sort for your difficult times?
I've been on anti depressants my whole adult life nearly (except when i had a break because of the side effects) and have seen therapists in the past. Just had a rough morning unfortunately and felt like telling someone, had a nice talk with my parents before feeling lots better now. Thank you :)
I've been on anti depressants my whole adult life nearly (except when i had a break because of the side effects) and have seen therapists in the past. Just had a rough morning unfortunately and felt like telling someone, had a nice talk with my parents before feeling lots better now. Thank you :)
good to hear. Always feel free to come here and share, or pm someone from this thread, because we are all here to support each other. I'm really glad your day improved. One thing I've found during my own trials is if allow my bad days to come then go on their own without adding to the pain by worrying or feeling sorry for myself, the good times come back quicker. We all tend to add to our own misery by how we process our troubles. It's a massive lesson to learn and I'm thankful my trials have taught me this.
good to hear. Always feel free to come here and share, or pm someone from this thread, because we are all here to support each other. I'm really glad your day improved. One thing I've found during my own trials is if allow my bad days to come then go on their own without adding to the pain by worrying or feeling sorry for myself, the good times come back quicker. We all tend to add to our own misery by how we process our troubles. It's a massive lesson to learn and I'm thankful my trials have taught me this.
Good on you mate, that is a brilliant way to look at it :) unfortunately some days we can't help but feel sorry for ourselves, as the years have gone by I've learned to not feel so sorry for myself and controlled those feelings and move forward with life. It's just the way the mind works unfortunately :( always great to speak to people in a similar situation.
Good on you mate, that is a brilliant way to look at it :) unfortunately some days we can't help but feel sorry for ourselves, as the years have gone by I've learned to not feel so sorry for myself and controlled those feelings and move forward with life. It's just the way the mind works unfortunately :( always great to speak to people in a similar situation.
I totally agree, it's our mind working away, trying to end our discomfort by pointless worry or self judgement. I've mentioned mindfulness in this thread many times, but I find it invaluable to catch my mind in unhelpful worry or judgements. Then it's easy to smile and let it pass. It's friggin awesome!!
I'm definitely feeling a level of anxiety and discomfort in my life that I haven't felt for a while.

Chris Cornell passed, that threw me back into the hole, as he was one of my absolute idols, and his music helped me conquer depression when I was 17. I've had a few lapses backwards since then, but never something as bad as how I've felt recently. Found myself spending a lot of time by myself, wanting to get out and be alone with no one knowing where I am. Went for a drive yesterday to the beach, sat and just mulled over things for an hour or so. Feels like I'm putting on a facade and masking how I'm properly feeling of late. God it's awful.

Moving away from family next week, maybe it's that. Maybe it's the unknown, maybe it's other shit on my mind. I don't even know. I just feel grey 24/7 of late.

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Mod. Notice Depressed? Anxious? Call Beyond Blue (1300 224636), Lifeline (131114), resources in OP

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