Play Nice Derailed, (The Place to Continue Off-Topic Discussion)

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The 2012 squad wasn’t much different to the 2011 squad?

Wholesale changes didn’t happen until 2013.
Not to my memory no.

Not sure what the point is with this.

Whichever way you wanna boil it down and dissect it, the following cannot be disputed.

A coach with no senior experience took the reigns of a team that was one the should've been GOAT teams, their record in the previous season is undeniable. This is something no club should ever entertain let alone go ahead with.

^This can't be denied, it happened and probably shouldn't have, and likely the biggest ever football decision fail in the clubs history, if not the whole league.

Yet, on these boards and everywhere else, we the fans discuss, we speculate about the following.
  • The succession plan announcement suddenly put mick into gear and that's why we won the flag:drunk:
  • The playing group or some of them were unhappy about that plan, not an unreasonable assessment, still we don't know for sure.
  • Buckley offered to stand aside until mick was ready to relinquish, again, not an unreasonable assessment, still we don't know for sure.
  • Despite the above Ed was having none of that and was insistent Buckley took over the reigns, yeah not sure, but being Ed can't be discounted.
  • Ed was insistent because he didn't want Bucks going to North, yeah not sure, but being Ed can't be discounted. If this is what Ed felt well then it's knee jerk reactive. Let him go and let mick get on with the job.
  • Some players were burnt out, past their time, etc. etc. to say 'wouldn't have won anyway coz x players were done, regardless of coach' - yeah this is scraping the barrel to excuse the failed plan.
  • If there was no succession plan we'd have more flags, a highly likely assessment given the team performance, still we don't know for sure.
Why do we oppose each other, defend / blame the failed succession plan? Because it was a likely missed opportunity for the ultimate, more flags, the reality is devastating so we bicker among each other in speculation to justify or blame the failed plan.

As much as I love this club I can never ever forgive it for the failed succession plan.
What proof have you got it didn’t?

I have conclusive proof that it did - including a Premiership Cup.

You suggest a dynasty as if it was a certain outcome with MM continuing, and conveniently ignore Geel completely demolished our game plan in 2011.

So MM would have faced a complete restructure to propel us to a dynasty, not to mention the possibility of injuries also derailing subsequent seasons - as actually happened.

So I have proof the succession plan gave us a flag.
Your attempts to discredit this fact is disingenuous.

If you want proof of optimism go and do a search it’s not hard mate.

And finally- you do realize the succession plan ended when MM walked away from his contract.
Any subsequent history is completely irrelevant and therefore unrelated to the plan.
No that is not proof, that is speculation.

Here's more speculation.
  • Because of the announcement mick lost focus of coaching and that cost us the flag in 2011 - not geelong
  • The playing group was unhappy with it and was a distraction to the task at hand.
  • Would've had more flags if the plan never existed
I could add more but I won't coz it's speculation, like all of yours in your post.

What is not speculation.

The club put in a place a coach with zero senior experience to lead a team with a 20-2 record and the highest %age in the history of the comp. That is not a percentage footy decision in anyone's language, in fact that is fool hardy, that can't be argued.

What is not speculation.

The succession plan failed. < Cannot be denied.

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No that is not proof, that is speculation.

Here's more speculation.
  • Because of the announcement mick lost focus of coaching and that cost us the flag in 2011 - not geelong
  • The playing group was unhappy with it and was a distraction to the task at hand.
  • Would've had more flags if the plan never existed
I could add more but I won't coz it's speculation, like all of yours in your post.

What is not speculation.

The club put in a place a coach with zero senior experience to lead a team with a 20-2 record and the highest %age in the history of the comp. That is not a percentage footy decision in anyone's language, in fact that is fool hardy, that can't be argued.

What is not speculation.

The succession plan failed. < Cannot be denied.
I don’t need to respond to your carry on - the facts speak for themselves. Your denial of reality is unfortunate.

And another FACT - the succession plan ended when MM left ( with another flag BTW).
And he was replaced by Eade - which was never part of Ed’s original plan.

I’ve made my irrefutable points - the debate ends here.
Why would anybody think the succession plan cost us a Premiership …

… but not think that it was the succession plan won us a Premiership?

Fact: we had a succession plan. Fact: we won a Premiership. Fact: Correlation doesn’t prove causality, but it’s a much easier argument than anything about what coulda happened in parallel universes where the facts are different.

Besides, I don’t get any arguments about the succession plan costing us the 2011 Premiership. What’s to say that without the succession plan we wouldn’t have finished 6th in the 2011 season?!?!?

But we wouldn’t have been getting rid of a Premiership coach? He would have been leaving of his own accord.
100% correct here mate.
Succession plan gave us a flag - end of debate.
MM ripped up the succession plan after 2011 so it ended on his departure.

What came next was not Ed’s plan - Eade was not MM.
Just listening to your captain's interview on Radio National. What an impressive human being. Top bloke.

I've been lurking on this thread on and off as I was priveliged enough to see his first game at Docklands. He galloped through the middle like a spring foal and kicked 4 (?).It was an unusual and entertaining debut. He was playing basketball in a footy game.

I always knew he'd be a stsr & I kept the faith unlike some others in the early stages of this thread (you know who you are !!!!) :)

Congrats on the premiership
For anyone who wanted to listen:

Good reminder for everyone to vote, early voting is already open :thumbsu:
I don't think that Darcy Moore will be influencing many --or any-- on the referendum, but I'm convinced that leadership and politics will be a big part of his post-playing life.
I don't think that Darcy Moore will be influencing many --or any-- on the referendum, but I'm convinced that leadership and politics will be a big part of his post-playing life.
He won't be influencing me. Nor will all the entertainers etc that have bombarded us.

On another matter. I thought he was quite poor in the GF. But listening to the latest jock & journo videocast, Pendles said Moore's ankle was blown up like a balloon from the prelim & had a lot to do to take even the field. Probably a valid reason he was below his best.
He won't be influencing me. Nor will all the entertainers etc that have bombarded us.

On another matter. I thought he was quite poor in the GF. But listening to the latest jock & journo videocast, Pendles said Moore's ankle was blown up like a balloon from the prelim & had a lot to do to take even the field. Probably a valid reason he was below his best.
Poor you, bombarded by those on something important. Boo hoo
Poor you, bombarded by those on something important. Boo hoo
No need for the snarky post. Poor form.
I & many others are over the whole bloody thing.
There isn’t anything you post that will make me feel differently.
‘so perhaps move on.

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gouki88 and frizzle

because you can no longer see each other, just wanted to let you know you have both continued with some strong insults
No I’m not insulting him any more since the sod off comment that was probably uncalled for and pretty ordinary of me.
‘He is very politically minded it seems. Not just on the voice. Whereas I’m 59 years old & I haven’t Voted for either party in over 20 years. I don’t trust either of them as far as I can throw them. So I should have just bit my lip. Live & learn I guess. Even at my age.

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Play Nice Derailed, (The Place to Continue Off-Topic Discussion)

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