Multiplat Destiny 2

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Okay, yeh, did Stasis stuff so at least got to that stage. Just as long as I don't pay $150 and then go to do something and it says I have to buy a previous release to go to a location.

It shouldn't do that for anything related to Lightfall. The only thing you'll be missing I think besides the Witch Queen campaign I'm assuming would be the Enclave. I'm not sure if that's restricted to Witch Queen owners or not but the way every seasonal weapon works now is you have a chance for a red border version. After "extracting" usually 5 red borders of the same weapon you get the ability to craft it then level it up and reshape with the perks you want. Not having access to that would be a real bummer. However if you find you get back into the Destiny grind I'm sure you'll be able to pick up Witch Queen at a future time really cheap. I think I saw it for $25 recently. With the rotational raids and dungeons you might consider that in the future too to have access to Vow of the Disciple and King's Fall raids, as well as Duality and Spire of the Watcher dungeons.

Only down side to grabbing the $150 version is if you stop playing and not playing the seasons you paid for. As a regular player it's a no brainer for me to just pay that once and know I've got all content for the expansion, but I know some guys who just buy the base expansion then pay for the seasons and dungeons as they drop if they're still playing. No wrong way to do it but those are your options.
When you're GM farming and the one single champion that despawned prevents you from getting platinum rewards and the weapon you're specifically farming for.

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As someone who has played since the PS3 Destiny 1 days, is D2 worth it for a new player? I played New Light last year but it was only 3 hours worth of tutorials. I quickly realised that the real content of the game is the DLC.
Hard to say, depends on what you want out of it. It's more of a traditional MMO than anything else, it's constantly changing and updating and that happens through expansions. I don't recommend it to anybody who wants to solo play or inexperienced with games that involve things like build crafting and a bit of grind and dedication. It can be rewarding if you put the time in though to find a clan and be involved. I've been with my current clan for about 9 months and I really like it and still in touch with some old clan mates from D1 and early D2 days. We still occasionally group up for shits and giggles.

Currently the game operates on a seasonal model and so far it has been 4 seasons per expansion going for roughly 3 and a bit months each. The typical trend is the game is super busy the first 6-8 weeks of a season. The regulars in my clan are pretty tight and we're in touch 24/7 on Discord shit posting even if we're bored of a season. I've always had an MMO in my life going back to Ultima Online in the late 90s through WoW and these days Destiny. I like the social aspect. The game has its ups and downs and goes through some lean patches but overall I think it has been a great experience. Though I dread any new or returning player trying to get up to speed on the story lol.

Edit: also forgot to add, the game is completely cross platform now which is awesome. Will be even better when Discord is fully integrated into PS5 shortly.
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My clan have taken in the usual pre-expansion surge of new/returning players so we've closed recruitment momentarily, however there are a lot I don't anticipate sticking around. If anyone is bitten by the Destiny bug again early Lightfall and looking for a clan then let me know.

We're almost entirely Aus based and would be considered medium sized. We usually cap the clan around ~70 with usually 20-30 regularly active players throughout a season (though it might drop off a bit the last few weeks of a season which is normal). Mostly play eastern time zone friendly times but we have one group who play together more earlier in the evening while myself and some others are more active later. Experience doesn't matter, everyone is always happy to teach stuff.
Yeah, woke up not feeling the best, decided of all days not to power through, it's this one.

Played the first mission. Petty strong so far.
Only negative has been the intro to the Neptunians. Not convinced of the character designs there.
The end boss of the first level kicked my ass many times 🤣. I found my self running in fear when it got close.
Think it was the 3rd or 4th mission and 2 of us doing it and were in a small room with these bloody Dementors or something they were called. They kicked our arse a few times as they chased after you and just hammered you. Brought back memories (in a larger arena) of running laps when doing Skolas.
So far I've found tormentors mostly susceptible to crowd control, only two haven't been. Running void lock with vortex nades, wishender and a Wilderflight with blinding nades. Wishender is one shotting almost everything and due to shield piercing it's even shooting through shields. Does heaps of damage to crit spots on bosses too and more damage = faster super. Then Wilderflight into packs of enemies or a tormentor blinds them and I follow it up either with a Hothead shot or vortex grenade. Room with two tormentors was sketchy but I just kept moving. Strangely one could be blinded but the other couldn't. Hardest was one in mission 6 where you're in a tight room with one and I couldn't blind that one either. I find it worse when there are adds spawning along side the tormentor because the tormentor is easy to kite but it's the adds that get you in the end.

Another easy way that a lot of people are getting through is with Stasis as the tormentors can be frozen.

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