Game Day Dogs vs Swans - Grand Final - Sat 1st Oct 2.30PM @ MCG

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Been in my standing room since 10:15. Filling up extremely quickly so get in asap if you're standing room

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"It's got to be a do-or-die effort. It's got to be a determined effort. You've got to show me all the guts and determination you've got in your body. You've got to inspire me with this last quarter finish. You've been in front all day and you've got to stay there."

GO DOGGIES!!!!!!!!

I will be barracking for you hard!!
Which bay are you in mate? Are they checking tickets even for standing?
Nah you can walk into any bay as long as you're not blocked by a fence (members etc). We're Bay M8 in the pocket in southern stand

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Good luck guys. Not sure if already mentioned but the last time a team had zero grand final experience and won the flag was 1996 when North won. We also won the reserves flag and had a club champion miss out due to an acl injury (Longmire). Obvious parallels to your side, so hope it's a lucky omen.

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Alright, this has finally kicked in for me. Ridiculously nervous. Go Dogs.
The mcg might be a massive stadium but it's so shit. I've got friends in the opposite stand but can't even go say hi because I'm blocked by idiot mcc members on one side and no link around on the other. Pathetic.
My brother is at the game, must be at a function because he sent me a photo of him & Max Gawn and told me Maxy complimented his beard lol
I moved back to Melbourne after over 30 years away, and I've ended up living in Footscray. I just want to say that I am overwhelmed with pride for the way the entire area has got behind the Dogs, even my daughter is running around in a Dogs jersey, and I myself am feeling things for the side that I never thought I would.

Get out there today and show them what you are made of, Dogs. It's Footscray's turn, it's Footscray's time. You deserve to win this game today, and I am positive that you will go out there and make it happen.

Go Dogs.
go doggies! been down with the flu since getting home from syd last week and got hardly any voice to cheer with today, so going to have to rely on mental telepathy...

about to head in, we can do this!!!
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