Don Dale Centre videos on 4 corners: treatment of children in custody (Northern Territory)

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From Qld. Adult prison juvenile detainee.

Queensland's Labor government is under mounting pressure to stop sending 17-year-olds to adult jails, after footage emerged of a young indigenous detainee being restrained and forced to wear a spit mask.

Footage taken in 2013 and published by The Courier-Mail on Tuesday shows a seemingly compliant 17-year-old indigenous detainee being handcuffed by six officers and put in a spit mask at the Brisbane Correctional Centre.

At no time does the teen appear to resist or display any violent behaviour, nor can he be seen spitting.

Peter Lyons, from the Prisoners Legal Service, uncovered the footage as it looked into the teen's treatment when the former LNP government was in power.

He's told the ABC the teen was observed pressing an intercom button incessantly and yelling under a door, but he later found out he was asking for more toilet paper for his cell.

"The next thing you see on the video is six officers entering the cell and asking him to kneel down and face the wall ..." Mr Lyons said.

"It ends up with him having hand cuffs attached to him and then placed on a restraining belt and then what's commonly known as a spit mask placed on his head."

Queensland's attorney-general Yvette D'Ath says spit hoods are not used in the state's juvenile detention centres, but in this case the teen was on remand at an adult facility.

Ms D'Ath has already ordered an independent review of Queensland's youth justice system, in the wake of the Northern Territory's juvenile detention scandal and similar complaints of abuse at some Queensland facilities.

Why is a juvenile in an adult system?

He shouldn't be. It's as simple as that. It says in the article he was on remand, so there was probably an argument that it would only be for a short time BUT even still, he should receive the same treatment and protections as those in the juvenile justice system. Hopefully all this negative media attention will actually make a difference.

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The Northern Territory chief minister in charge when teenage inmates were teargassed has attacked the “pathetic” child detention royal commission as being too consumed with “gotcha moments” to achieve meaningful change.

This week, commissioners Margaret White and Mick Gooda condemned Adam Giles, who established the $54m inquiry alongside prime minister Malcolm Turnbull last year, for his lack of cooperation while giving testimony.

“He completely abrogated his responsibilities as chief minister, and had the gall to sit there and say he was coming in to give evidence to make things better for Aboriginal kids in the NT,” Gooda told the ABC.

White said she was astonished by the stupidity of people in power who ignored lessons from past failings and “seem disinterested in evidence-based solutions”.

Giles hit back at the co-chairs, dismissing their comments as “leftwing hyperbole” and saying their “wishy-washy” final report’s recommendation to shift from detention to rehabilitation would allow young criminals to terrorise communities.

“That was the most pathetic, bureaucratic process I have ever seen. I can already foresee that the royal commission will not improve lives,” he told the Australian on Wednesday. “You ran a second-rate bullshit process.”

The ex-Country Liberals leader said the reason he said “I don’t recall” so many times in the witness box was because he was denied access to the calendars, emails and diaries he used while in office from 2013 to 2016.

He said the “disgraceful and unprofessional” probe targeted individuals in the same way that the ABC’s “biased” Four Corners program did when it sparked the inquiry by airing 2014 footage of boys being spit-hooded and tear gassed at the Don Dale juvenile centre which is due to close.
Textbook response, it's all a lefty plot.
He said the “disgraceful and unprofessional” probe targeted individuals in the same way that the ABC’s “biased” Four Corners program did when it sparked the inquiry by airing 2014 footage of boys being spit-hooded and tear gassed at the Don Dale juvenile centre which is due to close.
He doesn't like that they "targeted individuals"? Presumably he'd rather they looked at the system? Funny thing that - it's exactly what kids getting spit-hooded and tear-gassed might think...
well royal commission has come and gone cost the Australian taxpayer millions and millions the lawyers are all cashed up and what has come out of it? a big fat ZERO (who would have thought) from a biased ABC report and a knee jerk reaction from our weak kneed prime minister almost two years to achieve nothing, crime is worse than ever in the NT but on a side note the two young punks who were in jail for bashing people and stealing their cars and got accidently tear gassed received $50,000 each while their victims received ZERO (who would have thought)
well royal commission has come and gone cost the Australian taxpayer millions and millions the lawyers are all cashed up and what has come out of it? a big fat ZERO (who would have thought) from a biased ABC report and a knee jerk reaction from our weak kneed prime minister almost two years to achieve nothing, crime is worse than ever in the NT but on a side note the two young punks who were in jail for bashing people and stealing their cars and got accidently tear gassed received $50,000 each while their victims received ZERO (who would have thought)

What expectation do you place on a Royal Commission?
I expect or hope we get value for money and workable solutions, we got nothing it dragged on and fizzled out the only thing to come out of it was a few bleeding hearts can sleep better at night because they think they tried to make life a little easier for some innocent young kids who are actually vicious thugs whose victims are forgotten
I suppose the NT government could have supplied all of its correctional officers with full plastic raincoats and face shields for when they dealt with the likes of Voller.
Might get a bit warm, considering it's the NT, but those places are air-conditioned aren't they?

Oh, and of course hire an extra janitors to follow him around with a mop. Wet floors are an OH&S issue, you know.
I expect or hope we get value for money and workable solutions, we got nothing it dragged on and fizzled out the only thing to come out of it was a few bleeding hearts can sleep better at night because they think they tried to make life a little easier for some innocent young kids who are actually vicious thugs whose victims are forgotten
BS. If you hoped we got change or solutions, you wouldn't be dismissing it as a waste of money less than two months since a report, which includes the Christmas period when everything slows down.

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BS. If you hoped we got change or solutions, you wouldn't be dismissing it as a waste of money less than two months since a report, which includes the Christmas period when everything slows down.
I will tell you one thing that hasn't slowed down and that is juvenile crime in the NT. The only thing to come out of it was you now have to be 13 instead of 11 to be arrested and they are going to knock down the big don dale jail and build a new state of the art air-conditioned 'facility' and the other thing the lawyers made a shit load of money
I will tell you one thing that hasn't slowed down and that is juvenile crime in the NT. The only thing to come out of it was you now have to be 13 instead of 11 to be arrested and they are going to knock down the big don dale jail and build a new state of the art air-conditioned 'facility' and the other thing the lawyers made a shit load of money
Oh. So they have done something already. Despite you claiming:
we got nothing it dragged on and fizzled out
I guess you were just spinning.
I was being sarcastic raising the age a young crim can be arrested is a step backwards and destroying a jail that young crims didn't want to go to and building them a young crim resort is a step backwards, basically if they had done nothing we would be better off-they have done less than nothing
I will tell you one thing that hasn't slowed down and that is juvenile crime in the NT. The only thing to come out of it was you now have to be 13 instead of 11 to be arrested and they are going to knock down the big don dale jail and build a new state of the art air-conditioned 'facility' and the other thing the lawyers made a shit load of money
So, we had a Royal Commission because of two reasons:
1) if a juvenile prisoner is spitting on you and trying to bite you it is wrong to put a hoodie on them; and
2) if a juvenile prisoner is assaulting you and out of control it is wrong to strap them down.

I was being sarcastic raising the age a young crim can be arrested is a step backwards and destroying a jail that young crims didn't want to go to and building them a young crim resort is a step backwards, basically if they had done nothing we would be better off-they have done less than nothing
Juvenile crime is the result of systemic and generational issues, but yeah, the RC should have totally solved it by now and started working on climate change next :drunk:
Textbook response, it's all a lefty plot.

How are those billions of $ spent over the last thirty years going on improving the situation?

If at first you dont succeed piss more taxpayers money away. Logical.

Its like Mugabe trying to blame the British.
How are those billions of $ spent over the last thirty years going on improving the situation?

If at first you dont succeed piss more taxpayers money away. Logical.

Its like Mugabe trying to blame the British.
I don't know the answer, neither do you but for the Chief Minister while what the RC investigated to slam it and question it's motivations in the way that Giles has just because an unfavourable light was shone on him is pathetic and undermining. It's also typical of the modern conservatives who while they claim to want to conserve institutions ie marriage, tend to only want to do so until the centuries old institution gets in their way ie this RC (RCs against their enemies are serious matters though which must be respected) or S44 of the Constitution, then it's open season.
the ABC showed a biased sensationalised one sided story,our prime minister thought I must be seen doing something because the majority of juveniles involved were aboriginal he scrambled together a hasty royal commission which everyone knows takes years to go through the motions and people forgot what it was all about and nothing was done to help the community or young crims and it cost millions of dollars which could have been spent on helping these young people, quite pathetic really
How does it even cost $54 million to hold a royal commission like that? Is the queen herself involved or something?

Surely, it's mostly a matter of conducting interviews, touring some facilities, reading up on particular cases, etc. How many people are involved in the commission and how much are they paying them?

I offer my services for the next one and will do it for just a million. And I'll donate half of that back to the community.
How does it even cost $54 million to hold a royal commission like that? Is the queen herself involved or something?

Surely, it's mostly a matter of conducting interviews, touring some facilities, reading up on particular cases, etc. How many people are involved in the commission and how much are they paying them?

I offer my services for the next one and will do it for just a million. And I'll donate half of that back to the community.
lawyers took millions
the whole thing was a farce and no one is held accountable it cost 54 million I could have told them the problem for $54: dead beat losers breed with other deadbeats dumbos as often as they can they bring children into this world who they don't want and cant or wont look after they give them a terrible childhood and no role models at all throw in drugs alcohol abuse domestic violence and a justice system that is weak as water and away we go again and repeat with their children and so on and so on, I title my report: never ending story or you don't get apples from pear trees

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Don Dale Centre videos on 4 corners: treatment of children in custody (Northern Territory)

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