I'm disgusted. What a disgraceful club we have become.

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One of, if not the most profitable and powerful off field clubs in Australian sport yet hasn't been able to field a semi competitive team in any of the 3 comps (AFL, WAFL, and AFLW) in the last 2/3 years.

But yeah, there's excuses or reasons....
Profitable but handicapped and having to prop up the rest of the poor clubs. No point having all the money when you’re not allowed to use any of it so they can level the playing field.

That’s despite the playing field already not being level with the excessive travel is and Freo do in comparison to the other teams. Why are we not allowed to offset some of that with the money we have? It’s ridiculous that it’s only “unfair” when it suits
As the philosopher Dolly Parton once said, if you want the rainbow you have to put up with the rain.

Tonight was by so far our worst performance of the year, because not only did we get belted but we didn't show any of the game style improvements that we'd seen in the early rounds.
Profitable but handicapped and having to prop up the rest of the poor clubs. No point having all the money when you’re not allowed to use any of it so they can level the playing field.

That’s despite the playing field already not being level with the excessive travel is and Freo do in comparison to the other teams. Why are we not allowed to offset some of that with the money we have? It’s ridiculous that it’s only “unfair” when it suits
thats socialism, thats the AFL

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I kinda enjoy the melts. Most of the people who are bemoaning the club at the moment will disappear the moment we come even remotely good. Sure, we're at a low point, but we just have to enjoy the ride.
Profitable but handicapped and having to prop up the rest of the poor clubs. No point having all the money when you’re not allowed to use any of it so they can level the playing field.

That’s despite the playing field already not being level with the excessive travel is and Freo do in comparison to the other teams. Why are we not allowed to offset some of that with the money we have? It’s ridiculous that it’s only “unfair” when it suits
Heres a fact.

Our players have to work more days for the same money as vic players. Something around the 15 days a year more mark - more if finals.

That should be remunerated.
What sort of contract and how many years did we give,
That stupid club song?

No rules about not delisting that mid season.

Can't do much about the playing list during the season (MSD won't help a lot but weight get someone close to Culley level of we look hard enough).

Club song and some personnel can be changed asap.
The club song - you must have a good memory.

For something that is played once or twice a year, there is too much discussion about it.
I kinda enjoy the melts. Most of the people who are bemoaning the club at the moment will disappear the moment we come even remotely good. Sure, we're at a low point, but we just have to enjoy the ride.

The reason we are in this position is ankle and hamstring injuries. We currently have 6 hamstring injuries and 4 ankle injuries.

Remove those injuries and we have a normal injury list. Whatever is causing these injuries is destroying the club.

Are we doing too much indoor training on concrete? I have no idea, but it must be something systemic like that.
The reason we are in this position is ankle and hamstring injuries. We currently have 6 hamstring injuries and 4 ankle injuries.

Remove those injuries and we have a normal injury list. Whatever is causing these injuries is destroying the club.

Are we doing too much indoor training on concrete? I have no idea, but it must be something systemic like that.
Great reply.
and so AsterixTheGaul has blown his w@d.
get your thing off sometheher else. You add No value here

there are bots here
Geez, I know I get picked up occasionally for the odd grammer mistake. But let's just set the bench mark right here as a reminder to everyone that it could be a lot worse

I'm not so bad after all😂

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I'm happy enough with Simpson, we asked for a rejuvenated game plan and for the most part we were seeing it. The players were buying in after Round 2 and then the wheels fell off. A loss like last night was always going to happen at some point.

Normally the Coach is the scapegoat and in this case it might turn out that history repeats itself but i'm more annoyed with list management, S&C, Club Doctors & Upper management.

Trevor Nisbett should have stepped aside a a year or two ago and handed the reigns to Vozzo, or at the very least announced a succession plan. Sadly he's the Queen and he'll hold onto the position till death. I don't even know who would replace him if he did leave atm. Certainly no one internally so we're probably stuck with him. His level headiness has been a blessing in years past but you could argue his belief in some at the club that are underperforming is no longer admirable. Such as Warren Kofoed.

We moved some deck chairs around in the S&C department last year but how the **** Warren Kofoed kept his job is beyond me. The head honcho stays but his staffs get moved on. Explain that one to me.

I've been satisfied enough with our drafting the past few years but why in the hell do we give out 2 year deals to blokes that are constantly injured and or over 30?

First the club says Nic is only a few weeks away, then they update it to a few more. Then Simmo comes out and admits they always knew it was a long term injury. He states Nic has been dealing with Achilles injuries for a awhile now. So why the **** give him two years? I love Nic and he's been a loyal servant to the club. It would kill me to him wear another clubs colours but offering a two year deal to a 114kg, 32 year old Fijian (i mention his ethnicity as typically they are big fellas) with bad knees and a dodgy achilles seems crazy. Yet we did it.

Gov is now asking for two years. Same with Cripps. Gov has played a total of 40 games in the last 4 years to date. He is such a valuable player but what am i missing here? He's had some unlucky "collision" accidents but he's still injury prone. Regardless of what the injury is. Cripps hasn't had the injuries that Gov has but he will still be 32 years old this time next year. Why would we give a bloke a two year deal heading into his 33rd year?

As for Boots? I love the guy but the time has come to tap him on the shoulder and say it's time. Don't even know what to do with Yeo. His prime has been wasted by our inability to get him fit. Such a waste.

All these servants have been loyal but loyalty goes both ways and they have been paid well and not shopped around. A one year deal with triggers for another year should be the maximum that's offered to anyone the other side of 30. If that's not good enough then see you later.

Hard calls need to be made on the future of this club. I don't think throwing the whole list out and playing just youth is the answer. We need some experience to help guide them and to avoid a season of performances like last night but the elders in the group need to make the future of the club their priority, whether that's with their contracts or their positions in the team. If they are not on board with that then it's time to say farewell.

Lastly we need to get a lot better at recruiting. We are going to have a lot of money in our shopping bag soon and heaven forbid we **** it all up and overpay for just anyone. At both the trade table and contract negotiations. I don't mind paying a little more coin to secure the right person if we pay less at the trade table. Don't worry about the good guy persona, just get the best deal for OUR club.

We are not the basket case the eastern state like to thump their chests about but we are on the precipice of having to make some very important decisions regarding the fitness of this club, the direction of this club and the management of the list and those decisions will play a major role in whether this rebuild lasts 3 years or 10.
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Genuine question: Are you eyes painted on? Because you clearly are oblivious to many of the changes that have been made.

You can't expect those changes to make any meaningful difference for the next season or 2. That's how the system is designed.

Dont bother.

This fool has had it explained to him with multiple fact many times.

He's a negative nancy who is throwing his lego out the cot because he cant accept we have focused on a rebuild and getting as many quality kids in now before Tasmania guts the draft. This draft is the key as is turning over the list much deeper this year.

Yes we will endure some painfull losses like last night. But changes have occured and others will continue to be made.

As fans are we happy. No. This is painful to endure.

But changes have occured and more will come. But in this competition the draft is set up for clubs to peak and then fall. We dont have advantages others do in attracting mature talent and we cant burn picks trading older players in.

When is the last time we had two rising star nominations?
Dont bother.

This fool has had it explained to him with multiple fact many times.

He's a negative nancy who is throwing his lego out the cot because he cant accept we have focused on a rebuild and getting as many quality kids in now before Tasmania guts the draft. This draft is the key as is turning over the list much deeper this year.

Yes we will endure some painfull losses like last night. But changes have occured and others will continue to be made.

As fans are we happy. No. This is painful to endure.

But changes have occured and more will come. But in this competition the draft is set up for clubs to peak and then fall. We dont have advantages others do in attracting mature talent and we cant burn picks trading older players in.

When is the last time we had two rising star nominations?
In the same year? Jake Waterman & Tom Cole in 2018..... So it's been a little while.
There’s a large space between top 8 and stuck languishing at the bottom of the table, below two other shocking teams.

This club needs to show its going to be moving into that large space, and it’s showing nothing.

Don't stone me to death here but this wouldn't be the worst year to finish dead last.

Clear number 1 pick and touted as a generational talent. He's a country boy and not a Vic Metro mummies boy so there's a chance we could convince him this is the place to be. If not there will be more than enough clubs that will throw up multiple first rounders to get him.

Added bonus is the first pick of night 2. Historically clubs gets overs for this pick if they are prepared to trade it and with a draft that apparently bats very deep into the second round there will almost certainly be clubs falling over themselves to get this pick for their perceived slider.

Yeah, we get another spoon but if it catapults us back up the ladder faster then maybe it's a blessing in disguise. I'm not advocating for us to tank but there won't be any tears from me if we finish dead last.
The reason we are in this position is ankle and hamstring injuries. We currently have 6 hamstring injuries and 4 ankle injuries.

Remove those injuries and we have a normal injury list. Whatever is causing these injuries is destroying the club.

Are we doing too much indoor training on concrete? I have no idea, but it must be something systemic like that.
Forrest Gumps summed it up, Shit Happens
I'm disgusted, flabbergasted, befuddled, bemused and paradoxically non-aligned with the hyper inflated emotional content of this thread?
Seriously, what was anyone expecting? Some magical turnaround when all our injured senior players return and play like it was the summer of 2018? Expecting all our young players to suddenly show amazing talent and skills and all turn into guns overnight? Or expecting them to play top teams week after week and not get battered and sore? We're barely managing to field a team, it's probably our C team?
There will be more of this over the coming weeks and season, with little ups+downs, little glimmers of light through the dark clouds - then the mid season draft - then the 2023 draft+trade period. Be patient grasshopper. It could be worse, you could support Fremantle? The thought they were headed for the GF this year?
Don't stone me to death here but this wouldn't be the worst year to finish dead last.

Clear number 1 pick and touted as a generational talent. He's a country boy and not a Vic Metro mummies boy so there's a chance we could convince him this is the place to be. If not there will be more than enough clubs that will throw up multiple first rounders to get him.

Added bonus is the first pick of night 2. Historically clubs gets overs for this pick if they are prepared to trade it and with a draft that apparently bats very deep into the second round there will almost certainly be clubs falling over themselves to get this pick for their perceived slider.

Yeah, we get another spoon but if it catapults us back up the ladder faster then maybe it's a blessing in disguise. I'm not advocating for us to tank but there won't be any tears from me if we finish dead last.
shame on you, whats the name of that #1 pick again?
I'm disgusted, flabbergasted, befuddled, bemused and paradoxically non-aligned with the hyper inflated emotional content of this thread?
Seriously, what was anyone expecting? Some magical turnaround when all our injured senior players return and play like it was the summer of 2018? Expecting all our young players to suddenly show amazing talent and skills and all turn into guns overnight? Or expecting them to play top teams week after week and not get battered and sore? We're barely managing to field a team, it's probably our C team?
There will be more of this over the coming weeks and season, with little ups+downs, little glimmers of light through the dark clouds - then the mid season draft - then the 2023 draft+trade period. Be patient grasshopper. It could be worse, you could support Fremantle? The thought they were headed for the GF this year?
Not a bad weekend overall, Toby (I just like him) got GWS up and Flagmantle regressed further to the bottom.
Rinse and repeat this excuse for the last 2 years I guess

In two years Ginbey and Long will be pushing 50 games and we'll have two more top 5 talents plus potentially a handful of other top 30.

They won't all make it but this isn't the EPL, big clubs don't just have sustained success as a birth right.
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