Fantasy Dynasty League 2009 - Discussion

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Re: Beta Dynasty - DISCUSSION - Part 2

Obviously I am also happy. I feel you can always find a WR, but a good RB is a lot harder. I am pretty stocked at both but don't have a whole lot of top quality. This sures up my RB's and now i can draft a WR if there's a good one when I pick. Good trade, shifty.

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Im Back.

Sorry for my huge absence on the forum.
I have been on holidays, finished school and started working over the last 3 or so months and have been pretty invisible as of late.

I might as well get straight to it.. Am i still allowed to partake in the fantasy league or not ? It is still my homepage and i checked it all the time i did log on and would love to continue playing.. But if not i'll understand. Either way let me know as i'd love to stay apart of it.
Re: Beta Dynasty - DISCUSSION - Part 2

NEVERRRR. Calvin Johnson, THE FREAKKKKK ahhhh god im happy i took him early. :thumbsu:
Yeah, i always updated and fiddled with my teams but never posted, so gotta get back into the habit of that. I'll give this thread a quick read over then post.
Re: Beta Dynasty - DISCUSSION - Part 2

Yeah whats the deal? Ive been absent too, my stuff (inc my computer)is on a boat somewhere and wont be here for another few weeks, so I need to use other peoples computers in the meantime which is a pain in the ass, anyway can someone gg pm me if im missing something important.
Re: Beta Dynasty - DISCUSSION - Part 2

There's nothing happening for about 2-3 months. The roster is locked. Before July you'll need to make sure about your 34 keepers, selecting them. So ESPN doesnt cut your whole team.

Then the Beta 6 round draft will happen around July/August.

Re: Beta Dynasty - DISCUSSION - Part 2

I just thought that as we slowly being to get closer and closer to our draft that we could all check in here at some point to make sure everyone is still involved. I take offense to GG's suggestions that our league is waning in interest and hopefully we can prove him and his Alpha babies wrong. I know it's still another two months or so before we really need to do anything, but some discussion regarding drafting, trades, FA's etc. should start to arise. I know most of you at some point have been offered a trade by me, and that will continue as I feel that by finishing at the top of the West with such a low record probably hurts my team as I do not have a high pick. Let's get things happening in Beta again.
Also, I will put together my mock (much like Alpha have) in order to get some more discussion going as well as other people thoughts.
Re: Beta Dynasty - DISCUSSION - Part 2

I dont think Beta overall is a problem or waning interest. Gamma is the main problem. There might only be like 2 people there who genuinely play week to week and post here. Beta is more active and on par with Alpha. Both Alpha and Beta there might be a person here or there in each that isnt as interested, active, moving long-term forwards I meant. Not right now, but long-term. And overall among all three comps, there might only be 16-20 who are really into it big time....posting a lot, active a lot etc. Which is crucial to dynasty leagues it's meant to be a long-term thing.

Ideally, we see 24 committed total allowing two leagues to maintain their rosters and man-crushes, no re-drafting. But long-term anyway, the roster/scoring is flawed and promotes inactivity, less interest. So it's inevitable that revamping of stuff will occur or need to occur to maintain long-term activity.

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Re: Beta Dynasty - DISCUSSION - Part 2

i am always around the boards checking the happenings , but i rarely post on anything unless i have a opinion on it , i am very much into this dynasty league , you'll probably see and or hear from me closer to the season.
Re: Beta Dynasty - DISCUSSION - Part 2

Another thing is, currently i think galactic is your commish. So if hes unable to actually run the comp and draft, or if someone else wants the role, let me know, so i can make you the commish, and you will be the man to run the draft and update the rosters etc etc.
Re: Beta Dynasty - DISCUSSION - Part 2

I'm looking for an additional first round pick, so if anyone is looking to trade down for a high second rounder + a high forth rounder, send us a message.

Additionally, I am looking at a few players, specially veterns in decline/ off seasons and D-Line players.
Re: Beta Dynasty - DISCUSSION - Part 2

I havent really posted in a while but have been regularly checking the forums.. Im just wondering what is the status of our league ?
Re: Beta Dynasty - DISCUSSION - Part 2

Nothing really. All is chill until we draft. Pre-draft trade discussion has been going on between myself and a few others, as I'm sure other guys are communicating here and there about trades.
I myself would be willing to trade my first round pick down to an 2nd if the right player(s) were offered up as well.

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Fantasy Dynasty League 2009 - Discussion

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