Autopsy Eagles 92 defeat Dogs 85

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Well that was ****ing abysmal!!!!!!

Glad I don’t have to get any false hope for finals.

If Bevo doesn’t get sacked for next season I am cancelling and implore everyone with a membership to do the same.

Two positives out of this game:
  1. Bevo will have to go.
  2. JoD will be a good player and for Cat B rookie that’s an amazing outcome.

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One of the worst losses this century. And that’s not an exaggeration. Considering who we were playing and what was on the line.

Beveridge has completely lost the playing group. There’s absolutely no way we can do this again with him as head coach. He needs to do the right thing and walk away. I won’t even attend a match next year if the club keep him. It’s that bad.
Finished the season like we start, an absolute koke and the laughing stocl of the competition. Glad I dont need to waste money on finals tickets now.

Pleae sack Bevo....Please!

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Well that was ******* abysmal!!!!!!

Glad I don’t have to get any false hope for finals.

If Bevo doesn’t get sacked for next season I am cancelling and implore everyone with a membership to do the same.

Two positives out of this game:
  1. Bevo will have to go.
  2. JoD will be a good player and for Cat B rookie that’s an amazing outcome.
JOD has just overtaken Keath and Gardner to become our no 2 KPD behind Jones.

End of positives.

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