Eagles, Bandwagonners and No Nothings

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Mate, I'm a West Aussie, living in Victoria, and I've been to the SCG to watch a Swans v Geelong match just because I love footy and was up in Sydney. Also been to plenty of games since I moved here NOT involving West Coast just to see good games.

Absolutely, some WCE supporters are peanuts, and yes, they haven't had the same 'exposure' to mixed crowds. But they aren't the only peanuts around the place. At the Sydney / Geelong game (2004) we had a group behind us who every time Sydney were given a free kick launched into a tirade about how the umpires were instructed to give Sydney a certain number of free kicks per game to ensure they were competitive. I turned around at one point to have a chuckle about what a ridiculous notion that was, only to find out that sadly, they were sober, and they were fair dinkum...they actualy believed the umpires gave Sydney extra free kicks at the instruction of the AFL and gave mne heaps for daring to suggest otherwise.....suffice when they abused me as a know nothing Sydney Johnny come lately, I didn't become any more popular when I corrected themn and told them who I did support!!

Every club has good supporters, every club has some peanuts.....

What makes me laugh is this assertion that ALL WCE supporters are this and that...I had this same argument with a bloke on a cycling forum...they refer to all drivers as 'cagers'. I'm a national sales rep and have to drive as part of my job, so I asked him at what point I went from being his mate as a fellow cyclist, to being an 'ignorant cager'. Same applies here, some of the very supporters who label ALL WCE supporters the same are probably Liverpool supporters, and will get onto a soccer forum, not disagree with me just for the sake of it, and in fact then claim that EVERY Mn Utd fan out there is a jerk, depsite the fact that many say Fremantle Dockers, or Sydney fans may also be in that group of people. Why can't we just take everyone on their merits, rather than this wide labelling.

I will argue / discuss all matters footy with Ripper or Roundhosue all day long...won't agree on a lot, but I'll take them at face value based on what they say. Pav for AA is a peanut....and I'd say the same if he was an Eagles fan.

I can only comment on my experiences and this moulds your perception, simple as that....agree that maybe not all are peanuts but my exposure has clearly made me think this way....
I think that is a fair point, but I put it mainly down to the Weagles introduction to the comp. The fact the the franchise was the first in WA meant it would inevitably be the most succesful. The fact that it marketed itself as "West Coast" and emphasised the state pride thing ahead of the club pride thing has led many in the public and the media to assume that not supporting the Weagles is un-West Australian.

When the Dockers came in, the view of most people was that because West Coast were more successful, they better represented W.A. and hence were more worthy of support.

WC reaped the rewards of the "state team concept" in terms of a larger supporter base and a greater chance of on-field success, but they also have a larger number of bandwagonner supporters than other AFL teams as a result.

A bit late on the scene I know, but better late than never. Roundhouse, your reasons why WCE and their supporters are dislikled are probably valid. I have no problems with that, but please tell us what is the reason to brand us all bandwaggoners? As already stated what p!sses people off the most is getting branded a bandwaggoner based on BF join date, and getting branded a t0sser based on posts made by other WC upporters.

Yes, I joined in September 06, but I did so to read and discuss footy, not gloat about our success. Yet I am by default a bandwagonner. Where's the logic there? I think you'll find that unlike many other clubs the WCE attendances remained very strong desipte their lack of on field success a few years back. If anything this shows WCE supporters to be a loyal bunch that will stick with the club they love through the thick and thin. Given the increase in Freos attendances from 2003 onwards (their first sucesfull year) should we brand all Freo supporters as bandwaggoners as well?

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"Roundhouse" is a Dockers supporter. Like many of his ilk he doesn't need a reason to create a thread denigrating West Coast or its supporters.
No. No it wasn't. Both parts were about WC. I didn't mention Freo's marketing strategy in either. The second part was still about WC's strategy, after Freo came in.

You are one confused individual.

The point was that you could read the second paragraph either way because it was poorly written.

Later, when Freo came in the marketing focus and appeal for new supporters was based around West Coast being around for longer and having had more success. Are you arguing with this?

Should have been written

Later, when Freo came in the marketing focus of the WCE was to appeal to new supporters based around the club being around for longer and having had more success. Are you arguing with this

Personaly i think you are being a bit dishonest in how you post and seem to love name calling other posters


I'm still waiting for the quote to be pasted from your link about Worsfold saying he wouldn't change tactics

Originally Posted by Roundhouse
Try again.

Nope. Same message

Why don't you just paste the bit where Worsfold said he wouldn't change tactic


The fact that you didn't when pasting from the link is a simple function tends to back up my statement above
The point was that you could read the second paragraph either way because it was poorly written.

Should have been written

Personaly i think you are being a bit dishonest in how you post and seem to love name calling other posters


I'm still waiting for the quote to be pasted from your link about Worsfold saying he wouldn't change tactics


The fact that you didn't when pasting from the link is a simple function tends to back up my statement above


You really need to go back to Year 7 English. If I was changing the subject to the Freo marketing department I would have had to indicate it. I wasn't changing the subject, so I didn't change the subject marker. It is painfully clear. Don't accuse me of not being clear, when it is your comprehension skills at fault.

As for the other thread, go back there and I'll show you where your poor comprehension has led to make another stupifyingly dumb assumption. I never stated that that link contained any statements made by Worsfold. Go back and bump the thread and I will show you exactly where your reading skills fell down again.

How old are you BTW?

You really need to go back to Year 7 English. If I was changing the subject to the Freo marketing department I would have had to indicate it. I wasn't changing the subject, so I didn't change the subject marker. It is painfully clear. Don't accuse me of not being clear, when it is your comprehension skills at fault.

As for the other thread, go back there and I'll show you where your poor comprehension has led to make another stupifyingly dumb assumption. I never stated that that link contained any statements made by Worsfold. Go back and bump the thread and I will show you exactly where your reading skills fell down again.

How old are you BTW?

Good to see your making your personal attacks again


I have stated quite cleary that there was a misunderstanding

You took no notice or didn't want to respond or address my analogy which led to this. (which was about "being first in a new market dose'nt inevitably lead to success").

As for the other thread

Originally Posted by Roundhouse
Haha no.

He succumbed to the pressure and changed his tactics, after saying that he wouldn't change anything.

Worsfold was made to eat his words.

As i said

Show me were Worsfold said "He wouldn't change anything"
You took no notice or didn't want to respond or address my analogy which led to this. (which was about "being first in a new market dose'nt inevitably lead to success").

Yes I did. And yet again it was in a post that you yourself quoted. Remember this....
The free market thing is ludicrous. You're saying that it was a free and competitive market when there was only one team in the market?????? "Success" in football/business terms is gaining a greater share of the consumer market. This was guaranteed by the Weagles monopoly

You are continuing to prove that the "no-nothing" Weagle stereotype has merit Bestbird. Trying to make a "clever" analogy is only making things worse.

I've now officially lost count of the number of times in this thread that you have quoted my posts without reading them. Seriously dude, this is getting beyond a joke now.
OK, so I've found the King & Queen of the typos. :rolleyes:
Ditto . You sound like a fourteen year old kid trying to act like an adult. Not everybodies perfect on here. Another couple of years you,ll be able to get your old man to buy you piss and get the ferry to Rotto.
He may even give you keys to his launch.
A WA born and bred, Subi and Hawks fan here's some of the garbage I have had to put up with since the chooks inception and is where my opinion is largely based

* Chook supporters booing Dermie after injuring his knee again as he stretchered around the ground at Subi oval (an absolute disgrace that if this ocurred to a chook player it would of been back page or the first story in the news nightly sport.

* Going to Subi oval and getting told to f>>> off back to Victoria with my young daughter in-hand by pea brains who know nothing of me

* Blanket media coverage bias - tv, print etc and pretty well all crap IMO

* Booing at every decision against them no matter if it is blantently obvious (always gave me the idea these morons have never seen football)

* First final outside of Vic, we demolish the chooks at Subi and again are attacked after the game by moronic butt plugs known as Eagle supporters and in the process lose my paraphernalia (scarfs, members badges etc)

* The inability of chooks supporters here to accept that it is a NATIONAL competition and that there best player is a Victorian and they have all states represented under there banner

* The continuing garbage about Victorian conspiracy theories even though they have won premierships and have had concessions based on travel, drafting etc

* The mind set of chook supporters whom have never seen a game outside of WA where their is equal or nearly equal amounts of fans. This gives them an insular view that fun banter aimed at players on the ground is not directly pointed at them. ie) they believe it is a personal attack and want to punch on or turn there crappy noses up at the source and can't believe someone could say something about our Cuzzy..blah blah blah

This is just a few of the reasons why I think the chook supporters suck the big one and until chook supporters prove that they understand the game and the history of it, I will continue to think this way and as yet no-one has proved it on this forum or out in public.

That is absolutely brilliant, you captured everything i think about the weagles. I go to most eagles games and I sit right behind the eagles bench in the captains club, I am a one-eyed pies supporter and proud of it. I go to the footy to watch any team that is playing the eagles and I must admit I go for the team that is playing the eagles, because I just cant stand the weagles, and I will tell u why. Reason 1- One day I was watching a kangaroos vs eagles game and this stupid lady sitting near me leant over and said what the f**k are u doing here, u dont even support any of the teams playing (I had my pies jumper on). Well to be honest I was shocked. Reason 2 - I was dating this girl and her whole family supported the eagles, on grand final day last year everyone went to her parents house for the game. I went for the swans and towards the end of the first quarter her dad looked at me and said what the f**k are u doing here u dont even support any of the teams playing so why dont u f**k off. Shocked again so I grabbed my beer and went to my girlfriends and watched the rest of the game, so happy that the swans won. Look my point is that all the weagles supporters need to lighten up, it is only a game!

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Do you pay for a West Coast Eagles Captain's Club membership?

That would be an interesting thing to do for someone who dislikes the Eagles.
For the record I dont pay for membership, A good friend of mine takes me as their partner passed away, and seeing that I love to watch footy and enjoy the atmosphere I thought what the hell. Even if I did pay for a membership, the stark reality over here is that u have to and for a lot of people it is the only way to see any of the games(there is a waiting list for membership of the eagles). I have tried many times to try and get tickets and it is near impossible and if u miss out u have to try and hunt some down via the paper and u will find that the majority of the people selling them are scalpers, thus u pay through your nose for them. E.G. earlier this year I missed out on tickets to see collingwood play west coast, so I sourced tickets else where, I got the person down from $75 to $55 a ticket and got four and it was in general admission behind the goals with the pies supporters(which was great), these tickets normally sell for about $21. I think the coverage on tv is great but nothing beats being at the game.
That is absolutely brilliant, you captured everything i think about the weagles. I go to most eagles games and I sit right behind the eagles bench in the captains club, I am a one-eyed pies supporter and proud of it. I go to the footy to watch any team that is playing the eagles and I must admit I go for the team that is playing the eagles, because I just cant stand the weagles, and I will tell u why. Reason 1- One day I was watching a kangaroos vs eagles game and this stupid lady sitting near me leant over and said what the f**k are u doing here, u dont even support any of the teams playing (I had my pies jumper on). Well to be honest I was shocked. Reason 2 - I was dating this girl and her whole family supported the eagles, on grand final day last year everyone went to her parents house for the game. I went for the swans and towards the end of the first quarter her dad looked at me and said what the f**k are u doing here u dont even support any of the teams playing so why dont u f**k off. Shocked again so I grabbed my beer and went to my girlfriends and watched the rest of the game, so happy that the swans won. Look my point is that all the weagles supporters need to lighten up, it is only a game!
You sound like a loser to be honest and if given the opportunity I would probably tell you to FO as well.

You go out of your way to not support the Eagles while you are sitting in their Captains Club (for free mind you, cant even say you are contributing financially and so have some sort of right to be there).

Go to watch a GF as a guest at someone elses house, not aligned with either team, but again chose not to support the team that every one else is.

Sounds like a trouble maker trying to rub people up the wrong way to me. My son is an Eagle through and through, and hates Fremantle, but if he goes to the football as a guest of his Docker supporting friends he has the common curtisy to support their team. He is only 8 but clearly has eclipsed you in social skills and manners.
You sound like a loser to be honest and if given the opportunity I would probably tell you to FO as well.

You go out of your way to not support the Eagles while you are sitting in their Captains Club (for free mind you, cant even say you are contributing financially and so have some sort of right to be there).

Go to watch a GF as a guest at someone elses house, not aligned with either team, but again chose not to support the team that every one else is.

Sounds like a trouble maker trying to rub people up the wrong way to me. My son is an Eagle through and through, and hates Fremantle, but if he goes to the football as a guest of his Docker supporting friends he has the common curtisy to support their team. He is only 8 but clearly has eclipsed you in social skills and manners.

I thought exactly the same thing.

As a guest in someone elses house it is extremely rude to outwardly support the opposition team...particularly if the person is passionate about their football. Sure, deep down inside you can hope for a loss, but keep it to yourself. If I invited some guests over to my house and some douchebag was barracking against the Eagles, simply because he hated them and not because his team was playing, then he deserves to be told to f*ck off. Especially in a Grand Final, jeez...get a clue. If, after being told to f off, they grabbed their beer and sooked off to be alone, so be it. A trouble-maker that looks for trouble, then when it starts sooks off...classic stuff.

I hate the Dockers with a passion, but when I go home and watch the football with my parents, who are Dockers supporters, I either cheer along, or keep to myself. I don't act like a prat.

You actually remind me of this douchebag who was over on exchange from America during the World Series. His team wasn't in the playoffs, but this other guy (whose team was) was all dressed up in his Cardinals gear and nervous as hell watching the game. The douchebag said he was supporting the other team and gave some reason like - "I just don't really like their coach". Anyway, there's just the three of us in there (I'm supporting the Cardinals, because I was kinda mates with the guy), and the other team hits a home run...douchebag jumps up and cheers, claps, and says ******** like "man they're so bad, they always give up home runs like that, blah blah blah".

You sound like a loser to be honest and if given the opportunity I would probably tell you to FO as well.

You go out of your way to not support the Eagles while you are sitting in their Captains Club (for free mind you, cant even say you are contributing financially and so have some sort of right to be there).

Go to watch a GF as a guest at someone elses house, not aligned with either team, but again chose not to support the team that every one else is.

Sounds like a trouble maker trying to rub people up the wrong way to me. My son is an Eagle through and through, and hates Fremantle, but if he goes to the football as a guest of his Docker supporting friends he has the common curtisy to support their team. He is only 8 but clearly has eclipsed you in social skills and manners.
STATUEBRO sucks at life. :) ;)
I thought exactly the same thing.

As a guest in someone elses house it is extremely rude to outwardly support the opposition team...particularly if the person is passionate about their football. Sure, deep down inside you can hope for a loss, but keep it to yourself. If I invited some guests over to my house and some douchebag was barracking against the Eagles, simply because he hated them and not because his team was playing, then he deserves to be told to f*ck off. Especially in a Grand Final, jeez...get a clue. If, after being told to f off, they grabbed their beer and sooked off to be alone, so be it. A trouble-maker that looks for trouble, then when it starts sooks off...classic stuff.

I hate the Dockers with a passion, but when I go home and watch the football with my parents, who are Dockers supporters, I either cheer along, or keep to myself. I don't act like a prat.

You actually remind me of this douchebag who was over on exchange from America during the World Series. His team wasn't in the playoffs, but this other guy (whose team was) was all dressed up in his Cardinals gear and nervous as hell watching the game. The douchebag said he was supporting the other team and gave some reason like - "I just don't really like their coach". Anyway, there's just the three of us in there (I'm supporting the Cardinals, because I was kinda mates with the guy), and the other team hits a home run...douchebag jumps up and cheers, claps, and says ******** like "man they're so bad, they always give up home runs like that, blah blah blah".

Good to see you signed your name as tosser because that is exactly what u are, u have proved me right, you are the exact eagles supporter I am talking about.
I thought exactly the same thing.

As a guest in someone elses house it is extremely rude to outwardly support the opposition team...particularly if the person is passionate about their football. Sure, deep down inside you can hope for a loss, but keep it to yourself. If I invited some guests over to my house and some douchebag was barracking against the Eagles, simply because he hated them and not because his team was playing, then he deserves to be told to f*ck off. Especially in a Grand Final, jeez...get a clue. If, after being told to f off, they grabbed their beer and sooked off to be alone, so be it. A trouble-maker that looks for trouble, then when it starts sooks off...classic stuff.

I hate the Dockers with a passion, but when I go home and watch the football with my parents, who are Dockers supporters, I either cheer along, or keep to myself. I don't act like a prat.

You actually remind me of this douchebag who was over on exchange from America during the World Series. His team wasn't in the playoffs, but this other guy (whose team was) was all dressed up in his Cardinals gear and nervous as hell watching the game. The douchebag said he was supporting the other team and gave some reason like - "I just don't really like their coach". Anyway, there's just the three of us in there (I'm supporting the Cardinals, because I was kinda mates with the guy), and the other team hits a home run...douchebag jumps up and cheers, claps, and says ******** like "man they're so bad, they always give up home runs like that, blah blah blah".


Frizzo this tripe is exactly what we are talking about.....try and get a decent conversation out of a chook supporter is like asking for blood from a stone.....speaking of stones why don't you go and crawl back under the one you crawled out of and in the process get your head out of your arse.......

It is you who has the problem, I too have sat in the Captains Club as a guest and may I say the members are a bunch of jelly fishes with as much ticker as a digital watch.....

By the way when I was there, Lynchy was playing off the bench and each time he ran on the ground I yelled "Its the cops Lynchy run" and talk about some dirty looks from the squibs I mean they wouldn't know humour if it came up and bit them on the arse....
I thought exactly the same thing.

As a guest in someone elses house it is extremely rude to outwardly support the opposition team...particularly if the person is passionate about their football. Sure, deep down inside you can hope for a loss, but keep it to yourself. If I invited some guests over to my house and some douchebag was barracking against the Eagles, simply because he hated them and not because his team was playing, then he deserves to be told to f*ck off. Especially in a Grand Final, jeez...get a clue. If, after being told to f off, they grabbed their beer and sooked off to be alone, so be it. A trouble-maker that looks for trouble, then when it starts sooks off...classic stuff.

I hate the Dockers with a passion, but when I go home and watch the football with my parents, who are Dockers supporters, I either cheer along, or keep to myself. I don't act like a prat.

This is the stuff people are accussing you of and typical of supporters who go to the football and sit around people who are only going for their team. If someone doesn't go for a team should they hide this fact? If a supporter actually hates another team should they also hide this fact and pretend they don't? Do we all have to yes men and the company line - Everyone here goes for West Coast so I have to as well?

Football is about competition, rivalry, passion, liking or disliking a team or player or coach - it's about ribbing other supporters when you win and copping it when you lose. I hate the Crows with a passion, yet a vast majority of my friends support them. They rib me about Port and Vice versa - they would never expect me to barrack for the Crows in any situation and would expect me to only wish them the worst.

Get over it. Not everyone supports West Coast. Should they shut up just to make you guys happy or maybe put a sign at the front of their house barracking for anyone bar West Coast is unacceptable?
This is the stuff people are accussing you of and typical of supporters who go to the football and sit around people who are only going for their team. If someone doesn't go for a team should they hide this fact? If a supporter actually hates another team should they also hide this fact and pretend they don't? Do we all have to yes men and the company line - Everyone here goes for West Coast so I have to as well?

Football is about competition, rivalry, passion, liking or disliking a team or player or coach - it's about ribbing other supporters when you win and copping it when you lose. I hate the Crows with a passion, yet a vast majority of my friends support them. They rib me about Port and Vice versa - they would never expect me to barrack for the Crows in any situation and would expect me to only wish them the worst.

Get over it. Not everyone supports West Coast. Should they shut up just to make you guys happy or maybe put a sign at the front of their house barracking for anyone bar West Coast is unacceptable?
Absolutely agree with this part.

However we aren't talking about someone who actually supports the opposite team, but about someone who goes out of their way to support who ever is playing West Coast even though they are a guest of a WCE member. If WCE were playing Collingwood, who he states he supports, then I have no problem with him passionately supporting his team and giving it to ours. That is how it is meant to be.

However this guy supports the opposing team during a Grand Final as a guest at a WCE supporters house, a team he doesn't support normally, and then gets upset when told to FO. You cannot get any more passionate or emotional than when your team is playing in a Grand Final, so when you go out of your way to go for the opposite team then expect to p1ss people off, and dont sook when you do.

I hate Freo, and if I was invited by friends to watch a Freo match I would simply decline as I know I probably couldn't bring myself to support them during a game. If you hate a team that much that you can't be polite to your guests, don't watch them play. God knows there are thousands of people trying to get West Coast memberships, let them go instead.

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Eagles, Bandwagonners and No Nothings

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