Eagles, Bandwagonners and No Nothings

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By the way when I was there, Lynchy was playing off the bench and each time he ran on the ground I yelled "Its the cops Lynchy run" and talk about some dirty looks from the squibs I mean they wouldn't know humour if it came up and bit them on the arse....
Hawthorn trying to play football, now that is funny!:D
You sound like a loser to be honest and if given the opportunity I would probably tell you to FO as well.

You go out of your way to not support the Eagles while you are sitting in their Captains Club (for free mind you, cant even say you are contributing financially and so have some sort of right to be there).

Go to watch a GF as a guest at someone elses house, not aligned with either team, but again chose not to support the team that every one else is.

Sounds like a trouble maker trying to rub people up the wrong way to me. My son is an Eagle through and through, and hates Fremantle, but if he goes to the football as a guest of his Docker supporting friends he has the common curtisy to support their team. He is only 8 but clearly has eclipsed you in social skills and manners.

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Absolutely agree with this part.

However we aren't talking about someone who actually supports the opposite team, but about someone who goes out of their way to support who ever is playing West Coast even though they are a guest of a WCE member. If WCE were playing Collingwood, who he states he supports, then I have no problem with him passionately supporting his team and giving it to ours. That is how it is meant to be.

However this guy supports the opposing team during a Grand Final as a guest at a WCE supporters house, a team he doesn't support normally, and then gets upset when told to FO. You cannot get any more passionate or emotional than when your team is playing in a Grand Final, so when you go out of your way to go for the opposite team then expect to p1ss people off, and dont sook when you do.

I hate Freo, and if I was invited by friends to watch a Freo match I would simply decline as I know I probably couldn't bring myself to support them during a game. If you hate a team that much that you can't be polite to your guests, don't watch them play. God knows there are thousands of people trying to get West Coast memberships, let them go instead.

You guys are a bit thin skinned aren't you. Polite?? It's football not croquet. Manners?? Jesus - I want the Crows to lose everytime they play and have no problem telling anyone who'll listen. Ditto for many of my Friends who hate Port. I also hate Collingwood and generally barrack for whoevers playing them. Just cause I'm at Collingwood supporters house this does not change. Because someone invites me around for a few beers and to watch the footy does this mean I have to conform to their football beliefs?
However this guy supports the opposing team during a Grand Final as a guest at a WCE supporters house, a team he doesn't support normally, and then gets upset when told to FO. You cannot get any more passionate or emotional than when your team is playing in a Grand Final, so when you go out of your way to go for the opposite team then expect to p1ss people off, and dont sook when you do.

I hate Freo, and if I was invited by friends to watch a Freo match I would simply decline as I know I probably couldn't bring myself to support them during a game. If you hate a team that much that you can't be polite to your guests, don't watch them play. God knows there are thousands of people trying to get West Coast memberships, let them go instead.[/quote]

You just dont get it, there is nothing sweeter than going to an eagles game and watching them lose (I only go to these games because we are so isolated over here, dont have the variety of games to choose from like in melbourne). The supporters here have to stop taking themselves so seriously, lots of people go to games to watch teams they dont support, but will more than likely want one to win over another. I support collingwood and any team that plays the eagles because of the sheer arrogance of the team and the media saturation and mostly because the weagles supporters are the most single minded dweebs in the country. Oh please!!!!! Dont say anything bad about the eagles. Get a grip.
Frizzo this tripe is exactly what we are talking about.....try and get a decent conversation out of a chook supporter is like asking for blood from a stone.....speaking of stones why don't you go and crawl back under the one you crawled out of and in the process get your head out of your arse.......

Mate I hear what you are saying in some respects.....having been raised in Perth and now living in Melbourne, yes Melbourne people are 'generally' more accepting of a mixed crowd. Why? Likely because Perth people are used to sitting in a 40 000 - 2 000 type majority at their games. Even more so than Adelaide as Victorians can get to AAMI stadium cheaper and quicker than Perth so even in Adelaide away crowds seem stronger than Perth. And yes, the day the crowd reacted to Dermie's injury the way they did was not one of WCE supporters better moments.

I say generally, as a work colleague is a Carlton supporter and took me to a Dockers v Carlton game at Optus Oval......on the proviso I wasn't too loud in my support of the West Aussie based team (no I'm not a Freagle but yes I felt I'd add my support to the outnumbered W.A based team's supporters rather than a Victorian team being West Aussie myself). Freo won the day and I got a fair bit of crap for being in THEIR area supporting the other team.

Fast forward to the final Carlton game at Optus and the same colleague took a mate from work who supports Melbourne. He wasn't as polite as I was (I wasn't passionate about seeing a Dockers win, this guy is one eyed passionate Melbourne) and was asked to leave by a security guard on two counts....one he had many Carlton supporters compalin about his presence, and two the security guard felt he could no longer gaurantee his safety.

I've seen AFL footy live in 3 states.....watched many neutral games not involving the Eagles...will happily debate footy with anyone for better or worse......and have met WCE supporters who I don't think are worth a cup full of crap, as well as many more supporters of all other clubs who I have the same opinion of. Even on grand final day some mates of the Melbourne supporter at work (who were good enough to get me tickets to the game via their AFL memberships)....we all caught up outside the ground after the game and they were having a contest on trivia knowledge and I ended up as quiz master.....their comment at the end...I'd come up with harder questions than they expected...I asked why....the response "cause it's unusual to find a WCE supporter who knows anything about the AFL pre 1987 or anything about Victorian clubs". Again, a big generalisation....it's like saying ALL Collingwood supporters are nuff nuffs.
The last post make no friggin sense whatsoever.

Take breath and start again.

and this is the point, you don't have any sense....the majority of you blokes have very insular views on supporting clubs and watching football....everything said against an eagle is taken as a personal insult even though the best comments come out at games where there is an even spread of supporters and unfortunately for you guy's unless you travel to another state and watch 2 teams you don't support you will never understand the fundamental concept of 'banter' at the footy.
I hate Freo, and if I was invited by friends to watch a Freo match I would simply decline as I know I probably couldn't bring myself to support them during a game. If you hate a team that much that you can't be polite to your guests, don't watch them play. God knows there are thousands of people trying to get West Coast memberships, let them go instead.

This proves everyones point, you have the intellect of a dung beetle and the opinion of a peanut.....
This is the stuff people are accussing you of and typical of supporters who go to the football and sit around people who are only going for their team. If someone doesn't go for a team should they hide this fact? If a supporter actually hates another team should they also hide this fact and pretend they don't? Do we all have to yes men and the company line - Everyone here goes for West Coast so I have to as well?

Football is about competition, rivalry, passion, liking or disliking a team or player or coach - it's about ribbing other supporters when you win and copping it when you lose. I hate the Crows with a passion, yet a vast majority of my friends support them. They rib me about Port and Vice versa - they would never expect me to barrack for the Crows in any situation and would expect me to only wish them the worst.

Get over it. Not everyone supports West Coast. Should they shut up just to make you guys happy or maybe put a sign at the front of their house barracking for anyone bar West Coast is unacceptable?

If someone goes to the football and barracks against the home team, that's all well and good. They have their right to support whomever they want. However, if you're going to do that, for f*cks sake get some thicker skin. If you're going to whinge about being told to f-off, then no, don't go to the football and support the other team. I've been to Fremantle games wearing my Eagles gear and people have hurled abuse at me. BIG DEAL! Brush it off and hurl a little abuse back. It's all in the name of fun. There's nothing funnier than someone going to the football, barracking for the away team, being told to shut up...and then actually doing it and having a sook.

Going as a guest to someones house during a Grand Final where everyone is supporting one team and you support neither team is a completely different story. And again, if you're going to do that, no matter what team the supporters are barracking for, expect a little abuse and swearing.

Let's say Collingwood are playing Geelong in a Grand Final (far fetched I know), and I was invited to watch the game at a friends place, whose whole family supports Collingwood. If I went and was cheering for Geelong, do you think I would be sworn at? Come on, honestly? If I didn't want to be sworn at and abused I simply wouldn't go, or I would keep my opinions to myself.

Once again - go to the football...enjoy yourself...support the away team by all means...but if you're too much of a sook to cop a little bit of verbal, then just don't bother! And certainly don't whinge about how mean that team's supporters are. Jesus H Christ!
Remember 91 knucklehead? probably not as you by all indications would not of been born.....:thumbsu:
Yes, I remember it. Although with the passing of time and the years 92,94 and 2006 it is now a distant memory for me.

Lucky you have such a good memory though isn't it?;)

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Maybe this here is another example of why the Eagles aren't liked much.


Not very gracious in victory eh?

Did a West Coast supporter make a trolling thread about Fremantle in Bay 13?

Wow, that's completely out of the blue.

Has vice-versa ever happened? Very doubtful.

What about Hawthorn v Kangaroos? Any of their supporters made ******ed posts about each others teams? Highly unlikely.

Has a Port supporter made a dumb post about Adelaide? Or vice-versa? I wouldn't think so.
Did a West Coast supporter make a trolling thread about Fremantle in Bay 13?

Wow, that's completely out of the blue.

Has vice-versa ever happened? Very doubtful.

What about Hawthorn v Kangaroos? Any of their supporters made ******ed posts about each others teams? Highly unlikely.

Has a Port supporter made a dumb post about Adelaide? Or vice-versa? I wouldn't think so.

A West Coast supporter asked why people hate West Coast, I offered an answer.

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Eagles, Bandwagonners and No Nothings

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