Play Nice Eddie McGuire comments on holding Caro Wilson underwater

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I would like all football journos to do this, rather than engage in personal wars against each other

If you think humour is dead because we frown upon bullying, which is what this is, then i worry for your sense of humour

I've always believed humour is the silver bullet against sexism, racism, bigotry, etc.
If we can all laugh at ourselves with each other (self deprecating humour and all) but do so with some respect for each other at the same time, it would be a far calmer world to live in.

This wasn't humour. It wasn't funny, nor was it entertaining.
at best, it was embarrassing that this was all Eddie and co could come up with on a day where people let their inhibitions go for a great cause.
Lingy as Ronald McDonald, Ed with his suit and sponsors, Sheedy and...whatever it was he was doing.
Why bring personal differences into it. Its pathetic.
At worst, it's bullying. it was a poor comment about a person and a group saw fit to jump on.

Try talking to kids that are/were bullied. This is what is done to them.
It seems funny and harmless to the broader crowd not on the receiving end. Walk 1/2 a mile in the receivers shoes and tell me how harmless it is.

Caro is an adult and i respect her ability to hold her head up in these situations.
eddie is buffoon for not apologising.

Pretty much.

I support satirical licence. Humour should be exempt from a lot things. If it is inciteful or their is a mean spirit beneath the comments though, then you shouldn't be able to hide behind humour.

My mate lost half his middle finger in an incident at home. I can safely poke fun at his new 'disability' and ask what he is going to do about it, get angry and flip half a bird. Would I use that line on someone I was not as familiar with if they had been born with a deformed middle finger? No.

There is such a thing as knowing your target and your audience and knowing their boundaries. Saying things on air makes everybody your audience. They didn't go to a comedy club to be shocked and amused in equal amounts. They tuned into a football show on the radio. Poor judgment is what it was.

Having said all that, I fully realise that even expected humour and obvious satire will offend some and generate discussion. The most important thing is being sure that your humour isn't inspired by hatred and used to generate further hatred.
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Doesn't matter, people made up their minds on it being sexist and what not before Caro had said anything .. maybe Eddie felt bullied and he had to go along with it
Quite possibly he did, and i would expect Neale to apologise for it if he did.

If you;re claiming it as sexist, thats not right. Whatever their differences may be, i don't believe Ed's problem with Caro is down to her gender.
This is an issue of bullying and it's a poor look for the AFL.
That Wilson is a woman will be picked up on and ridden to within an inch of its life by those with agendas. And thats unfortunate, but inevitable.
And hides the true issue here.

If this was a kid at school, and another group of kids who didn't like said kid threatened this, what would your approach be?
When do you stifle it?
After someone acts it out and nearly/actually drowns them? or beforehand?
how many of those are perpetrated by a woman?
thats an incredibly narrow minded comment.

Men are the victim in about 40% of violence in the home incidents, a man is killed by his female partner once every ten days on average in Australia.

Just saying.
Men are the victim in about 40% of violence in the home incidents, a man is killed by his female partner once every ten days in average in Australia.

Just saying.
Didn't know the figure, but certainly was naive enough to think men don't suffer at the hands of woman as well.
I really find it a sad reflection of our modern state of affairs when a large vocal majority here are trying to wave away the thought of paying to holding a woman’s head underwater in ice cold water to drown as harmless, playful banter. Forgive me if I can’t see the funny side of wanting to pay to drown a women.

One of the biggest reasons behind domestic violence and abuse towards women is the difference in physical size and strength between most men and women. It’s a lot easier to be physical and abuse someone who is smaller and physically weaker than you are. That’s why any sort of reference to violence (holding someone’s head underwater to drown them counts) against woman is no laughing matter for me. Especially in light of the ongoing campaigning against domestic violence.

Do you think most ASX-listed company presidents or executives would keep their jobs if they made comments like this in a public domain? I would hope the AFL take a real no-tolerance stance for violence towards women.
Men are the victim in about 40% of violence in the home incidents, a man is killed by his female partner once every ten days on average in Australia.

Just saying.

Unless Ed and Caro are doing the deed, it's not domestic or family violence is it ?

Your two posts explicitly and implicitly contradict themselves....just sayin'.
Quite possibly he did, and i would expect Neale to apologise for it if he did.

If you;re claiming it as sexist, thats not right. Whatever their differences may be, i don't believe Ed's problem with Caro is down to her gender.
This is an issue of bullying and it's a poor look for the AFL.
That Wilson is a woman will be picked up on and ridden to within an inch of its life by those with agendas. And thats unfortunate, but inevitable.
And hides the true issue here.

If this was a kid at school, and another group of kids who didn't like said kid threatened this, what would your approach be?
When do you stifle it?
After someone acts it out and nearly/actually drowns them? or beforehand?

Your last 2 lines ruined any credibility your previous ones may have head
So you think Eddie Frawley JB and Co are likely to drown women do you?

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i gave up on that when everyone sided with her over Hird.
I dont support her type of journalism, the way she writes about people (Eddie and JB cop it the worst) and i avoid her articles as i don't get any insights into football from them. I could care less about the personalities or her guesswork.

And this thread isn't about that. There are plenty of threads on her writing.
This is about a completely unacceptable comment made by a group towards another person.
So you're saying you jumped onto this instance of "bullying" but you don't do it in others. What do you think is more impactful, what eddie said (and people need to stop attributing frawleys comment to eddie), or releasing articles attempting to get people removed from their job?
Your last 2 lines ruined any credibility your previous ones may have head
So you think Eddie Frawley JB and Co are likely to drown women do you?

The simple response is that whether it is a joke or not, just saying it is bad enough and arguably some of the worst comments ever made in the public domain. Be foolish to think otherwise.
Nah just can't be bothered with someone who thinks nothing happened, nothing mattered and that it should be left like that - clearly the wrong approach as has been pointed out ad infinitum.

No I think your argument was caught out and you've realized that is much easier slinging mud than actually having a proper debate
The simple response is that whether it is a joke or not, just saying it is bad enough and arguably some of the worst comments ever made in the public domain. Be foolish to think otherwise.

Some of the worst comments ever made? ****ing hell mate can you say anything without bringing it to the extreme ? You should be a journalist
It would be a massive stretch to say the above, however isn't it a little concerning that the topic of drowning a woman is only seen as a playful laughing matter to those guys?

Why is is drowning a woman, isn't it drowning a media colleague who they have all known for over 20 years

Your comments infer it's worse to suggest something about a female than a male , that's reverse sexism
No I think your argument was caught out and you've realized that is much easier slinging mud than actually having a proper debate

Oh dear!

This conversation would not have happened had 4 stupid blokes not decided to go on air and make such disgusting comments about a woman, let alone a colleague in the football media. They are the one responsible and they should wear whatever is coming their way.

The blind eye by their employers being turned on this matter also highlights the lack of balls by their employers.
The pure facts are that Caro doesn't get sued for inaccuracies or lies because she doesn't lie and if she gets something wrong, she admits it or retracts. But that might escape some here.

And if she was that bad a journo, lies and innacuracies taken into account, she would be out of a job. Bit that too, might escape some on here.
Andrew Bolt has been sued, and still prints lies and inaccuracies.

She would be sacked if her writing did not make the paper money, that is all. A journalist having a job does not equate to integrity.

Newspapers also have very good legal departments, journalists understand how to word things so they do not face legal issues.
I really find it a sad reflection of our modern state of affairs when a large vocal majority here are trying to wave away the thought of paying to holding a woman’s head underwater in ice cold water to drown as harmless, playful banter. Forgive me if I can’t see the funny side of wanting to pay to drown a women.

One of the biggest reasons behind domestic violence and abuse towards women is the difference in physical size and strength between most men and women. It’s a lot easier to be physical and abuse someone who is smaller and physically weaker than you are. That’s why any sort of reference to violence (holding someone’s head underwater to drown them counts) against woman is no laughing matter for me. Especially in light of the ongoing campaigning against domestic violence.

Do you think most ASX-listed company presidents or executives would keep their jobs if they made comments like this in a public domain? I would hope the AFL take a real no-tolerance stance for violence towards women.

As I said before, in my area they would be sacked and referred to the police.

The AFL will fluff this away, and unfortunately this will be damaging to the AFL in the long run.
Men are the victim in about 40% of violence in the home incidents, a man is killed by his female partner once every ten days in average in Australia.

Just saying.

Whilst I understand the issue goes both ways, I personally knew a family in which the wife plunged a knife into her husband's heart, killing him instantly. She served time for it too.

What that story doesn't reveal is that he was drunk every night, most days and used to beat her senseless on a regular basis and their own kids were terrified of him. He started on her one night in a familiar way ... verbally abusing her while sitting at the kitchen table surrounded by empty beer bottles, while she was doing the dishes with her back to him just less than 2 metres away. This would usually lead to her getting thrown against a wall because she didn't answer him in the right way or didn't apologise for whatever it was about her that irked him that night.

This night, she snapped. She was washing the utensils, had the knife in her hand and screaming hysterically lunged at him.

She got the whole 'why kill him, why not leave if he was that bad' bit. Got the whole 'were you seeing someone else on the side' bit. Got the 'he didn't hit you that night but you attacked him' bit.

We stayed with these people when I was a kid and witnessed some of this stuff first hand. He was a pig that made her every waking moment a misery.

She would make up one of those stats you speak of.

Now I have known some cold, callous and manipulative women too, and I have no doubt there are many genuine cases in the stats you quote. I'm just not comfortable with those stats forming a basis for an argument. Some more delving is required, as no doubt there is in some of the male on female violence stats.
Oh dear!

This conversation would not have happened had 4 stupid blokes not decided to go on air and make such disgusting comments about a woman, let alone a colleague in the football media. They are the one responsible and they should wear wahtever is coming their way.

The blind eye by their employers being turned on this matter also highlights the lack of balls by their employers.

Lack of balls suggest a male inadequacy or that men should be stronger than women in their decisions ... you sexist pig

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Play Nice Eddie McGuire comments on holding Caro Wilson underwater

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