Play Nice Eddie McGuire comments on holding Caro Wilson underwater

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They EARN less income. They can very well receive the same as or more than men if, as the other poster pointed out, they make similar decisions.
Why is it that "male" decisions are rewarded more highly?
Obviously there have been dark eras where the church held progress back. Was referring to more recent history where the great empires have all been Catholic.

I think you mean Christian...the Brits, for example, were Protestant (Anglican).

And what about the Ottomans, who were 'Mussies' (to use an Eddie-ism)...?

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Unless one views the decision to have a better work life balance as a bad choice?
I might get in trouble for suggesting it from the other girls but something that could force a parent to stay at home, spend time with their child and perhaps produce a better human being would be to triple the cost of childcare.

Mum or dad or other mum or other dad make the choice to stay home.

Childcare tax of 50% added for those who want to work and leave their children during their formative years for the day.

I haven't actually said anything controversial there, but it will trigger latent guilty feelings in people that will be projected onto me.

Such is the nature of public offense dodging.
There's 3000 other things going on as well in the world that we should all be outraged about.

This isn't even in the top 100.
sorry mate but that doesn't cut it with me.
Bullying is atrocious.
It can screw up peoples lives and we only get one of them. No one has any right to f**k that up for laughs.

I can't begin to comprehend what it's like to be on the end of it but I've met people who have been and there is literally nothing you do or say about it that can make them feel better.

You stamp it out any shape or form. If Ed loses his job at Collingwood or MMM or Foxtel or whatever (same goes for JB and Frawley), i have zero sympathy. I would applaud the example being set that this behaviour is no longer tolerated.
I dont believe it has anything to do with gender equality or even voilence against woman.
The issue is he expressed a wish of death upon another person and one who happens to be heavily involved within the football.industry .
Like it or not it was inappropriate and he of all people should.know better and i'm not convinced it hasnt raised its head to take heat off Brad Scott
Why is it that "male" decisions are rewarded more highly?
Because traditionally male dominated professions such as those in STEM fields require hard work, intelligence and produce tangible goods and ideas that have been used to create the society we live in today; telecommunications, cars, even buildings etc.

And I am not for one second saying that women aren't capable of working and being successful in those fields, its just that for the most part they chose not to join them.
Ricky Jervais could make you look like a fool. Even more than you look now.

You don't see a difference between a comedian paid to deliver comedy that he doesn't necessarily believe in, and in this case not towards an individual, and especially an individual he has a personal issue with .... and somebody who isn't paid to be a comedian, making jokes specifically at the expense of an individual, and one that he does not particularly like?

You seem to be painting over the top of this issue with a broad brush.
Because traditionally male dominated professions such as those in STEM fields require hard work, intelligence and produce tangible goods and ideas that have been used to create the society we live in today; telecommunications, cars, even buildings etc.
And without nurses they would have died before they were 5.

And I am not for one second saying that women aren't capable of working and being successful in those fields, its just that for the most part they chose not to join them.
Why is it you think they choose not to join those fields on the whole?

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Sorry but that video is a complete load of garbage. He trips over himself so many times when he realises that, actually, some things might offend people.

If you're in a comedy show and you're being offended, maybe comedy shows aren't for you.

It's been posted a lot I assume, but it always seems to ring true.

Could be, can of worms when for something to be considered offensive all someone has to say is they are offended by it.

I think the question is more about the value of someone being offended.

There are things I am, things that make me who I am, that offend people and I couldn't care any less about their offense. That they feel offended doesn't matter more to me than me being who I am.

I'm talking about my girlfriend and me there.
If you're in a comedy show and you're being offended, maybe comedy shows aren't for you.

It's been posted a lot I assume, but it always seems to ring true.


I don't disagree that jokes about a range of topics are great, but that's because I recognise that most of those topics don't hurt me, as I haven't experienced those situations. I'm happy to laugh away because they don't impact me or speak to me about something that has happened to me. If I made a dead baby joke to a woman who has had a miscarriage, I'm pretty sure she wouldn't laugh. Nor should she. Nor should I expect her to.
It's funny how everyone loves to trot out the one every week line, in context that's a grand total of 52 deaths a year.

Yet we see so much more advocating against DV than say, changing attitudes towards mental health issues, particularly in men which leads to approximately 2,500 suicides a year in Australia, almost 2,000 of which will be men. That's a whole 5000% more deaths every year than DV.

Even if you're so determined to focus on DV the fact is that altering the stigmas around mental health and pouring more time and money into addressing those issues will go much further towards stopping DV than forced political correctness and lecturing respect ever will.

The main triggers alongside disrespect for DV are anger management issues and substance abuse which are primarily coping mechanisms for stress, anxiety and depression which, surprise surprise, are symptoms of psychological illness.

The fight against DV isn't going to make significant progress until we look at the big picture rather than picking small parts of it for the sake of apeasing activist groups.
You don't see a difference between a comedian paid to deliver comedy that he doesn't necessarily believe in, and in this case not towards an individual, and especially an individual he has a personal issue with .... and somebody who isn't paid to be a comedian, making jokes specifically at the expense of an individual, and one that he does not particularly like?

You seem to be painting over the top of this issue with a broad brush.

Both are entertainers. The Triple M team are actually paid to make people laugh among other things.

"Funny" of course is subjective. Do we shut down all entertainers who might say something we don't find "funny"?

No need for the totalitarian approach imo, let the free market decide their fate.
If people find them in poor taste then ratings will drop and sponsors will pull out and they will have suffered due to their actions.
Yet we see so much more advocating against DV than say, changing attitudes towards mental health issues, particularly in men which leads to approximately 2,500 suicides a year in Australia, almost 2,000 of which will be men. That's a whole 5000% more deaths every year than DV.

For real? Mental health, particularly in men, gets ignored?

Perhaps I just dreamt the last couple of years....

Why oh why does every issue need to be weighed against the others??
Both are entertainers. The Triple M team are actually paid to make people laugh among other things.

"Funny" of course is subjective. Do we shut down all entertainers who might say something we don't find "funny"?

No need for the totalitarian approach imo, let the free market decide their fate.
If people find them in poor taste then ratings will drop and sponsors will pull out and they will have suffered due to their actions.

Jester or club president? Which is it? You can't be both.

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Play Nice Eddie McGuire comments on holding Caro Wilson underwater

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