Play Nice Eddie McGuire comments on holding Caro Wilson underwater

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They EARN less income. They can very well receive the same as or more than men if, as the other poster pointed out, they make similar decisions.

This is such a bullshit argument. "Woman should do as we do to earn the big bucks like us blokes."

No, women should be able to choose whatever profession they like and have an equitable chance of earning the same wage.

I'm a high school teacher. We don't get paid well; because it's seen as a "female" profession. Similar to nursing. It's archaic garbage and your attitude that "women would be fine if they listened to men more" is farcical.
And given her past record of willingly retracting and apologies, where is she lacking in integrity?

Mate, you can't keep writing crap and then retracting if you get it wrong. True integrity comes from performing all of your checks and balances in the first place, being prepared to hold a story until it is watertight and then going public. After all, she is charging people to use her talent (her employer, advertisers, readers) and is therefore responsible for getting it right. All too often the journalistic community places greater importance on being first instead of being right.

Her (and all journalists) number one job is to report the facts. Issuing a retraction after falsifying or cooking a story is noble if it happens once or twice but nothing more than a copout should it continue to happen. And Caro is a serial offender.
So Carey was sacked for issues with domestic violence and behaviour, and that makes it ok for him to advocate.. violence against a woman? Christ almighty,
Carey didn't say anything. They called his name to ask if he was there and he said yes.
He cleared up his response later in the segment. He knows not to engage in this crap
To his credit, he has come a long way back and while you never excuse his behaviour, he showed more maturity than anyone else to not engage.
He tends to stick to football commentary and leaves the personal stuff alone. I think he knows the backhand that would come his way if he did and opts to leave it alone

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You mean like this? Beheading is worse than drowning isn't it?

Imagine the beheading of a woman at a music festival. But you know, it's ok, it was only Tony Abbott.

You do realise that maybe Abbott could take that as a harmless joke when people of his gender don't die at the same frequency as people of Wilson's gender at the hands of the people making the joke?

That said, advocating any sort of violence against someone you don't like is pretty poor taste. I never understand the humour in promoting violence or death for people they don't like.
He didn't in this instance, no, judging from that transcript, but that seemed to be your implication, that he could joke about this sort of thing because she played a part in having him sacked.
It wasn't my implication I was just explaining what bad history Carey had with Caro as the post I was replying to asked, Barrett isn't really on good terms with her either for that matter. Neither of them wanted much of a part in what Eddie and co were up to which means there was absolutely no excuse for Eddie and Co.
You know "banter" requires two people to be face to face. What Eddie's Heros did is bullying plain and simple. And as one woman each week is KILLED in this country by domestic violence why don't we just be a bit overly politically correct until this f#$ck$#g shit stops hey?
Won't ever stop.
So from now on radio callers can only have a jab with men. Or shouldn't at all. And we should also remove chocolate and strawberry flavoured yoghurt from the store, because vanilla from herein.

I just don't see it. I'm sorry. Perhaps that makes me sexist then. As for gender, are you sure this was about gender? I listened to that segment live in the car and thought it was okay. I knew immediately, however, it would come under fire.

I kind of don't get it though. Was is because Caro is female or because she is the almighty journo with the biggest pen in the business. Caro has built a brand and credibility around herself not represented by her gender, in my opinion at least. Personally, I think it belittles Caro to even be having this conversation. Does she really need the defence?

If you replaced Caro with Robbo would be still be having this conversation? No. Of course not. So that means that we can give Robbo a hard time, but not Caro because she's female. But we want equality for men and women. Most of the time, when it suits. I get that we do not want to condone violence against women, however I personally did not see it that way.

Its actually not just about Caro per se, its about the effect this has on men who are listening. If its ok to demeen a women and threaten violence even as a joke, then its just one more nail in the coffin of trying to make it clear that women should be treated with respect. If men in general were not treated with respect (and were being murdred by the opposite gender) then it would be a problem if the same happened ot Robbo, but that's not the case.

Caro for example has had to put up wiht mulitple incidences of sexism, the manequin on the footy show being another example. Its a barirer that should not be there.

FWIW I don't think its appropriate to joke about drowning anyone on public radio. Our society has a general violence problem too.
I'm a high school teacher. We don't get paid well; because it's seen as a "female" profession. Similar to nursing. It's archaic garbage and your attitude that "women would be fine if they listened to men more" is farcical.

Please show me the evidence that teaching is poorly paid (and I agree that it is) because it is seen as a "female profession."

Spreading this sort of nonsense doesn't help close the gender pay gap.
You do realise that maybe Abbott could take that as a harmless joke when people of his gender don't die at the same frequency as people of Wilson's gender at the hands of the people making the joke?

That said, advocating any sort of violence against someone you don't like is pretty poor taste. I never understand the humour in promoting violence or death for people they don't like.

Men die at twice the rate women do when it comes to homicide. At the hands of people perhaps like in that band.

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You mean like this? Beheading is worse than drowning isn't it?

Imagine the beheading of a woman at a music festival. But you know, it's ok, it was only Tony Abbott.

Oh for crying out loud. That is a performance and again, who is in here saying anything else is okay? Why find random instances of a man being the butt of a joke or a hate campaign or whatever and inject it into a discussion like this implying everybody finds that okay so must be hypocritical.

It doesn't work if you are the one saying it is okay and trying to project that on to everybody else. Then you have to consider the scripted performance element or satire of it.
Mate, you can't keep writing crap and then retracting if you get it wrong. True integrity comes from performing all of your checks and balances in the first place, being prepared to hold a story until it is watertight and then going public. After all, she is charging people to use her talent (her employer, advertisers, readers) and is therefore responsible for getting it right. All too often the journalistic community places greater importance on being first instead of being right.

Her (and all journalists) number one job is to report the facts. Issuing a retraction after falsifying or cooking a story is noble if it happens once or twice but nothing more than a copout should it continue to happen. And Caro is a serial offender.
Haven't retracted one thing. You just hate Caro
This is such a bullshit argument. "Woman should do as we do to earn the big bucks like us blokes."

No, women should be able to choose whatever profession they like and have an equitable chance of earning the same wage.

I'm a high school teacher. We don't get paid well; because it's seen as a "female" profession. Similar to nursing. It's archaic garbage and your attitude that "women would be fine if they listened to men more" is farcical.
Women get paid the same amount as men for the same job.
Men die at twice the rate women do when it comes to homicide. At the hands of people perhaps like in that band.

Which is why I clarified in my second paragraph that violence of that nature should never be tolerated. Homicide rates would be, I suspect, lower than domestic violence rates?
Just imagine ...?

We doing hypotheticals and calling the result now?

If Caro wrote a crap, factually incorrect article, she deserves to have that article attacked. She deserves to have her professionalism questioned. Pondering whether her employer should retain her in the wake of several such unprofessional articles is to be expected.

Keep it relevant and in context and there shouldn't be a problem.
Okay here's the relevance McGuire and Wilson hate each other due to past rivalries and slights don't generally say nice things about people you don't like ...he's not advocating violence against women ,he just hates Wilson as a person and said things about someone he dislikes that he wouldn't have said about anyone else
Is that relevant enough
You mean like this? Beheading is worse than drowning isn't it?

Imagine the beheading of a woman at a music festival. But you know, it's ok, it was only Tony Abbott.

shift your focus ever so slightly
No one gives a f*** that it was drowning over beheading.
It was the fact 3 people singled out someone they didn't like and engaged in commentary around holding her under water while people jumped on her.

Gwar beheading Abbott is in the league of burning an effigy.
Neither is bullying.
Way to miss the point, you are a special kind of stupid aren't you? trololololo

Nope, you are for linking it to something it has no relevance too. Not every violent act agaisnt a woman is related to DV.

Only stupid people do that. Which in turn clouds the actual DV figures because they include them as a "stat" when they are not.

It's you who miss the point with your simplistic outlook on life.
Women get paid the same amount as men for the same job.

On this I can agree. No idea how people keep getting sucked into this leftist bull shit that makes out that women are paid less for the same job.

Women on average might receive a lower wage than men on average but this will be due to a number of other factors. Job for job men and women will earn the same if they work the same hours, and perform the same tasks.
Please show me the evidence that teaching is poorly paid (and I agree that it is) because it is seen as a "female profession."

Spreading this sort of nonsense doesn't help close the gender pay gap.

I completely agree.

My point was, the gender wage gap has some very deep historical roots that are larger than "women make bad choices."
shift your focus ever so slightly
No one gives a f*** that it was drowning over beheading.
It was the fact 3 people singled out someone they didn't like and engaged in commentary around holding her under water while people jumped on her.

Gwar beheading Abbott is in the league of burning an effigy.
Neither is bullying.

Oh I just put it there to prove the hypocrisy of those who get outraged.
Nope, you are for linking it to something it has no relevance too. Not every violent act agaisnt a woman is related to DV.

Only stupid people do that. Which in turn clouds the actual DV figures because they include them as a "stat" when they are not.

It's you who miss the point with your simplistic outlook on life.

Hahahahaha man is this a routine? Will you do rape jokes next?

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Play Nice Eddie McGuire comments on holding Caro Wilson underwater

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