Play Nice Eddie McGuire comments on holding Caro Wilson underwater

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The APS in the Defence organisation and uniformed members receive the same pay if they are of the same job and rank. Unless you are talking about defence contractors which have nothing do to with that.

Yes that's right same rank same job same pay. with in the services for contractors I wouldn't know
Hi Ron, how you going ?, what happened ?, i don't think the AFL wants Eddie run out of town but they want him to shut up about the Northern academies.

This has the look of stage managed AFL faux outrage to dilute old Eddie of power and smack him back down.

How has he been smacked? I got smacked harder for making a joke about your username.

If anyone's been diluted of power, it's the AFL themselves. Their social policies are worth less than a ticket in a rigged raffle. What a bunch of poseurs.

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For real? Mental health, particularly in men, gets ignored?

Perhaps I just dreamt the last couple of years....

Why oh why does every issue need to be weighed against the others??
If you'd bothered to read the whole post you'd know I also point out it's a massive factor in DV. I didn't just weigh one issue against another, one leads into the other in a huge way.

Nor did I say it 'gets ignored' I said it doesn't get even close to enough attention for the level of problem it presents.
It's tough, I have a psychology background and have dealt with abusers and the abused. I often find these public campaigns are just a lot of hot air. We often forget that humans are just highly evolved animals and unfortunately that means they aren't perfect. When 2 people choose to co-habitat with one another it can bring out some really nasty behavior from controlling to abuse etc. It is nearly always done behind closed doors. It is often exacerbated by the stresses of life from poverty/alcohol and drug abuse etc. Then you have traditional gender roles added to it as well.

To think that a campaign can end such a problem is naive at best. We need to ensure that the law is tough on abusers and that we give people involved in abusive situations (and it is always going to happen in this world unfortunately) the best and safest way out of such relationships. All the policing of language in the world isn't going to change a thing. Abusers will still find a way to abuse.

Yes..very complex problem ...and when you consider that abusers were often abused themselves it gets even messier ..early intervention would seem to be the best way but as you say it is usually behind closed doors
Yes..very complex problem ...and when you consider that abusers were often abused themselves it gets even messier ..early intervention would seem to be the best way but as you say it is usually behind closed doors

What a weird thing to say
Been a victim of domestic violence have you?

I have been in an abusive R/L. Had my kid used against me been physically assaulted and I was the one who had to pay 6000 in court defending myself from an AVO that would have cost me my job .

Then when I was cleared people were telling me it didn't affect me in the end, You know because I am tough as I have a penis. I missed the first 6 months of my sons life because I had a temporary AVO on me unril the court case was heard.

30 minutes after she gave Police a statement saying she was in fear of her safety blah blah blah she text me and asked me to come over. When the Police came to serve me I showed them the text but it didn't matter . The system is a farce
Yes SHE WAS THERE TO DEFEND HERSELF, ffs that is banter. What Eddie did is BULLYING.

You might have to post that every page or two for those that aren't aware it might have been mentioned before.
what a shit world we live in when someone cant crack a joke without it being sexist if tables were turned and caro made the joke there would be no big deal

Another person using a hypothetical response to something that never happened to justify something that did happen.

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Yes SHE WAS THERE TO DEFEND HERSELF, ffs that is banter. What Eddie did is BULLYING.

No sounded like banter to me. Exactly the same thing said by Shaw. Both things said by both Shaw and Eddie were lighthearted. Both banter. Can't pick and choose when you feel like being politically correct.
There aren't enough facepalm gifs on the internet to reply to this sort of logic.

Indeed, I can never understand how people who have no idea what so ever how bad a thing can actually be can just rock up with their own opinion, without any research mostly, and just pass judgement on people who have actually been through it over and over and over again. But carry on, your self righteousness will get you through legend.
No sounded like banter to me. Exactly the same thing said by Shaw. Both things said by both Shaw and Eddie were lighthearted. Both banter. Can't pick and choose when you feel like being politically correct.

OK look BANTER requires both parties to be there at the same time ffs.
The big bully, the little men around him, worse, just giggling and laughing... the inevitable - "sorry, we were just having a laugh" excuse.

Stewart Lee explains it best...

I may of done that correct , but what a boring world it is going to become when you cant say a joke and have to watch everything you say we are not robots.


I swear you cant do or say anything these days with out being scrutinised in some way.
OK look BANTER requires both parties to be there at the same time ffs.

No no it doesn't. But you may be confusing banter with making light hearted jokes about a good cause and having someone participate in the worthy cause because people would like to see it.

But please continue choosing when you choose to be outraged for identical statements.
Look OK this is great, now we are getting at the crux of your issues. I wish you had made me aware of this stuff sooner or maybe you did and I missed it; in which case I am sorry. But I do disagree when you say this has nothing to do with domestic violence (and to be honest I don't like the way you render it down to an acronym, please spell it out for what it is).

My points are that:

1. A football club president does not have any right to claim the same rights of free speech as a comedian making social observations.
2. Until there are ZERO deaths amongst our mothers, sisters and daughters from domestic violence then we need to be OVERTLY politically correct (to remove this stain from future generations).
3. This is a war, I do not apologize for being intolerant. As a 12 year oldish I had to fight my father to stop him beating my mother constantly. I do not give a f^&k what it take to put an end to this shit in our society, if you never laugh again I really coundn't give a f*(k.

I didn't bring it up because I didn't believe Eddie said anything that relates to DV. I appreciate it you might, but I just can't sorry.

There are many wars going on at present in society, we all take up with one cause or another, mine and my wife's bug bear is the war on boys. We all fight a fight based on how we perceive things and our own experiences mould those perceptions.

Keep fighting the good fight my friend, not doubt your heart and mind are in the right place.
No no it doesn't. But you may be confusing banter with making light hearted jokes about a good cause and having someone participate in the worthy cause because people would like to see it.

But please continue choosing when you choose to be outraged for identical statements.

Hysterical, get a dictionary bro.

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Play Nice Eddie McGuire comments on holding Caro Wilson underwater

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