Play Nice Eddie McGuire comments on holding Caro Wilson underwater

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I agree mate . Our country was built on the laidback larrikin taking the piss sadly its over
Ah, yes, the good old days. I remember them well.

And I am glad society has moved forward from them........

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I didn't bring it up because I didn't believe Eddie said anything that relates to DV. I appreciate it you might, but I just can't sorry.

There are many wars going on at present in society, we all take up with one cause or another, mine and my wife's bug bear is the war on boys. We all fight a fight based on how we perceive things and our own experiences mould those perceptions.

Keep fighting the good fight my friend, not doubt your heart and mind are in the right place.

I would like you more if you stopped reducing DOMESTIC VIOLENCE down to DV, makes it sound like a traffic offence ffs.
I have been in an abusive R/L. Had my kid used against me been physically assaulted and I was the one who had to pay 6000 in court defending myself from an AVO that would have cost me my job .

Then when I was cleared people were telling me it didn't affect me in the end, You know because I am tough as I have a penis. I missed the first 6 months of my sons life because I had a temporary AVO on me unril the court case was heard.

30 minutes after she gave Police a statement saying she was in fear of her safety blah blah blah she text me and asked me to come over. When the Police came to serve me I showed them the text but it didn't matter . The system is a farce

My abuse came after the relationship ended. You're not a man blah blah, me ex is a bigger man than you blah blah, you're pathetic, you will never see your daughter again blah blah. Legal aid for her, solicitor and barrister fees for me ... 2 separate occasions over a few years. Police arrived to say that they picked up my exes father on his way up from Sydney to murder me. This was all after she was the one that walked out and left our 15 month old daughter behind. My daughter is now 20 and my ex still talks about wanting me back and has tried to break up my current marriage on one occasion.

My step mother used to single me out for special mental abuse as I was the only child in my Dad's second marriage that wasn't hers. Blamed for things I didn't do, punished accordingly, verbally abused, then on one occasion because I screamed in pain when one of my step siblings bit me hard for no reason and got punished by my Dad before he went out, she threw me to the ground in front of some women friend of hers I had never met and started laying the boot into me. I think I was nearly 10 at the time.

They broke up many times and got back together a week or two later and she would come back and abuse me for eating food that had been left in the cupboard. I was so accustomed to her going back and being abusive to me, it took me until I was 18 to give her a serve back and it stopped right there.

For his part my Dad turned to alcohol in between all this drama, and lashed out at me on occasion. My older step brother stayed with us, bashed his girlfriend on numerous occasions, beat up my Dad and even knocked me on my arse a few time for walking in at the wrong time.

I've been set upon by a couple of grown men in a car park at night time when I was about 15, and I was only saved by a guy walking past with his Mum and hearing it happen.

I firmly believe in horses for courses where violence is concerned. I have seen it from friends, family, mothers, fathers, children, and nobody is exempt. I have so many reasons to take personal circumstances and channel my angst towards women, but I have seen them as victims so many times as well.

Some feminists are shallow, full of hate and not nearly as enlightened as they claim to be. It is not all one way traffic. There are outliers in every group that you have to ignore and not make representative of an issue when it comes up.

So while I completely relate to your story, the frustration, the stuff you had to ignore so your reaction wasn't used against you, a system whereby a father has less rights than the mother, I would just advise you to try not to apply that that to other situations and try to take everything at face value. This is not a gender war, it's an ignorance war and our trials in getting a fair go for ourselves are not the fault of women who find themselves subject to bullying or domestic violence.

I find most women empathise with my own struggles as long as I don't judge them based on those struggles.
Please don't use the acronym 'ffs' either. It makes it sound like when you open your fuel cap at a servo.

No, that's the sound when you put regular fuel into your work car instead of Diesel.
I would like you more if you stopped reducing DOMESTIC VIOLENCE down to DV, makes it sound like a traffic offence ffs.

My wife didn't know what to tell my son when he asked after watching Australia's lamest home videos "why is it funny when boys get kicked in the balls mum".

Seems societies attitudes to violence against some people is a laughing matter when it's certain types of people.

Hard to explain that to a 7 year old though that his pain means less than someone elses.
My wife didn't know what to tell my son when he asked after watching Australia's lamest home videos "why is it funny when boys get kicked in the balls mum".

Seems societies attitudes to violence against some people is a laughing matter when it's certain types of people.

Hard to explain that to a 7 year old though that his pain means less than someone elses.

Agree, that's wrong.

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I may of done that correct , but what a boring world it is going to become when you cant say a joke and have to watch everything you say we are not robots.


You make it sound like it is hard. Don't go on radio with a bunch of jokes and make jokes about drowning a woman that you don't particularly like. Wouldn't think you have to be robot to not be mean spirited.
My wife didn't know what to tell my son when he asked after watching Australia's lamest home videos "why is it funny when boys get kicked in the balls mum".

Seems societies attitudes to violence against some people is a laughing matter when it's certain types of people.

Hard to explain that to a 7 year old though that his pain means less than someone elses.

Fair call, that is absolutely a double standard and a running joke with a lot of women I know. Still ... separate issue and all that. Nobody is saying some women don't have something to answer for, and indeed nobody is grouping all men and all women into two tidy little groups.
One of the messages I tell my new workers is when talking about bullying/harassment '' if you are offended by it then it is offensive''

If Caroline Wilson is offended then it is offensive

I could say that I find your statement offensive. Does that mean it is offensive and you are a bully? No, it does not. Your message to your new workers is quite wrong. As a libertarian I very firmly oppose it. And if you were ever to live in a totalitarian state (which I have) or an absolute monarchy, you might get an inkling of how wrong you are.

It is the difference between John Stuart Mill's Western concept of freedom of speech (i.e. you can test opposing ideas, and mock, expose and refute them, but not use the law to asphyxiate debate, because in the silence that follows a dreadful conformism would set in - aka PC speech) and the American legal philosopher Joel Feinburg's "freedom from offense principle" - where the law should stop freedom of speech that causes offense (the latter now seemingly being part of Australian case law on issues of race).

The freedom from offense doctrine has led to a generation which is offended by anything contrary to their belief system and like frogs slowly being boiled alive, they don't even realize the extent to which they have entered the realm of Orwellian Newspeak and thought control; they don't realize the extent of the consequential loss of any intellectual curiosity in searching out opposing viewpoints, in order to learn/test their own. Anyone with an opposing view is now a "bully" .

Sad times indeed.
Nah it is not hard just boring

Do you get bored if you can't make jokes about drowning people you are known to dislike?

Is there nothing else in your life to take pleasure from? Nothing else to stimulate you?

I'm not sure that not being able to make certain jokes is the cause of your boredom to be honest.
Fair call, that is absolutely a double standard and a running joke with a lot of women I know. Still ... separate issue and all that. Nobody is saying some women don't have something to answer for, and indeed nobody is grouping all men and all women into two tidy little groups.

Is it a separate issue though?

We talk a lot about education of little boys, but what does that attitude say to little girls?

It's funny to physically assault boys? We should never forget that it's not just men who raise violent kids, it's women too.

To change attitudes everyone needs to be called out on it, otherwise we're just applying a band aid solution to the issue.
But it's accepted and nobody cares.

People are more outraged over a joke than a physical act of violence. Is that where society is at?

Please. Are you going for the two wrongs make a right defence here?

People don't care about a male getting kicked in the jatz crackers so how dare people get offended by a joke?

Firstly, you again trivialise this as just a joke.

Secondly, you then compare it to an unrelated act of violence.

Thirdly, you ask the reader to consider that the very people who object to this 'joke' are the same people who couldn't care less about a violent act against a male.

Tell you what, if you have the goods on these hypocrites, expose them. Just don't lump every person in together as though they all share the same brain.
My wife didn't know what to tell my son when he asked after watching Australia's lamest home videos "why is it funny when boys get kicked in the balls mum".

Seems societies attitudes to violence against some people is a laughing matter when it's certain types of people.

Hard to explain that to a 7 year old though that his pain means less than someone elses.
Ah well, perhaps you could start by explaining to him just how many women are the victims of serious domestic abuse?

I could say that I find your statement offensive. Does that mean it is offensive and you are a bully? No, it does not. Your message to your new workers is quite wrong. As a libertarian I very firmly oppose it. And if you were ever to live in a totalitarian state (which I have) or an absolute monarchy, you might get an inkling of how wrong you are.

It is the difference between John Stuart Mill's Western concept of freedom of speech (i.e. you can test opposing ideas, and mock, expose and refute them, but not use the law to asphyxiate debate, because in the silence that follows a dreadful conformism would set in - aka PC speech) and the American legal philosopher Joel Feinburg's "freedom from offense principle" - where the law should stop freedom of speech that causes offense (the latter now seemingly being part of Australian case law on issues of race).

The freedom from offense doctrine has led to a generation which is offended by anything contrary to their belief system and like frogs slowly being boiled alive, they don't even realize the extent to which they have entered the realm of Orwellian Newspeak and thought control; they don't realize the extent of the consequential loss of any intellectual curiosity in searching out opposing viewpoints, in order to learn/test their own. Anyone with an opposing view is now a "bully" .

Sad times indeed.

So wrong, when you need to redress a heurisim you need to be overt; you need to crush it out of your society. This is not led by some Orwellian thought control process upon high, but rather by the recognition by general society that the values of the past no longer fit the present and future paradigms. Go watch the last samurai.
Fair enough mate , We all have different views on things its what makes us unique but if society and political correctness takeover we are all going to be robots and we will all have the same view
One person's "political correctness" is another's "improvement in society".

It's all a matter of perspective.

Calling out a bully like McGuire for alleged humour fuelled by hatred to me is certainly a step in the right direction.

But, as you suggested, each to his/her own.

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Play Nice Eddie McGuire comments on holding Caro Wilson underwater

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