Essendon never used Hexarelin

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I used to criticise fogdog for his 'know it all' demeanor. Pissed me off to know end.

But there is no doubt he is a source and only gives good goss. If he's found out we're OK, Essendon fans will happily back that...he is that spot on.

Nah. For the spot on stuff I go to IanW.

Hird's going down for 4 years for trafficking. Haven't you heard?

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In other developments related to the doping scandal, Fairfax Media has learnt further details about a 2012 invoice that was discovered at Essendon and that lists the drug Hexarelin, which is a human-growth-hormone-releasing peptide banned by doping authorities since 2004. Fairfax Media reported on Saturday that Essendon had recently discovered the invoice, which has been handed to the AFL and doping investigators.

The Hexarelin invoice was sent to the club by Mr Alavi during the 2012 season and paid for by the club. Some time later, Mr Dank alerted the club that he had not ordered the Hexarelin listed on the invoice. After the mistake was discovered, Mr Alavi refunded the Hexarelin payment in the form of a credit that the club could use to buy other supplements.

The details around the invoice have positive and negative consequences for the Bombers. Although they confirm Mr Dank's public statement that he never used HGH-releasing peptides on players, they suggest the club's internal governance may have been so lax as to allow a banned drug to be paid for with few or no questions asked.

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So... Anyone man enough to apologise for accusing Hird and/or the Essendon players for using Hexaralin? Or accusing Hird of lying about not using it?

Basically they will slink off like dogs in the night, Essendon and Hird will get no apology, and the same cowards will be the first to sling crap when the next 'big thing' happens.
Did you even read my post? 'Horses mouth'... did you ever figure maybe I might have some sort of connection with Zakka?

Errr you stated that 'the players' are all still absolutely shitting themselves except for Zakka. I called you out on your bullshit because I know for a fact that this is not the case. I will tell you right now that Dyson Heppell has been told he's got nothing to worry about and he is very relaxed about it all. He is hardly shitting himself. I'm sure many other players are in the same boat.

You remind me of The Weapon. Zakka is clean = everyone else is shitting themselves.
Errr you stated that 'the players' are all still absolutely shitting themselves except for Zakka. I called you out on your bullshit because I know for a fact that this is not the case. I will tell you right now that Dyson Heppell has been told he's got nothing to worry about and he is very relaxed about it all. He is hardly shitting himself. I'm sure many other players are in the same boat.

You remind me of The Weapon. Zakka is clean = everyone else is shitting themselves.

Hahaha, I said I know 100% Zakka is clean. Players are still shitting themselves. Maybe there are a few who may have very well been 'assured' that they're okay, but I can assure YOU that many of them aren't so sure like Dyson. But hey, we'll see when the investigation finishes up. As I said, I'd take the word of a good mate over you.
where no hexarelin arrived at the club.
Keep up with the program, that lie has never been confirmed by anyone and just like "the letter" has since been busted.

Fairfax Media understands evidence has emerged that the banned substance was last year onsite at the club.

Mr Alavi was supplying peptides Thymosin Beta 4 and Hexarelin, both banned by WADA because of their performance-enhancing effects, to former Essendon sports scientist Stephen Dank. Essendon Football Club invoices suggest both substances were supplied to the club.

Read and weep.
Keep up with the program, that lie has never been confirmed by anyone and just like "the letter" has since been busted.

Read and weep.

Hilarious, a club intent on institutionalized cheating is going to insist that its illegal drug purchase are issued with a proper receipt. Don't want to upset the tax auditors now do we.

Next Princess please
Hilarious, a club intent on institutionalized cheating is going to insist that its illegal drug purchase are issued with a proper receipt. Don't want to upset the tax auditors now do we.

Next Princess please

Exactly. Hence why essendon had the 60k worth of PEDs documented as 'amino acids' on the invoice we saw on the weapon interview. It looks like somewhere along the journey an invoice revealing the true identity of one of Dank's 'amino acid blends' slipped through the net.

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If a neutral observer believes in the Bombers...fairly easy to see how the fans do :)

Or he has NFI what the WADA code is and why the EFC should have stayed away from the drugs they took as part of their "supplement program". It's the same thing with Newman, although they may have once played the game they don't understand the anti-drug rules, why they are in place and what must be done to conform to them .........
Hilarious, a club intent on institutionalized cheating is going to insist that its illegal drug purchase are issued with a proper receipt. Don't want to upset the tax auditors now do we.

Next Princess please
Well your club has done far dumber things so it wouldn't surprise me Dank even specified it was for the coaches* (loll)
Fact of the matter remains - ASADA have the invoices for the banned substances with your club's name on it and according to Fairfax Hexarelin was at your premises.

Next time use the chewbacca defense, it's far superior to anything you can come up with.

Looks pretty easy to develop a test for Thymosin beta 4 that would distinguish it from alpha, theoretically it is already possible to do this on a lab bench.

WADA probably already has the development contracted for monoclonal antibody development for various peptides including Hexarelin

I am sure in 5 years time we will know if any samples from the Bombers tests positive for Hexarelin etc.

Now what were in those Vitamin tablets that Spike took without a consent form prior to the presentation? Hexarelexin?

It has emerged that the 18-page document outlining the AFL's conduct unbecoming charges against James Hird contains no allegation that the Essendon coach used WADA-banned drug Hexarelin.

Fairfax Media has learnt that the letter issued by the AFL's solicitors after Hird was charged on Tuesday asserts that the coach was injected with tanning drug Melanotan II - a substance that also claims to keep users thin and boost libido. But no such assertion is made about Hexarelin, a peptide prohibited for use by athletes in World Anti-Doping Agency-compliant sports.

While Hird disputes - and intends to challenge - most of the content in the AFL charge letter, this is one point where his evidence to date appears to have carried weight with league investigators, despite the allegations of Stephen Dank and Dean Robinson.
Well your club has done far dumber things so it wouldn't surprise me Dank even specified it was for the coaches* (loll)
Fact of the matter remains - ASADA have the invoices for the banned substances with your club's name on it and according to Fairfax Hexarelin was at your premises.

Next time use the chewbacca defense, it's far superior to anything you can come up with.

Let's not forget the poor chap who tried to import an S2 drug and received 18 months by ASADA.

No positive test, and he didnt even receive possession of the goods because customs intercepted it and reported it.

All they had was a credit card transaction and address that lead to the athlete. And the final admission

I can't wait to find out what's in the 13,000+ ASADA documents and the juicy interviews.

I wonder if the EFC wishes this report to be made public. ( or the ACC report, now that would be a good read)

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Essendon never used Hexarelin

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