fear for fragile ben cousins-herald sun

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I have no idea about that kingcuz but I know plenty of 30+ year old mothers who love smoking ice and racking Charlie. I must admit when I read about her in the paper the first time being a naturopath and an old family friend I figured she would be a good influence on him but who knows what the truth really is.

Yeah! something strange about her! I see Ben at my local shopping centre always alone. In fact seen him twice the past couple of weeks and my friend served him just the other day. He looks so good , everyone saying how hot he looks. So strange.. expected him to struggle big time once the footy season started and adjusting to life without footy, to look at him you would think he's doing ok.
A big problem is the girlfriend,May lee or wtf her nane is.

FWIW,he was high the whole time he played for us just about

From what I've heard Ben would not be able to have a sane conversation when high, let alone play footy. He was medicated with anti anxiety and other stuff they give addicts from what I read somewhere. Strange, that in this article it says he hadn't slept for 4 days and yet in his book he admits to using sleeping pills most of his life, so why wouldn 't he take some ? What does major setbacks actually mean? when a relapse was to be expected.

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Would prefer if we didn't start digging up the "what-if's" from his time at Tigerland. Can we not do the "was he or wasn't he" stuff?

In a couple of short years, Richmond and Ben did a lot for each other, and hope that he gets the help he needs to get through this.

Hope he feels he needs help as well.
Well .. its not just a matter of ...

Addiction + help = cured:thumbsu:

Definately, addiction is a complex beast. There is a line of thinking that suggests once an addict always an addict. And that you can never be cured, no matter how long your clean for.

I haven't read his book, but at no stage did I see Ben as someone who thought he was doing the wrong thing by taking drugs.

Spot on ... his brain or rationale or whatever was always searching for some form of reasoning or justification to keep dabbling

If true this belies a lack of insight on the part of Ben into his problem and no amount of 'help' can keep him clean.
I'll put a question out there

For those who have read his book front to back and saw his documentary, did he legitimately seem like he never wanted to take drugs again?

After finishing his book I thought 'wow..this bloke has a VERY long way to go'

Totally agree mate. The book more so than the doco.

I don't know anything about drugs, so I can't really comment too much. But it did sound like he wasn't really over it. I think the problem for drug addicts and those who try and get off it and resurrect their lives, is that once they know they can get off the stuff, they can go through it again knowing it's possible. Sort of like weight loss in a sense.

Problem for Ben is that he adored footy and it was what he always wanted to do. Now he doesn't have footy, what's next? What's he got to achieve for the next (hopefully) 60 years of his life?

It's a shame. :(
Problem for Ben is that he is a problem now, to those who are close and not our problem.

If he is having issues with drugs, he isnt any different to a million and one other junkies out there...So those who are close, deal it with it and please leave us out of the loop, its getting ****ing boring with the same old shit...;)
maylea tinechaf i think it is

do you really think he was using while playing for us?

Yes mate.

**** u cuzzy, u weak dog.

Truth is i was asked by him twice while out and about (riva) if i could get him some fantasy. It cant be detected as easily as mainstream drugs.

Junkies r all littlle selfish,lying dogs who would **** u over for a high.

No helping them and they ALL die eventually.

Ben Cousins WILL die from drug related issues,mark my words.

He enjoys it too much....and guess what - IDGAF anymore.

Carried two friends out in pine boxes who dies from drug ODs

This guy has nothing to do with us anymore and good
Yes mate.

**** u cuzzy, u weak dog.

Truth is i was asked by him twice while out and about (riva) if i could get him some fantasy. It cant be detected as easily as mainstream drugs.

I don't doubt that for a minute, the stories I have heard about footballers in general from ex players and others on the fringes would be enough to turn many opinion people have of these lads. I too read the book and i was stunned at just how pre occupied he became with his habit, not something likely to turn on off that easily...all the best to him, will take a mighty effort from his support network, I hope he makes it
Yes mate.

**** u cuzzy, u weak dog.

Truth is i was asked by him twice while out and about (riva) if i could get him some fantasy. It cant be detected as easily as mainstream drugs.

Yeah G can't be detected in urine sample after about 15 hours or something.

Strange how he spoke of it almost in disgust in his book when he said he nearly died from using it.

Ahwell, if true I'm not entirely surprised

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Really? Even if it is out of your system in 12-16 hours (assuming only a single dose is taken) that is still around 30% of the week where he could get busted (48 hours out of 168). Over an entire year that is a pretty big risk.
I am thinking about his dad, and how much more can he support and help Ben.

Sounds like Ben needs some sort of structure to get through life, and not sure if Richmond is the answer for him this time round. If Ben does return as an assistant coach for us, will the media circus begin again? Most likely, yes.
Makes you wonder if he was ever off them....
Makes you wonder who supplies him ...

Personally I think he is self absorbed w***er that doesn't deserve anyones sympathy .... and I dont think he wants anyones sympathy.

I just hope he hasn't inflicted any long term problems at our club.

Lifes about choices.... he can stop if he wants to.
Makes you wonder if he was ever off them....
Makes you wonder who supplies him ...

Personally I think he is self absorbed w***er that doesn't deserve anyones sympathy .... and I dont think he wants anyones sympathy.

I just hope he hasn't inflicted any long term problems at our club.

Lifes about choices.... he can stop if he wants to.

reading his book, i must say it would be easy to draw that conclusion. I do however have some sympathy for him, like many in the limelight there are aspects of life that don't come easy and sadly this is their outlet...BC is not the first and won't be the last. i just hope he doesn't end up like Heath ledger
Makes you wonder if he was ever off them....
Makes you wonder who supplies him ...

Personally I think he is self absorbed w***er that doesn't deserve anyones sympathy .... and I dont think he wants anyones sympathy.

I just hope he hasn't inflicted any long term problems at our club.

Lifes about choices.... he can stop if he wants to.

This is exactly it

everyone gets fooled by the label of addict

heaps of bikers and other party animals snort the wiz every single weekend ..go hard ..have an all nighter ..rest up and then go to work on monday ..look after their families and have a relatively normal life

but some people are greedy gutses and instead of having the occasional snort inject the stuff cause they can't wait 10 mins and have to get high NOW or evenly more dangerously subtler smoke the stuff

when his poor dad was worried about him not sleeping for 4 days ..this isn't because he has a mental problem or anything ..its simply a result of the guts having a bender and staying up for 4 days ..Jeesh!

if you or I stayed up 4 four days with no drugs ..we would be metally fragile too!

Come on Cuz tell the truth to your Dad

I don't understand the tigers love affair with this sly Junkie

He could stop tommorrow ..smoke a bit of pot..drink a few beers ..have the occasional line of coke and not ever be "mentally fragile and staying awake for 4 days the poor baby.

so I agree with this poster that he is a self absorbed (selfish ) w***er and that he could stop any time he wanted to
I'll put a question out there

For those who have read his book front to back and saw his documentary, did he legitimately seem like he never wanted to take drugs again?

After finishing his book I thought 'wow..this bloke has a VERY long way to go'

Was going to the post the same thing..

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fear for fragile ben cousins-herald sun

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