Fev arrested

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That's true, but Fevola wasn't "wayward" when you recruited him, he was out of his tree. It didn't take much to understand Fevola lacked the intelligence to be able to change his ways and was ALWAYS going to get into strife at Brisbane. It's his nature.

Fevola wasn't a "risk", he was a sure fire recipe for disaster.

IMO we needed to have structures in place, so this didnt eventuate, for him and the club. We needed a specific behavour modified contract, warts and all.

We dropped the ball, now we have to pay him nearly a million this season.
If it was first offence I'd be with you, but with a long standing history of upsetting the apple cart I'd suggest that if the AFL want him gone, he's gone. After all, it's their bat, their ball, so they can use the blanket charge of bringing the game into disrepute and send him home.

It's his first offence at Brisbane. He's been cleared of everything else. If the AFL try to sack him they'll be in court before they know it. They know they can't under the standard contract. Drunken arrest isn't real serious.
IMO we needed to have structures in place, so this didnt eventuate, for him and the club. We needed a specific behavour modified contract, warts and all.

We dropped the ball, now we have to pay him nearly a million this season.

It's summer. If he's fit he'll kick around 90 goals. Then you won't care much about his behaviour.

I never did. I never cared what he did off the field. Not my problem. He kicked lots of goals for Carlton. As a suppoter it's all I cared about. Goals and the 4 points.

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That's true, but Fevola wasn't "wayward" when you recruited him, he was out of his tree. It didn't take much to understand Fevola lacked the intelligence to be able to change his ways and was ALWAYS going to get into strife at Brisbane. It's his nature.

Fevola wasn't a "risk", he was a sure fire recipe for disaster.

Yep guilty your Honor..cant handle his sauce..along with 60 other folk locked up in Brisbane NYE.
true mate...still fevs issues are pretty harmless when you look at past issues in the afl. But I guess when like you say fevs problems are like a revolving door its disappointing, and you have to wonder what lies ahead in the future with him.

still bigger issues in the afl that get quickly washed aside...fev just provides a continue stream of small incidents that makes good news and makes money for the media...they must love him
I'm afraid his reputation is now iron clad and nothing he can do will alter the media perception of him - he will forever be the brain dead party animal from hell no matter what he does. Such a shame has always had all the tools and athleticism to been a sensational footballer, appears likely to finish his career as a figure of fun and derision:(
I haven't read every page, so this may have been mentioned before, but is it possible that Fev's NYE celebrations were sponsored by the St Kilda Football Club? ;)
It's probably about time that the AFL bought out his Lions contract and sent him to Ibiza with a one way plane ticket, 1 million Euros and a perpetual membership to Casino de Ibiza @ the Ibiza Gran.
It's summer. If he's fit he'll kick around 90 goals. Then you won't care much about his behaviour.

I never did. I never cared what he did off the field. Not my problem. He kicked lots of goals for Carlton. As a suppoter it's all I cared about. Goals and the 4 points.

The one time Fev missed a significant amount of pre-season at Carlton was prior to the 2005 season. He struggled with fitness throughout the 2005 season & finished the season with 49 goals only, his worst return between 2003 & 2009.

Fev has been on a modified program this pre-season due to his groin surgery & will now miss the recommencement of pre-season training. At this stage of his career, he needed an interruption free pre-season to give the Brisbane Lions full value in 2011.

FWIW, Fev has only kicked 90+ goals once in a season & that was when he was the only forward target at Carlton. He will not kick 90 goals for the Lions, fit or not.
8 years for killing 3 people? mmmm

His confession was not looked into properly. Eventually, he'd been found to have made a false confession and so was released. ie He didnt do it.

Like I said you better call the cops.

Actually, he lodged an appeal against his conviction, but despite a Justice, who was hearing an appeal by another alleged perpetrator, describing Pederick's version of events as "clearly unreliable", the appeal was dismissed. He was sentenced to 20 years jail for the crime, but released after 8 years. Did he do it? He argues that he did. Did he do it alone? Highly unlikely. Colleagues of mine who worked with him back in the '70s were evenly split as to whether he was capable of doing it or not. I remember one describing Pederick as "unusual."

Pederick actually stated upon his release from jail "I guess I was quite unique in the prison system in that I had to keep proving my guilt, whereas everyone else said they were innocent."

Pederick was obviously 'a few ants short of a picnic', but a good example that many organisations contain bad eggs, but not everybody from a particular organisation can be tarred with the same brush as a handful of troublemakers.
The one time Fev missed a significant amount of pre-season at Carlton was prior to the 2005 season. He struggled with fitness throughout the 2005 season & finished the season with 49 goals only, his worst return between 2003 & 2009.

Fev has been on a modified program this pre-season due to his groin surgery & will now miss the recommencement of pre-season training. At this stage of his career, he needed an interruption free pre-season to give the Brisbane Lions full value in 2011.

FWIW, Fev has only kicked 90+ goals once in a season & that was when he was the only forward target at Carlton. He will not kick 90 goals for the Lions, fit or not.
He struggled with OP in 2005 and missed 3-4 games. He kicks decent goals even when he's stuffed.

I'm guessing he wont be far away from 80-90ish. Too good a player in form. He has 83 and 89 as well, near enough to 90. Not drawing straws over a goal.

Fev's a superstar in form. Fair chance he'll go into the season in pretty fair shape. He still kicked near 50 last year with his adductor torn off his bone.

We get worked up in off-field things that we forget how good he really is. And that is absolute elite. That's all supporters need worry about.

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So Brisbane have essentially lost Bradshaw, Henderson and Rischitelli for Fevola.

Well done, Vossy.

We got an end of first round compensation pick for Rischitelli. Still in the bank.
He struggled with OP in 2005 and missed 3-4 games. He kicks decent goals even when he's stuffed.

I'm guessing he wont be far away from 80-90ish. Too good a player in form. He has 83 and 89 as well, near enough to 90. Not drawing straws over a goal.

Fev's a superstar in form. Fair chance he'll go into the season in pretty fair shape. He still kicked near 50 last year with his adductor torn off his bone.

We get worked up in off-field things that we forget how good he really is. And that is absolute elite. That's all supporters need worry about.
You need the best team, good leadership and the right coaching strategies to win a flag.

Or to get to a GF.

Fevola won't ever cut the mustard.

Collingwood, Sydney, St Kilda and WC have proven this.

Their top tiers were supporters by good ordinary players who played their roles.

Medhurst and Fraser had more talent, but fell by the way side.
I'm afraid his reputation is now iron clad and nothing he can do will alter the media perception of him - he will forever be the brain dead party animal from hell no matter what he does. Such a shame has always had all the tools and athleticism to been a sensational footballer, appears likely to finish his career as a figure of fun and derision:(
Had the legspeed, long kicking and talent to develop into a Pavlich who played up the ground, but lacks the professionalism and motor to reach that level.

Even Leigh Brown played up the ground this year.

Read training reports which stated that Fevola used to take shortcuts like Justin Madden by jogging lap inside the bounday line.


Belongs in that era with Norman, Whitnall and Angwin.
Following on from my earlier post, I'd also like to point out that this is the same Queensland Police Force that were taking bets on which officer would be first to arrest Fevola. FFS get some perspective people.
They're going to the expense of hauling Fevola into court just so a policeman can win a bet?

George Costanza isn't a Queensland cop.
Yep, it's all Carlton's fault. If someone told you Carlton also club baby seals, drown kittens for fun and have strong links to the Third Reich, you'd believe that too.
I'm shocked you'd think I'd believe all that. . . . .
The third reich must have had some standards :D:D:D

But realistically no team can control a ******* of the caliber of Fev.

He obviously has no thought for any one but his own transient pleasures.
They're going to the expense of hauling Fevola into court just so a policeman can win a bet?

George Costanza isn't a Queensland cop.

Firstly, it's likely this won't get to court. There was 59 other drunks in the same lockup FFS.

Secondly, it's not about this bet. But their impartiality is to be questioned. Fevola is clearly a target. Just like he was with that skank who tried to get him done for sexual assault last time.
It's buyer beware.

Everyone knew Fev was loose cannon, yet Brisbane gave him a contract that was overpaid with no 3 strike/bad behaviour policy.

Brisbane deserve everything they get and the AFL should not bail them out of the contract. They're a professional organisation and they should be punished for their incompetence.
It's buyer beware.

Everyone knew Fev was loose cannon, yet Brisbane gave him a contract that was overpaid with no 3 strike/bad behaviour policy.

Brisbane deserve everything they get and the AFL should not bail them out of the contract. They're a professional organisation and they should be punished for their incompetence.
List some other examples of bad behaviour by Fev whilst playing for Brisbane. Go on.
Wanting and having are not the same thing. Here's how it plays out if the AFL is silly enough to try that one.

Fev's lawyers have the response ready to go after the penisgate debacle. AFL deregisters Fev. Fev files restraint of trade action. While awaiting the court date - probably for 6 months or more - Fev's lawyers willingly embrace trial by media.

Every day, one by one, they compare Fev's offence with a previous example of player misconduct. There's no shortage of material. A headline a day.

Good luck trying to put positive spin on the idea that rape and criminal assault are not hanging offences, but getting pissed on New Years is...

I'm not suggesting that Brisbane have the contractual right to sack Fev at this point (although they might), but "restraint of trade" has nothing to do with it - completely different issue.

However, a restraint of trade argument might be available if the AFL refused to let Fev play for another club after Brisbane terminated his contract. The standard AFL player's contract wouldn't have a restraint of trade clause in it (unlike a standard employment contract) such that Brisbane would have no say in what Fev could or couldn't do once he left.
Firstly, it's likely this won't get to court. There was 59 other drunks in the same lockup FFS.

Secondly, it's not about this bet. But their impartiality is to be questioned. Fevola is clearly a target. Just like he was with that skank who tried to get him done for sexual assault last time.

Fev surely would go to court for this. He'll get a fine in the order of 200-500 you would think, depending on the judge he gets and whether they take into account his priors.
I think no one was expecting a Fev brain fade free year it's better for Brisbane he did this in the off season. Hopefully he can get his act together like Big Bad Bazza it would be sad if we only remember him for being a complete idiot off the field. Sadly the track record suggests he is going to be let off again by the club because of the $1.6million liability in the salary cap. For the clubs sake I hope they can get at least 60 70 goals out of him this year. Like the Eagles found out you give people chances at your own risk.
So Brendan Fevola got arrested for no reason other than being Brendan Fevola and already people are turning on him.

Do you lot not remember how quickly everyone turned on him last time, with that sexual assault allegation, and how it turned out Fev had done nothing wrong whatsoever and all these community types screaming for him to be jailed wound up looking like idiots?

Would've thought you'd all have learnt some patience after that.

No reason other than being Brendon Fevola? What the **** does that mean, seriously?? What are you trying to say? That because Fev is an almighty **** head, that we should just go "oh it's just Fev being Fev"?

Allegations are he said to a cop "take off your badge and hat and I'll smash you". Just Fev being Fev huh? Poor guy, I can't believe the over sensitive cop didn't just smile indulgently.

As for the last allegation being a beat-up, what about the roughly dozen or so incidents? They weren't beat-ups. Dunno about you, but if someone ****s up monumentally 10 times or more, but one of those wasn't as bad as it was made out to be, forgive me for not instantly thinking poor misunderstood Fev is being victimized again

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Fev arrested

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