Footy Preseason Training

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5 workout days is not recommendedif your training for footy it might geett you big but not as srong you should do 4 or 3 whole body sessions.
what are you doing in your 5 workout sessions would be good to know becasue you could be compleatly ruining your body
do more cardio not less and do less workouts
Thanks for the help guys.. i'll check it out.

Does anyone have any ideas about what to eat if trying to lose weight?

Currently 93kg. Want to get down to 88 or so..

any ideas???

thanks again.

p.s Steve if trying to get stronger try to do power sets.
I found these are great

For eg on your Bench try this.
Be really precise on the timing

50kg 12 reps - rest 1 min
10 reps - 1 min
8 reps - 1 min
6 reps -
2 minutes rests
12 reps
then straight away do another chest exercise such as 12 push ups

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hey all
im 16 bout 5 ft 7 ish, bout 60 kgs and play mostly as a rover or on wing
im heading into 1st year 18s and i recon im in a bit of strife.
im working on my skills.
im a swimmer so my upper body strength isnt bad but i still think it needs work as does my speed and endurance.
me and a few mates usually do a few sprints and jogs
can anyone recomend anything?

hey guys im in serious need of help, I posted on here agesago but no one replied. I am 17, weigh about 60 kgs maybe even less, I play as a half back, wingman, I wont to step up and put some weight on before the begining of this year in the Under 19's. Does anyone have a program for me, an AFL program would be great. I also really need work on my upper body strength as i get pushed off the ball alot.
p.s Steve if trying to get stronger try to do power sets.
I found these are great

For eg on your Bench try this.
Be really precise on the timing

50kg 12 reps - rest 1 min
10 reps - 1 min
8 reps - 1 min
6 reps -
2 minutes rests
12 reps
then straight away do another chest exercise such as 12 push ups

I reckon for power (not muscle endurance) you need to be doing three sets of increasing weights. Don't waste all your energy on warmup weights or high reps -these will tone and increase endurance but not explosive power.
I do:
6 x 50kg+bar
6 x 65kg+bar
max x 70kg + bar.
2 mins rest between sets or superset with crunches or similar core work.

The idea is to have a warm-up set at about 60% max output. Then your second set should be the max you can do for 6 reps. The last set you up the weight and see how many you can do. Aim for 4-6. If you can do 6 then on your next workout make that weight your second set and do a third at slightly more. If you can't do 4 then drop the weight off a little.
For power it's important that you work till failure so it'd be good to have a spotter or do DB chest presses rather than barbell.
Do this, then some incline or decline, some light weight flys, keep working to failure on those third sets.
Anything more than 3 sets of 6 and you'll be working on endurance and appearance rather than power gain.

Make sure you give your body two days rest between these workouts though.
yeh ive been working out for over a year now. and a good 6 months at a proper gym with trainers and bodybuilders.
i guess im gonna keep doing what im doing with 3 mornings of hard running/sand running/sprinting intervals and stuff like this.
but atm i need to gain a few more kilo's so im uping my calories and protien intake.
1-2 Hours a day is way too much. I doubt you will or could do that

Well since new year, ive been training pretty hard.

I probably run for 15mins, do sprints or plyometrics for maybe 30-40mins, and then i have alternate workouts (dumbell, with weights machine, and circuit training) which is probably about 30-40mins too. So im looking at an hour and a half really - ive finished school but and have got nothing else to do.

I was training very hard for TPP (tallented player program) that started in early december, but then i did a quad and couldnt do anything for like 6 weeks. So only after new year have i been getting back into it.

I ate like a troll most of early party of offseason and put on around 5kgs. Now working on toning that up into more muscle but.

Anyway heres my current stuff:

Plyometrics for power (helps speed and vertical leap):

I do tuck jumps, box jumps, lateral box pushoffs, squats for height, squats with dumb bells (not plyos i know but yeh), bounding, and simple line hops (mainly line hops as warm up). this has been going well. Havent timed myself, but i feel alot fast too, and ive added 3cm to my vertical leap in about 2 weeks which i am very very happy about! Hopefully keep going and can get faster (hope to improve a fair bit, havent timed myself yet, but i was fair slow before - used to run about 3.2 for 20m sprint, hopeing to be around 3.1 come preseason though (slow i know!!)).

For sprints, i do 5x20m, then 4x40m, then i do 3 sets of 3 sets of 4x20m repeat sprints.

Also do this thing where i jog 60m, then sprint 20m, do that like 3 times in a row about 3 times too (kinda like repeat sprints).

Thats been going really well too - i do plyometrics/sprints on alternate days. Havent timed myself but i do feel faster.

I just wanted to get speed up, cos im moving into seniors next year, and im pretty skinny and small so im going to need my pace.

Also doing cardio stuff just running every second day.

Also do circuit training with pushups, dips, squats, crunches...

Also have a dumb-bell workout with basic curls, concentration curls, chest presses, tricep pullback things.

Ive been to a gym and had a few personal training sessions - dont know much terminology to describe what im doing but yeh.

anyways going well. hard to have motivation after an injury, and its hard when you dont see results straight away but just got to keep at it. Im motivated at the moment and its been going well.
Does anyone have any ideas about what to eat if trying to lose weight?

The biggest thing in losing weight is to make your portions smaller. All the foods that are obvious: fruit, veggies, meat (grilled is good), etc.

Instead of having a big lunch and dinner, have a smaller lunch, a snack for afternoon tea, then a smaller dinner.

Big breakfasts are good, fill up on some porridge or weet-bix and some apples or bananas.

Have a snack of some almonds or fruit for morning tea, as well.
sorry guys dont want to be rude but i posted on here a month ago and no one replyed then i posted again last week and yet again no one replyed so hopefully third time lucky. Can anyone help me im in serious need of help. I am 17, weigh about 60 kgs maybe even less, I play as a half back, wingman, I want to step up and put some weight on before the begining of this year in the Under 19's. Does anyone have a program for me, an AFL program would be great. I also really need work on my upper body strength as i get pushed off the ball alot. I would really like to put on as much weight as possible and become as strong as possible without losing my endurance which is great.
sorry guys dont want to be rude but i posted on here a month ago and no one replyed then i posted again last week and yet again no one replyed so hopefully third time lucky. Can anyone help me im in serious need of help. I am 17, weigh about 60 kgs maybe even less, I play as a half back, wingman, I want to step up and put some weight on before the begining of this year in the Under 19's. Does anyone have a program for me, an AFL program would be great. I also really need work on my upper body strength as i get pushed off the ball alot. I would really like to put on as much weight as possible and become as strong as possible without losing my endurance which is great.
It's probably a little bit late to be putting on upper-body size, but I wouldn't worry about it at your age just yet.

Your best bet from now and throughout the season would be to work on your core strength. A quick Google search on 'core strength exercises' will provide you with some simple avenues to follow.

You mentioned that you get pushed off the ball quite a bit. Upper body strength won't necesserely stop this from happening, rather if you work on improving your core strength, you will find that you are able to shake tackles and stand up in packs a lot better. You will also be more balanced when hitting packs and coming out with the ball.

Also, if you want to improve your weight, eat lots of carbohydrates, as well as plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. When I was your age, I was in a very similar position, but as I got older, I ate the right foods and worked on my body size and strength through the ages of 18-19, and I am now a better, stronger footballer because of it, and I haven't lost my speed.

One final thing. Don't rush it. You will do more harm to your body than good if you try to do too much, too soon.

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My team tomorrow is heading down to something here in SA we like to call the Snake Pit. For those of you who don't know what it is it's a 500m track up and down through sand dunes.

Not much fun if ask me.
My team tomorrow is heading down to something here in SA we like to call the Snake Pit. For those of you who don't know what it is it's a 500m track up and down through sand dunes.

Not much fun if ask me.

The snake pit down at the police academy at Taperoo? Personally I've never run it, but I imagine it would be hell.
Gday Guys I'm 17 years old 175cms 63kgs and I'm looking to start my footy pre season soon as I want a very big year next year.

I'm looking to put some weight on as in muscle as I step up into the top age Under 18's.

Would really love to know how to build proper upper body and core strength, and anything I can do for my agillity and running?

Anyone have any programs I could use AFL one prefrebly or if not any programs at all, you could PM me if you like or just reply here please Thanks heaps.
I'm just about to get started into something like this

Monday : Aerobic activity (1 or 2 games of mens basketball)

Tuesday : Weights or Strength circuit

Wednesday : Aerobic activity (1 game of junior basketball)

Thursday :
Weights or Strength circuit

Friday : Aerobic activity (run)

Saturday :
Aerobic activity (run) followed by Weights or Strength circuit in the afternoon

Sunday : Aerobic activity (2 hour basketball training) in the morning followed by a recovery session in the afternoon (massage, stretch, walk in the beach water [all the good stuff :D] etc)

I'm just about to get started into something like this

Monday : Aerobic activity (1 or 2 games of mens basketball)

Tuesday : Weights or Strength circuit

Wednesday : Aerobic activity (1 game of junior basketball)

Thursday : Weights or Strength circuit

Friday : Aerobic activity (run)

Saturday : Aerobic activity (run) followed by Weights or Strength circuit in the afternoon

Sunday : Aerobic activity (2 hour basketball training) in the morning followed by a recovery session in the afternoon (massage, stretch, walk in the beach water [all the good stuff :D] etc)

So you can use this for a footy preseason?

Do you know anything on what I posted above?
Have a look at this.

if you havent already done so, register, log in and then follow the program set out here. this is a program put together by a current AFL conditioning coach so there is some credibility in it. there's a senior prorgram and a junior program for 12-18yr olds. it goes from the bottom of the page to the top.

if you havent already done so, perhaps do a few weeks of light runs and increase the tempo of these bit by bit before you go straight into Quinn's program. It's a 12-week preparation program so you can work back from the beginning of your season and start it at the appropriate time. i think it'll prolly be around begining of december for most people. remember tho that you'll be back at your club doing sessions with them too in the new year.

it doesnt list a lifting program, but does offer tips and things to keep in mind when asking a personal trainer or qualified gym skank to put a program together for you. from my experience playing american football where lifting is a big part in preparation, my coaches have always stressed these 6 lifting exercises as core: squat, deadlift, bench press, power clean, standing shoulder press, pendlay row. everything else is secondary.

hope it helps.
i'm not sure why those who run a lot always think of gaining upper body strength when if you were going to do 1 exercise to increase overall strength, it would definately be a squat ior a deadlift...bench presses won;t make you a better player at all really

what strength training experience do you have mate? i was once like you, 17 and 168cms and 54kgs stepping into the seniors and getting mangled...

the essendon one doesn't even give out a program, just guidelines on your weekly set up..
I'm no expert but I've always found that the best way to go pre Christmas is to get plenty of miles under the legs. Running 3-4 times a week, each run atleast 5km long at a good pace. Change it up by running up hills or doing different types of running(Fartlek etc.)
the days of endless are over, it's all about being smarter with your shorter runs but do them at a quicker pace...when do you ever run 5kms straight in a game?;s all about hard sprints x 30 - 100m mixed with a 30 - 50% jog

afl teams only do 2 - 3km time trials these days
Have a look at this.

if you havent already done so, register, log in and then follow the program set out here. this is a program put together by a current AFL conditioning coach so there is some credibility in it. there's a senior prorgram and a junior program for 12-18yr olds. it goes from the bottom of the page to the top.

if you havent already done so, perhaps do a few weeks of light runs and increase the tempo of these bit by bit before you go straight into Quinn's program. It's a 12-week preparation program so you can work back from the beginning of your season and start it at the appropriate time. i think it'll prolly be around begining of december for most people. remember tho that you'll be back at your club doing sessions with them too in the new year.

it doesnt list a lifting program, but does offer tips and things to keep in mind when asking a personal trainer or qualified gym skank to put a program together for you. from my experience playing american football where lifting is a big part in preparation, my coaches have always stressed these 6 lifting exercises as core: squat, deadlift, bench press, power clean, standing shoulder press, pendlay row. everything else is secondary.

hope it helps.

Great find

i'm not sure why those who run a lot always think of gaining upper body strength when if you were going to do 1 exercise to increase overall strength, it would definately be a squat ior a deadlift...bench presses won;t make you a better player at all really

While I agree the squat or deadlift would help stop being knocked off the ball what's wrong with the bench?

the days of endless are over, it's all about being smarter with your shorter runs but do them at a quicker pace...when do you ever run 5kms straight in a game?

Doesn't matter if you don't do it in a game, you're after a physiological response (as with the squats you suggested). Long runs have their place in improving cardiac output. They also help in preventing injuries as you ramp up the intensity.

I'm no expert but I've always found that the best way to go pre Christmas is to get plenty of miles under the legs. Running 3-4 times a week, each run atleast 5km long at a good pace. Change it up by running up hills or doing different types of running(Fartlek etc.)

:thumbsu: I did this back in my footy days, always helped my pre-seasons.
bb bench presses are required to build foundation/tendon strength so they do have their place but size wise they don;t really follow the natural path of the pecs and will only give initial size gains..after that db variations are probably better as they allow for a greater rangle of motion thus time under tension...performance wise i'd be more interested in what you can do for a 3 rep max chin up which correlates a lot better to performance because it's a measure of relative strength

i'm not sure how they decrease injuries, if anything they'll increase your injury risk because of it's limited range of motion and repetitive motion on the same joints...why not do 3 x 1km runs, cut your training time in half and probably double you intensity?

training is about managing fatigue more so then inducing it...your aim should be to train as close to the threashold as you can but still come back to the your next training session at 100% freshness...unfortunatly most of our recovery modes involve a shower and the drive home so we're hardly recovered at all (physiologially or pscologically) before our next session

would you agree with that?

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Footy Preseason Training

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