Rumour Future of the club (Bevo, board, assistant coaches, football department)

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Frankly I'm a bit disgusted by the overreactions to our recent losses, and the calling for Bevo's head just a couple of seasons post our last Grand Final appearance.

What other coach on the market would have a CV even close to Bevo?
It's not just the 2 GF's, Premiership and consistent finals appearances. It's that those achievements occurred at the Bulldogs. Prior to 2016 many of us had begun to despair that we would make a Grand Final in our lifetimes let alone win a Flag. Many good coaches before him tried and failed, some who had great successes at richer and more powerful clubs. If we roll the dice, we may get another great and successful coach straight away, but history suggests the odds are most definitely against it.

For all of the rubbish about us having such a great list, one that Bevo has supposedly under achieved with, perhaps the question should be asked 'why weren't those supposedly great players able to deliver on Sunday?' How about them taking on a bit more responsibility for the loss? It wasn't Bevo out there missing tackles, handballs and shots on goal.

Of course, Bevo has his fair share of flaws, every person and coach does. I understand and share everyone's frustration with the current situation, particularly when it comes to team selection. However, we need to consider the whole package, because there are a lot of positives that more than offset those flaws that people seem to be fed up with.

People also seem to forget that we lost 2 top tier players from last year's team in Dunkley and Hunter. Players of that level don't grow on trees and take time to replace. We are still to receive some of our compensation for last year's trading in this year's draft. On top of those losses we have had more than our fair share of bad luck with injury this year.
We have also had some very up and down performances from some of our most talented young players, but that happens with young players. We sometimes need to give as much patience to a 3rd or 5th year player going through a rough patch as we show for a 1st year rookie.

If we show a similar level of patience with our coach as we would like to see him show some our favourite players when they are going through a tough patch, then we may end up being rewarded in the future.

I hope that Bevo and Granty are true to their word and weather the current storm.

Bevo's coaching story could still have a successful third act left in it, and if it does, I'd much prefer it to occur at the Bulldogs.

Hunter is a not a top tier player lol.

Bevo has not changed a thing since the 2021 GF humiliation.

We lost the same way to Melbourne R1 2022 and countless games in 2022 ending in an aging Freo midfield embarrassing us in the EF.

We lost the same way to Melbourne R1 2023 and the Saints and the Swans and the Giants and the Suns and the Pies and the Cats etc etc.

We are consistently losing the same way, getting a lead and then the other team getting a run and their midfield completely dominating. Bevo never makes any changes and it is clear the game has gone past him. He put Lobb at KPD against the Giants ffs.

Bevo was the best man to coach the Bulldogs in 2016, but there is no doubt in my mind the longer we keep Bevo the more damage he will do to his legacy and the club.
Cornes was criticizing Beveridge as far back as 2020 when he was playing guys like Dunkley and Bontempelli in the ruck. This was back when English was still struggling badly to compete physically and it cost us the game against Geelong.

Just about everyone else in the media is fooled by Beveridge's "good bloke" act. Listening to Neil Mitchell babbling on today about what a "great person" Beveridge was, and how us Bulldog supporters wanting him sacked is "disgraceful" was genuinely cringeworthy.
Cornes also spent all of 2021 finals series talking about how the season was a failure even after we embarrassed his boys in the prelim

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I always get the feeling that Cornes is trying to bait Beveridge. He makes some pointed statements that attack Beveridge's intelligence.

Easy to kick a person when they're down.

Like his father, Cornes is under the misapprehension that he possesses some sort of intellect of note.
Bevo doesn't engage as he doesn't want to embarrass Kane... any more than Kane embarrasses himself.
Like his father, Cornes is under the misapprehension that he possesses some sort of intellect of note.
Bevo doesn't engage as he doesn't want to embarrass Kane... any more than Kane embarrasses himself.
Except he does? He threw a tantrum after the semi against Brisbane in 2021.

Beveridge is one of the biggest tantrum throwers in the business.
Except he does? He threw a tantrum after the semi against Brisbane in 2021.

Beveridge is one of the biggest tantrum throwers in the business.

Tantrum? You mean sticking up for his player?

There's one thing I won't criticise Beveridge for, and that's public defence of his players. Maybe to a fault, but he's the club coach.
Again maybe to a fault, he's never really whinged publicly about umpiring - something the Corio Chode could adopt.
Except he does? He threw a tantrum after the semi against Brisbane in 2021.

Beveridge is one of the biggest tantrum throwers in the business.
Being fair to Bevo his tantrums are usually related to players and not himself, ie defending Boyd, Treloar and Hunter.

I don’t like them and wish he’d stop it but I don’t think he’s thin skinned at all.
Something is clearly wrong is the state of Denmark, however. What needs to happen?
I think perhaps we all just chill out a bit. Things aren't as bad as they seem.

If Bevo needed a little bit of a reality check, then surely the current media storm has delivered it in a big way.

My issue with his team selection has always been there has been too much focus on the future, not enough on the present. If he takes a slightly more here and now approach from this point forward, then all well and good.

Young James O'Donnell looks like a good recent find, Bailey Smith and JUH should mature and get better, as will Sam Darcy and a few others. We have a reasonable draft hand this year, so the future still looks bright.
Bevo’s brief is exactly why he was great in the first few years and bloody useless to us now. He’s a cuddler, a story teller, awesome, terrific he united the team and it was a great story.

Telling a bunch of players who KNOW they are getting tactically outgunned, who can SEE that not tagging players who rip us apart is a bloody joke, and who almost certainly agree that not making any tactical changes during a game we are getting ripped up in is a sick joke to stick together just won’t cut it. If he hasn’t lost faith in them I’m damn sure they are losing faith in him. It’s a bloody mess.

Bevo out.
Cornes is an example of a broken clock being correct twice a day. It’s personal for him and while he is sharing some truth, it’s not in good faith so he can get ****ed as well.

All that matters is what we think at the club, not the pundits. Sadly, we still have a few deluded folk in his thrall.
Found it slightly humorous Caro and Kane having a crack at Bevo for not sticking up for his players or the players thinking they can't go to war with him ect.

That's literally the one and only thing Bevo has been consistently amazing at since he started.

There's 500 other things they could've gone with. Bizzare.
Updated front page with a few more concrete things and less concrete things:

-Caro is on the money when she claimed that we have some players who are ''seriously unsatisfied'' with how the club is being run at the moment - Confirms a message I received earlier today claiming that the playing group is fractured. (21/08/23)
-Bevo and Lade the last two coaches standing, all the rest will be moved on or shuffled to different positions - Confirmed by second source (cleveland 21/08/23)
-Mat Inness and other fitness related coaches will be moved on at the end of the season - Confirmed by second source (cleveland 21/08/23)
-Chris Grant is selling the house his lived in for the last 400 years, might be moving on??? - Cleveland has reported that Grant will be moving on, yet to confirm with another source (will work on confirming) - 21/08/23

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I would be surprised if the board decided to terminate Bevo. They are more likely to remove power from him and bring in people they want rather than remove the senior coach. I'm not saying thats the right thing to do but having been on boards before by sacking your senior coach you are admitting failure on the Board and CEO who renewed his contract. They would be hesitant to do that.
They will likely announce a review after the last game. My thinking is Grant, assistant coaches, fitness and list management staff would be under the gun and more likely go. The strategic way to go would be to bring in people from outside the club to read the riot act and advise the board on changes to make.
Bevo is likely safe. Winning a GF and being in a GF two years ago is impressive. My opinion is he would be under a lot of pressure personally but doesn't seem the type of guy to quit. I may be wrong but the week after our last game is when things will happen, big clean out coming. I think we have all overrated our list. We have recruited too many players with poor skills, are too slow and are terrible athletes who cannot keep up when the opposition spread from the contest. List manger and recruiters are to blame for this. Will possibly be a chance against the cats though on their narrow ground if it's played in tight.
I would be surprised if the board decided to terminate Bevo. They are more likely to remove power from him and bring in people they want rather than remove the senior coach. I'm not saying thats the right thing to do but having been on boards before by sacking your senior coach you are admitting failure on the Board and CEO who renewed his contract. They would be hesitant to do that.
They will likely announce a review after the last game. My thinking is Grant, assistant coaches, fitness and list management staff would be under the gun and more likely go. The strategic way to go would be to bring in people from outside the club to read the riot act and advise the board on changes to make.
Bevo is likely safe. Winning a GF and being in a GF two years ago is impressive. My opinion is he would be under a lot of pressure personally but doesn't seem the type of guy to quit. I may be wrong but the week after our last game is when things will happen, big clean out coming. I think we have all overrated our list. We have recruited too many players with poor skills, are too slow and are terrible athletes who cannot keep up when the opposition spread from the contest. List manger and recruiters are to blame for this. Will possibly be a chance against the cats though on their narrow ground if it's played in tight.
Bevo ain't going anywhere, atleast by the board/CEOs hand, but, they seem to be removing everybody around him in one large sweep.
Updated front page with a few more concrete things and less concrete things:

-Caro is on the money when she claimed that we have some players who are ''seriously unsatisfied'' with how the club is being run at the moment - Confirms a message I received earlier today claiming that the playing group is fractured. (21/08/23)
-Bevo and Lade the last two coaches standing, all the rest will be moved on or shuffled to different positions - Confirmed by second source (cleveland 21/08/23)
-Mat Inness and other fitness related coaches will be moved on at the end of the season - Confirmed by second source (cleveland 21/08/23)
-Chris Grant is selling the house his lived in for the last 400 years, might be moving on??? - Cleveland has reported that Grant will be moving on, yet to confirm with another source (will work on confirming) - 21/08/23
The big one is Beveridge likely staying which probably won't go well with supporters.

Not that the club really cares anyway
Yeah this user is definitely Beveridge himself.
I see you're new here.
This sort of stuff (snide potshots) ruins the experience of a lot of people on this board.

We may not agree with him but let's respect his right to voice his opinion.
Updated front page with a few more concrete things and less concrete things:

-Caro is on the money when she claimed that we have some players who are ''seriously unsatisfied'' with how the club is being run at the moment - Confirms a message I received earlier today claiming that the playing group is fractured. (21/08/23)
-Bevo and Lade the last two coaches standing, all the rest will be moved on or shuffled to different positions - Confirmed by second source (cleveland 21/08/23)
-Mat Inness and other fitness related coaches will be moved on at the end of the season - Confirmed by second source (cleveland 21/08/23)
-Chris Grant is selling the house his lived in for the last 400 years, might be moving on??? - Cleveland has reported that Grant will be moving on, yet to confirm with another source (will work on confirming) - 21/08/23
Thanks BM.
Very disconcerting to read that first point about a fractured playing group.
Updated front page with a few more concrete things and less concrete things:

-Caro is on the money when she claimed that we have some players who are ''seriously unsatisfied'' with how the club is being run at the moment - Confirms a message I received earlier today claiming that the playing group is fractured. (21/08/23)
-Bevo and Lade the last two coaches standing, all the rest will be moved on or shuffled to different positions - Confirmed by second source (cleveland 21/08/23)
-Mat Inness and other fitness related coaches will be moved on at the end of the season - Confirmed by second source (cleveland 21/08/23)
-Chris Grant is selling the house his lived in for the last 400 years, might be moving on??? - Cleveland has reported that Grant will be moving on, yet to confirm with another source (will work on confirming) - 21/08/23
Awesome. Because shuffling has worked out so well for us before.
Updated front page with a few more concrete things and less concrete things:

-Caro is on the money when she claimed that we have some players who are ''seriously unsatisfied'' with how the club is being run at the moment - Confirms a message I received earlier today claiming that the playing group is fractured. (21/08/23)
-Bevo and Lade the last two coaches standing, all the rest will be moved on or shuffled to different positions - Confirmed by second source (cleveland 21/08/23)
-Mat Inness and other fitness related coaches will be moved on at the end of the season - Confirmed by second source (cleveland 21/08/23)
-Chris Grant is selling the house his lived in for the last 400 years, might be moving on??? - Cleveland has reported that Grant will be moving on, yet to confirm with another source (will work on confirming) - 21/08/23

Thanks for that. I disagree on Wilson though. Anyone remotely interested in this would be able to guess there is some discontent in the playing group. She wasn't quoted as saying "there IS...", but she "believes" - media speak for "I have no real idea, but I'm damned if I'm not claiming a part of this story for myself.. "
Tom Browne "believed" a lot of things too, or was "led to believe". Ultimately the same modus operandi though - invent something, ergo "believe" it, and if it comes through you're obviously well-connected in said club.

Be careful BulldogMuscle - they'll be claiming your updates here in MSM as their own.
I see you're new here.
This sort of stuff (snide potshots) ruins the experience of a lot of people on this board.

We may not agree with him but let's respect his right to voice his opinion.
And given Proffessor has no love for Gardner and continued defence of why Zaine was so much better he cannot possibly be Bevo 🤪

However if you said they’re a relation of said Cordy that may be closer to the mark 😉
I would be surprised if the board decided to terminate Bevo. They are more likely to remove power from him and bring in people they want rather than remove the senior coach. I'm not saying thats the right thing to do but having been on boards before by sacking your senior coach you are admitting failure on the Board and CEO who renewed his contract. They would be hesitant to do that.
They will likely announce a review after the last game. My thinking is Grant, assistant coaches, fitness and list management staff would be under the gun and more likely go. The strategic way to go would be to bring in people from outside the club to read the riot act and advise the board on changes to make.
Bevo is likely safe. Winning a GF and being in a GF two years ago is impressive. My opinion is he would be under a lot of pressure personally but doesn't seem the type of guy to quit. I may be wrong but the week after our last game is when things will happen, big clean out coming. I think we have all overrated our list. We have recruited too many players with poor skills, are too slow and are terrible athletes who cannot keep up when the opposition spread from the contest. List manger and recruiters are to blame for this. Will possibly be a chance against the cats though on their narrow ground if it's played in tight.
The board should admit their mistake and do what is necessary and remove Bevo if he won’t go on his own accord. That is their job.

I doubt many St Kilda fans are annoyed with their board after the way they treated Ratten last year.
That would be the softest load of shit ever 😂

Yeah no one good is coming here to work with Bevo, and even if they did do we really think he’s going to relinquish any control whatsoever?

Go down that path and set us on track for a decade of shit, nice

Itssss oveeeeeer, **** me dead the guys a fraud. Surely no one is still buying his bullshit

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Rumour Future of the club (Bevo, board, assistant coaches, football department)

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