News Gabba Upgrade & Olympics News

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another news article re Olympics review

The interesting part of the article
If Labor's accusation is true, it all just seems so unnecessarily complicated and sneaky by the LNP. Why not just say upfront they want Victoria Park and sell the public on the idea? Then assuming they win the next election, as they look very likely to, they could claim a mandate for their policy and it would create a broad public acceptance. A backdoor plan to get Victoria Park by disguising it as a 100 day review is probably going to create more of a public backlash because it was done in private, without giving the people a say.
If Labor's accusation is true, it all just seems so unnecessarily complicated and sneaky by the LNP. Why not just say upfront they want Victoria Park and sell the public on the idea? Then assuming they win the next election, as they look very likely to, they could claim a mandate for their policy and it would create a broad public acceptance. A backdoor plan to get Victoria Park by disguising it as a 100 day review is probably going to create more of a public backlash because it was done in private, without giving the people a say.
I believe its called 'politics'

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I don't think Newman played politics particularly well. If he wanted do it he just did it and the consequences were there for all to see.
I agree, which is why I said "transparently playing politics". If the LNP review ends up saying VP is the best option and they go with it, it doesn't take a genius to work out that this was probably their plan all along.
If Labor's accusation is true, it all just seems so unnecessarily complicated and sneaky by the LNP. Why not just say upfront they want Victoria Park and sell the public on the idea? Then assuming they win the next election, as they look very likely to, they could claim a mandate for their policy and it would create a broad public acceptance. A backdoor plan to get Victoria Park by disguising it as a 100 day review is probably going to create more of a public backlash because it was done in private, without giving the people a say.

This is exactly what Labor are hoping they'll do. There is no room for nuance in the stadium debate unfortunately - even the slightest hint that the LNP might support it will lead to it being Labor's main avenue of attack leading into the election.

The vast majority of Queenslanders aren't deeply engaged in the facts and figures of the discussion, and so there's no easy way to win them around to the idea and quash the fear campaign that Labor would put into action.

It's sad that our political landscape has come to this, but what the LNP are doing is actually the only way the stadium could ever really get over the line.
This is exactly what Labor are hoping they'll do. There is no room for nuance in the stadium debate unfortunately - even the slightest hint that the LNP might support it will lead to it being Labor's main avenue of attack leading into the election.

The vast majority of Queenslanders aren't deeply engaged in the facts and figures of the discussion, and so there's no easy way to win them around to the idea and quash the fear campaign that Labor would put into action.

It's sad that our political landscape has come to this, but what the LNP are doing is actually the only way the stadium could ever really get over the line.
I think through my discussion with pretty much everyone in my everyday life.
When asking their opinion on the Olympics they all seem to be saying “If we are going to be holding the Olympics then they do not want an ALDI Olympics.
And no one I know is behind QSAC as the Athletics stadium.
I agree, which is why I said "transparently playing politics". If the LNP review ends up saying VP is the best option and they go with it, it doesn't take a genius to work out that this was probably their plan all along.

You can't sell or act or commission anything from opposition. And for an issue like this there is only political detriment to challenging the status quo.

The LNP has actually given me hope they'll proceed with a viable plan for Brisbane's long-term future in that they've said they'll conduct this review once in Government. On balance, you would think that review (subject to the ToR) might go close if not outright confirm the Quirk review.

I don't see what the alternative you're agitating for is?
This is exactly what Labor are hoping they'll do. There is no room for nuance in the stadium debate unfortunately - even the slightest hint that the LNP might support it will lead to it being Labor's main avenue of attack leading into the election.

The vast majority of Queenslanders aren't deeply engaged in the facts and figures of the discussion, and so there's no easy way to win them around to the idea and quash the fear campaign that Labor would put into action.

It's sad that our political landscape has come to this, but what the LNP are doing is actually the only way the stadium could ever really get over the line.
Not saying any of this is wrong, but in the meantime they waste (yet) another year on all this political bullsh!t. So frustrating.
Newman made the small target policy modus operandi for all parties of any particular persuasion. He taught us not to ask for fear that we shall receive.

Maybe the LNP are being deceitful, maybe they are being smart.

All I hope is that once the smoke of the election recedes that someone has an ounce of gumption to try and get a lasting legacy for the city. Everything Miles has offered up is temporary. And I'm amazed that isn't pounced on more - the temporary games, the short games, the patchwork games...

Once the build of a stadium is done all the noise will go away... and the legacy lives on. The same people who opposed it will happily attend it when their favourite band or artist or team plays there.

That's always been the way with large scale infrastructure builds. And that will never change. The trick is navigating a path to that point that minimises the damage on the way.
Miles really is expecting a loss at the election.
A last-ditch effort to get some votes with likely more to come.
This starts on 5th August being two months before the election.
Public transport fares across Queensland will be temporarily slashed to a flat 50c fee in a bid to ease cost of living pressures and traffic gridlocks for thousands of commuters.
On Sunday, Queensland Premier Steven Miles revealed a 50c fare would apply for all Translink services across the state irrespective of the location or distance from August 5.

The six month trial is expected to cost $150m.


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Miles really is expecting a loss at the election.
A last-ditch effort to get some votes with likely more to come.
This starts on 5th August being two months before the election.
Public transport fares across Queensland will be temporarily slashed to a flat 50c fee in a bid to ease cost of living pressures and traffic gridlocks for thousands of commuters.
On Sunday, Queensland Premier Steven Miles revealed a 50c fare would apply for all Translink services across the state irrespective of the location or distance from August 5.

The six month trial is expected to cost $150m.

Well he has successfully bought my vote. It would cost me 50 bucks in parking and 50 bucks in fuel to get to my work. It would cost me 60 bucks for the bus but I would spend 20 mins more in time despite the bus stop being in front of my house. Now its a no brainer to take the bus.

This sort of innovative policy is never pursued in Australia or USA because our car centric mindset and lobbying block any efforts to improve public transport. The only way Brisbane as a city can grow sustainably is to engage in a walkable city approach. Get cars off roads. Get people walking more. There is a reason obesity is worse in Houston than NYC. Not to mention the green benefits of reducing fossil fuel use.

As much as I love the Lions and the Gabba, I can deal with an Aldi olympics if we can start making changes in this city before we become Western Sydney 2.0
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When i was in LA in 2005 ish they had 50c fares on buses regardless of length and location. No idea if that was longstanding or a trial or still in place.

How many tram trips are you going to take per day Billy ray
Yeah, Ho Chi Minh has a flat 7000 dong, bus fare, regardless of length of journey. But all school kids travel for free.

And many of the new developments, some of which are whole suburbs, have internal buses that are free, and free buses between developments, even if they are many districts apart.
Yeah, Ho Chi Minh has a flat 7000 dong, bus fare, regardless of length of journey. But all school kids travel for free.

And many of the new developments, some of which are whole suburbs, have internal buses that are free, and free buses between developments, even if they are many districts apart.
Had to check on the 7000 dong so A$0.41cents.
I don't think Miles really thinks it's a great idea no matter what his spin is otherwise it would have been a policy at some stage.
Just a vote getting exercise as he has nothing to lose at this stage.
Even though it is only a 6-month trial he can now put it to the LNP will they take it away if they get into power.

50 cents is a joke really. You would be better off making it free and not invest in technology to collect the small fare.
Save on wages also as you would not need ticket sellers at stations or anyone that actually checks on fare evaders.
You would also hope it reduces cars on the roads that can have a flow on effect in regard to future road spending.
I don't think Miles really thinks it's a great idea no matter what his spin is otherwise it would have been a policy at some stage.
Just a vote getting exercise as he has nothing to lose at this stage.
Even though it is only a 6-month trial he can now put it to the LNP will they take it away if they get into power.

50 cents is a joke really. You would be better off making it free and not invest in technology to collect the small fare.
Save on wages also as you would not need ticket sellers at stations or anyone that actually checks on fare evaders.
You would also hope it reduces cars on the roads that can have a flow on effect in regard to future road spending.

$1 would be more appropriate. I think that the ticketing system is mostly a sunk cost, other than maintenance.
50 cents is a joke really. You would be better off making it free and not invest in technology to collect the small fare.
It would be if permanent, but isn't at this stage. 50 cents still requires a tap on/off so they continue to get patronage data the same way they currently do.
It would be if permanent, but isn't at this stage. 50 cents still requires a tap on/off so they continue to get patronage data the same way they currently do.
Yes, that will give them a figure to see how many more trips were made compared to the usual.
I doubt the LNP will continue with the cheap fare though should they get in.
Easy enough for them to say it was a desperate Labor policy and is not sustainable in the future.

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News Gabba Upgrade & Olympics News

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