Moved Thread Garry Ablett Matthew Kennedy & God

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The basics aren't and while the OT isn't as relevant as the NT it is still has a place in it's theology.

10 commandments
  1. “I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt not have any strange gods before Me.”
  2. “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.”
  3. “Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day.”
  4. “Honor thy father and mother.”
  5. “Thou shalt not kill.”
  6. “Thou shalt not commit adultery.”
  7. “Thou shalt not steal.”
  8. “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.”
  9. “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife.”
  10. “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods.”
How do you think they were rebelling against it? Whilst other rules or etiquette were added in over time the basis remained throughout the NT.
The Old Testament preaches to abhor and punish. The New Testament preaches to empathise and understand. Izzy Folau's words were very much Old Testament - pre-Christ sentiment and against the sentiment of the New Testament.
AFL website published a story referring to Damian Barrett on his podcast referring to how the two players need to explain their decision to like Folau's post.

Thought the story was about to fade away but the AFL - err, I mean Barrett - have brought it back up to prominence.
This sums it up. I agree wholeheartedly.

People have beliefs and opinions, if they are not your beliefs or opinions then just ignore them.the world is very complicated. If you are offended you need to truly ask yourself why because if you are then there is either truth in the comment or you don't have conviction in your own beliefs.

Would you feel the same if a player liked a racist post?
The Old Testament preaches to abhor and punish. The New Testament preaches to empathise and understand. Izzy Folau's words were very much Old Testament - pre-Christ sentiment and against the sentiment of the New Testament.

Yes that is true but the book of revelation is more hardcore then anything in the OT and that's in the NT, Hell isn't even mentioned in the OT at all. Yet his comments are fully inline with it ie going to hell - everyone.

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It's a metaphor, which was also a convenient sales pitch to those who weren't willing to let go of their thirst for punishment and revenge.

Its a form of control for the catholic church and the word "Sheol" isn't even translated to "hell" its actually "grave", but due to Greek translation they switched it out with their Hades from Greek theology.
Yes that is true but the book of revelation is more hardcore then anything in the OT and that's in the NT, Hell isn't even mentioned in the OT at all. Yet his comments are fully inline with it.


What needs to be remembered, or known by the Izzy Folau's of this world, is that the various books of the New Testament were written at different times by different post-Christ communities that had evolved differently, thus on many points there is a lack of coherence, but generally these communities that created the various books of the New Testament, were hippy communes getting high on the drug of empathy.
Its a form of control for the catholic church and the word "Sheol" isn't even translated to "hell" its actually "grave", but due to Greek translation they switched it out with their Hades from Greek theology.

It certainly has become that and judging by much of the New Testament, I daresay that Jesus would still want to bring down a heap of the world's temples.
'I've got nothing against gay people or homosexuality, but homosexual acts are sin'

That's their 'I'm not racist, but..' get out card. It's not great but it's the best they have.

Not really. I don’t hate homosexuals but it goes against my beliefs. I don’t hate thieves either - hell, half our population is descended from them - but it goes against my beliefs.
Hypothetical. Say some white supremacist made a post about how black people deserve nothing but suffering for being black, and I clicked "Like" on it, how would you feel about that?

Because there is literally nothing any person can do about their race, no matter what light they try and cast on the issue.

One of the core tenets of Christianity or most religions for that matter is that you can choose maybe not what you’re attracted to but whether you act on those desires or not.

I like girls with big arses for example.
Now if it was considered a sin to sleep with girls with big arses, according to the religion I should be removing myself from rooting fat bottomed girls even if it’s what I want to do

However if there is a situation where the player due to his job to not do that sort of thing, I understand the issue.
Then from a contractual situation, that's imposing religious discrimination as a part of his conditions for working.

Given that Ablett/Kennedy, like Folau, are restricted, due to his ability, from earning a commensurate income elsewhere, they probably have cause.

I think this is more of a reminder that this whole "everything is bigoted" movement has made Western people mentally weak. If you can't stand and are actually psychologically affected that a professional athlete, that doesn't know you and that you yourself don't give a shit about apart from a couple of hours each week and (in many cases) only if they play well, doesn't approve of you, for whatever reason, you have been raised wrong.
Yet I dare you to make a similar joke about Islam. What does that tell you?

Islam is full of bullshit, comedy and fantasy.

Now what happens?

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Moved Thread Garry Ablett Matthew Kennedy & God

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