Moved Thread Garry Ablett Matthew Kennedy & God

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The only reason why LGBT is the "in" social issue to jump on is because of how loud and bat shit crazy trans people are. I have watched countless times a trans person absolutely lose their shit over the tiniest thing.

So now in this era of 120k social media followers trans people have a very loud voice and don't you dare cross them or their army of easily outraged "moralists" (ironic I know) or you're basically ******.

So people are being dishonest in their support because they don't want to be embarrassed on social media. Then you have those that simply dont give a ****, like Israel and well look what occurs.

Twitter has quite a void between what the expected voices being heard are and who is actually speaking.

That is, people don't expect twitter to be a cross section of the community but what they do think is far closer to that cross section ideal than it actually is.
Then you need to re read it. It's pretty black and white what it thinks of it.

But I guess it was also written at a time where you could stone someone for talking back to his parents.

You're right. I tend to refer to the second testament as the bible, as that's what I grew up with. I have absolutely no understanding of why Christians have kept or refer to the first testament when it is so contrary to the second testament.

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No we dont. We despise all religion.

The hypocrisy is that christian conservatives are the ones who are most afraid of muslim immigrants when you basically have the same opinions on most topics.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend". This is why the left support mass Islamic immigration and don't speak out against Islamic fundamentalism despite those beliefs being completely at odds with their own. They are both united against the same opponent. It's also why Muslims tend to vote left despite being against gay rights, women's rights etc.
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend". This is why the left support mass Islamic immigration and don't speak out against Islamic fundamentalism despite those beliefs being completely at odds with their own. They are both united against the same opponent. It's also why Muslims tend to vote left despite being against gay rights, women's rights etc.
So why arent conservatives friends with muslims then?
So why arent conservatives friends with muslims then?
Muslims are by and large, very conservative. The are more right wing than most Christians ideologically. The hardline Islamic countries like Saudi and Iran are far more conservative than any Western Christian country
Imagine living your life to the teachings of pseudo philosophers from 3,500 years ago.

That would be like watching highlights of the 1897 VFL Grand Final and trying to learn how to play the game

People living back in those times were far more intelligent than all of us nowadays.
You're right. I tend to refer to the second testament as the bible, as that's what I grew up with. I have absolutely no understanding of why Christians have kept or refer to the first testament when it is so contrary to the second testament.

Yes there are many contradictory things in it but it also laid the foundation for the new testament and the rules/laws ie 10 commandments etc. They were not abolished by Jesus, he wasn't sent to rewrite GODs eddicts but offer a way to redeem those that did break them and further expunge on them.

So the Old testament is still relevant in ways of reference and story telling, which is why it is still part of a full bible.

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Yes there are many contradictory things in it but it also laid the foundation for the new testament and the rules/laws ie 10 commandments etc. They were not abolished by Jesus, he wasn't sent to rewrite GODs eddicts but offer a way to redeem those that did break them and further expunge on them.

So the Old testament is still relevant in ways of reference and story telling, which is why it is still part of a full bible.

I'd argue that the ethics and moral reasoning are so divergent that it makes no sense to quote scripture to justify a point of view if you are using both texts as a point of truth regarding moral issues. To me the Old Testament is a pre-Chrisitan text that supports most of the moral values that the early Christian communities were rebelling against.
Based on what exactly?

There's a theory that in early times it took more intelligence to survive and procreate due to the regularity of wars and the ability to find food being the most important things affecting survival, thus genes for intelligence were passed on. Then we moved to cities, surrounded by intense agriculture, where plagues were relatively common, thus immunity to disease and not intelligence was favoured by natural selection as it was the most important factor for survival and procreation. Now with advancements in medicine, most people survive and can procreate. Intelligence is no longer a significant factor in terms of natural selection. Therefore we are gradually becoming less intelligent.

Not saying I agree with the theory, but I do find it interesting
There's a theory that in early times it took more intelligence to survive and procreate due to the regularity of wars and the ability to find food being the most important things affecting survival, thus genes for intelligence were passed on. Then we moved to cities, surrounded by intense agriculture, where plagues were relatively common, thus immunity to disease and not intelligence was favoured by natural selection as it was the most important factor for survival and procreation. Now with advancements in medicine, most people survive and can procreate. Intelligence is no longer a significant factor in terms of natural selection. Therefore we are gradually becoming less intelligent.

Not saying I agree with the theory, but I do find it interesting
The bible wasn't written in early times. Cities and societies were well established when it was written.

Christianity (and other religions) is mankind's first and worst attempt at philosophy.
If you manage to be an atheist AND an idolator, then, solid effort you.

I don't worship or believe in any God or supreme being or deity. I do however worship a statue of Josh Schache I made from my belly button lint. My belly button lint statue is more likely to take a contested mark too.
I'd argue that the ethics and moral reasoning are so divergent that it makes no sense to quote scripture to justify a point of view if you are using both texts as a point of truth regarding moral issues. To me the Old Testament is a pre-Chrisitan text that supports most of the moral values that the early Christian communities were rebelling against.

The basics aren't and while the OT isn't as relevant as the NT it is still has a place in it's theology.

10 commandments
  1. “I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt not have any strange gods before Me.”
  2. “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.”
  3. “Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day.”
  4. “Honor thy father and mother.”
  5. “Thou shalt not kill.”
  6. “Thou shalt not commit adultery.”
  7. “Thou shalt not steal.”
  8. “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.”
  9. “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife.”
  10. “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods.”
How do you think they were rebelling against it? Whilst other rules or etiquette were added in over time the basis remained throughout the NT.
I have some bad news for you ...

Deuteronomy 14:8 And the pig, because it parts the hoof but does not chew the cud, is unclean for you. Their flesh you shall not eat, and their carcasses you shall not touch.
The bible is full of so much bullshit, comedy and fantasy, it'd make a good movie.
It was a statement on his fundamentalist Christian beliefs as subscribed to by millions of people worldwide. You call it a rant because you disagree with it. Fair enough. Best thing to do. Ignore him.

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This is the most logical thing here. Everyone is going to have a different opinion. Instead of trying to change peoples views by fining them or making them delete comments. how bout teaching people that everyone has a different opinion, dont let it get you down and live the life you want to live.

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Moved Thread Garry Ablett Matthew Kennedy & God

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