Moved Thread Garry Ablett Matthew Kennedy & God

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I think this is more of a reminder that this whole "everything is bigoted" movement has made Western people mentally weak. If you can't stand and are actually psychologically affected that a professional athlete, that doesn't know you and that you yourself don't give a shit about apart from a couple of hours each week and (in many cases) only if they play well, doesn't approve of you, for whatever reason, you have been raised wrong.

This has become a bit true I reckon, if someone asked me 10 years ago what do i think of Indigenous Player x as a footballer and I said I think he is a crap lazy footballer then it would be no issue.
Same question today you are deemed racist, you don't understand what player x may of been through in his life etc etc so in the end you just tell people what they want to hear and only tell your closest confidants the truth on how you feel.
Very sad indeed but it is much easier than putting up with the argument or the lectures from the morally Proud society who have nothing better to do in their life than whinge and complain and try to tear people apart over the most incidental things.
AFL website published a story referring to Damian Barrett on his podcast referring to how the two players need to explain their decision to like Folau's post.

Thought the story was about to fade away but the AFL - err, I mean Barrett - have brought it back up to prominence.
Is that moralising from Damian Barrett? The man with the least shred of credibility or backbone or courage of any meaningful sort. The guy is a vomit stain in the gutter and now he is moralising? Give us a break Damien.
Geez i tick a fair number of those boxes. Far from feeling vilified, i feel vindicated.

Agreeing with foolishness would be a far greater cause for concern.
No we dont. We despise all religion.

The hypocrisy is that christian conservatives are the ones who are most afraid of muslim immigrants when you basically have the same opinions on most topics.
When despisal gives way to light hearted mockery, enlightenment is reached.
Because there is literally nothing any person can do about their race, no matter what light they try and cast on the issue.

One of the core tenets of Christianity or most religions for that matter is that you can choose maybe not what you’re attracted to but whether you act on those desires or not.

I like girls with big arses for example.
Now if it was considered a sin to sleep with girls with big arses, according to the religion I should be removing myself from rooting fat bottomed girls even if it’s what I want to do
Which is incredibly bigoted and ignorant, since gay people can't choose their sexuality. Hence why what he said is so awful

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It’s so f@cking funny that Matthew Kennedy liked that photo. I once was out in the city, and he was on the absolute piss. Drunk off his face.
The good bit is once you sober up and finish fornicating and having sex with other men all you need to do is Repent! and you get to go to heaven anyway :D

I always repent after I've finished fornicating, better safe than sorry IMO

Do you think cheating on your spouse is wrong?

I do. I have a good mate who did it. I still love him to death. What’s the difference?

You make a conscious decision to marry someone or enter into a relationship. If you choose to cheat on them that is also a conscious decision.

You don't make a conscious decision to be gay.

It's really not that complicated. Saying 'oh it's not being gay it's just acting on it' is obtuse rubbish.
You make a conscious decision to marry someone or enter into a relationship. If you choose to cheat on them that is also a conscious decision.

You don't make a conscious decision to be gay.

It's really not that complicated. Saying 'oh it's not being gay it's just acting on it' is obtuse rubbish.
If the prohibition only applied to bisexuals would you still have a problem with it?
:thumbsu: Frankly I find the story of the Rabbit that brings candied eggs and the big fat Caucasian man with a long white beard who wiggles his way down chimneys and deposits presents under a tree far more believable.

At least not too many people kill each other over the chocolate giving rabbit or the fat man either.
Dunno. You pinch my little Cadbury mini eggs and I'll probably knife you.

Well look, there are certainly lines that should never be crossed. Commandments if you will.

Thou shalt not pilfer my sweet goods is one

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Moved Thread Garry Ablett Matthew Kennedy & God

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