GDCA Cricket

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Apparently United's Pommy recruit Rich Parker is making some waves in our comp.

I've heard opposition players mention him in the same breath as Rocket, Kev and Jason Lock!

Oh, and wasn't the night of the indiscretions at Gisborne the same night as their much vaunted 'Dry Night', that they seem to be winning drug and alcohol awareness awards for...........:confused:

I hope he doesn't read this post or find out who is saying that. He did serve in the british infantry!
I hope he doesn't read this post or find out who is saying that. He did serve in the british infantry!

Bit harsh mentioning Rich Parker and in the same sentence as Kev and Rocket. Sort of like comparing a chihuahua and a doberman! (Although all of them suffer from their bark being much worse then their bite!)
Spot on there!
Their president who is a huge fartknocker has pushed this rubbish about the dry round and look at the result !
A loss of a loyal premiership player and a huge damage bill, great result prez.
I also see that now they only serve mid strength beer, perhaps the prez should get a life and not push his boring personality and ways on the whole place.
I wonder why jackman didnt mention the incident in his interview for the paper?
Another case of a poor effort from gisborne

Ask Jackson Knight how much rubbish he thought it was pal

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Ask Jackson Knight how much rubbish he thought it was pal

Dont go talking about things you no very little about, i am led to believe you had very very little to do with the person your referring to am
i correct or is my source ill informed ?
Your dry round was ruined by the acts of the captain of the club who is suppose to set an example to those juniors who look up to him.
Arent the league presentations generally held at your clubrooms?
Will that event be capped at two drinks in the first hr and one every hr after that( light ice of course). ?
Dont go talking about things you no very little about, i am led to believe you had very very little to do with the person your referring to am
i correct or is my source ill informed ?
Your dry round was ruined by the acts of the captain of the club who is suppose to set an example to those juniors who look up to him.
Arent the league presentations generally held at your clubrooms?
Will that event be capped at two drinks in the first hr and one every hr after that( light ice of course). ?

Your 'source' must be extremely mis- informed buddy considering i have zero to do with the gisborne cricket club, and i actually know the person i'm referring to quite well as i did his father. The only 'source' you have at the moment is your misguided assumptions. The dry round concept was an excellent one, unfortunately it was not well executed. As for simon's actions, they occured away from the cricket club at a time when any junior he is setting an example for probably should have been tucked up in bed...there's appropriate avenues to deal with this situation, involving the cricket club is not one of them...
The dry round concept was an excellent one, unfortunately it was not well executed. As for simon's actions, they occured away from the cricket club at a time when any junior he is setting an example for probably should have been tucked up in bed...there's appropriate avenues to deal with this situation, involving the cricket club is not one of them...

Aaahahahaha! You are kidding me! How can you hold a dry round when the captain of the club doesn't set the example and not drink for the night? If he didn't have a beer that makes him an even worse a bloke! Who cares if the juniors are in bed or not! I'm sure all the juniors know exactly what he has done and are out there as we speak, emulating their hero...

On the subject of Ill-Informed Source - I'm a proud red-head who loves to drink (and play World of Warcraft of course) so if you could all refrain from making jokes i would be most appreciative!
Aaahahahaha! You are kidding me! How can you hold a dry round when the captain of the club doesn't set the example and not drink for the night? If he didn't have a beer that makes him an even worse a bloke! Who cares if the juniors are in bed or not! I'm sure all the juniors know exactly what he has done and are out there as we speak, emulating their hero...

On the subject of Ill-Informed Source - I'm a proud red-head who loves to drink (and play World of Warcraft of course) so if you could all refrain from making jokes i would be most appreciative!

Need to dust up on the reading skills mate, as I said the concept was good, the execution was bad. If the concept was embraced by the dragons skipper and his mates the incident never would of occured - just adding weight to the concept's value.
What club would be stupid enough to hold a dry round without consulting at least the captains before even thinking about organising it !?! At least find out if there was going to be some support from the teams! Executing it should be the easy bit! Just lock all the doors and everyone goes to the pub...

Good Intentions? Pfft.. Means nothing now... What is the Cricket Club going to do with the $750 they won from Good Sports?
Aaahahahaha! You are kidding me! How can you hold a dry round when the captain of the club doesn't set the example and not drink for the night? If he didn't have a beer that makes him an even worse a bloke! Who cares if the juniors are in bed or not! I'm sure all the juniors know exactly what he has done and are out there as we speak, emulating their hero...

On the subject of Ill-Informed Source - I'm a proud red-head who loves to drink (and play World of Warcraft of course) so if you could all refrain from making jokes i would be most appreciative!

Maybe Woodend could look at doing something similar, as I'm sure naked shenanigans from a past captain of one of the lower grades in the club of a Thursday night would quite possibly reach young ears as well!
Not a good look (figuratively or literally)
Bit harsh mentioning Rich Parker and in the same sentence as Kev and Rocket. Sort of like comparing a chihuahua and a doberman! (Although all of them suffer from their bark being much worse then their bite!)

Kudo's must go to Kev this year, whether you love him or hate him he has bounced back well from his suspension, quite possibly the form player of the comp.
Kudo's must go to Kev this year, whether you love him or hate him he has bounced back well from his suspension, quite possibly the form player of the comp.
Don't know if he is the form player of the comp. (S.Grey springs to mind) but he is certainly the most dangerous bat at Rupo, and probably one of the top 5 in the comp. Get him early and Rupo are stuffed!
Makes you wonder why he is opening the batting doesn't it??????
Donate it to a certain former player that has a couple of potted trees to replace and some graffiti to remove :D

Gcc should sack simon harman as captain if all of the above is true.
The captain of the club should be the one setting the example and if this is how this goose acts then perhaps its time to move him on, one man doesnt make a club.

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Yer he played saturday, a few of them decided it would be funny to go around to his house and trash it, cutting down trees in his backyard cutting down his clothes line and ripping cupboards off in his kitchen, add to that writing all over his walls with texta and crayons, they cause thousands of dollars worth of damage.
Be fair to say he was far from impressed when he got home and understandingly so, the w***ers thought it was piss funny , but dont think they will find it funny when the police are going to be involved.

Spot on there!
Their president who is a huge fartknocker has pushed this rubbish about the dry round and look at the result !
A loss of a loyal premiership player and a huge damage bill, great result prez.
I also see that now they only serve mid strength beer, perhaps the prez should get a life and not push his boring personality and ways on the whole place.
I wonder why jackman didnt mention the incident in his interview for the paper?
Another case of a poor effort from gisborne

Very disappointing this, "IF" true. :thumbsdown:

Who is in charge down at Dragonland these days SR ?
Can anyone on here actually vouch for the gisborne cc president callum jackman?
From all the things im hearing the bloke must be a absolute pickle pusher.
He is pushn players away in droves with his own personal way of running the club and i was told today that there are at least ten players who want out pronto.
That cant be a good thing.
Perhaps the boy should pull his head out of his clacker and listen to all that is going on as im led to believe that he keeps going with his pathetic ideas that the place will seriously struggle to field three sides nxt season.
Gisborne in self destruct mode , you gotta love that.
Hope no one feels like a full strength beer after the game at gis as they now only serve mid strength!
Wont be long before the whole place is declared a alcohol free zone.
Can anyone on here actually vouch for the gisborne cc president callum jackman?
From all the things im hearing the bloke must be a absolute pickle pusher.
He is pushn players away in droves with his own personal way of running the club and i was told today that there are at least ten players who want out pronto.
That cant be a good thing.
Perhaps the boy should pull his head out of his clacker and listen to all that is going on as im led to believe that he keeps going with his pathetic ideas that the place will seriously struggle to field three sides nxt season.
Gisborne in self destruct mode , you gotta love that.
Hope no one feels like a full strength beer after the game at gis as they now only serve mid strength!
Wont be long before the whole place is declared a alcohol free zone.

Callum jackman is the president dont you read the local paper?
He tries in vain to to pump up a club that people cant stand

Surely the guy aint a one man band down there dd ? I mean he cant just force these type of anti-social draconian measures through without the support of the executive or a majority of his committee ??? :confused:

Do they even make mid strength Johnies or Jimmies ??? :rolleyes:

& which paper was it in ?
Can anyone on here actually vouch for the gisborne cc president callum jackman?
From all the things im hearing the bloke must be a absolute pickle pusher.
He is pushn players away in droves with his own personal way of running the club and i was told today that there are at least ten players who want out pronto.

ok I'm not in tune with exactly who all these guys are but what the hell is going on at gisborne??? Has brooke grumont left because of harmon or because of the dry night??
ok I'm not in tune with exactly who all these guys are but what the hell is going on at gisborne??? Has brooke grumont left because of harmon or because of the dry night??

Not playing because of harman, cant blame the man if a bloke who you class as a mate did that to you would you want to be around him? Dont think so.
Dirk im hearing similar stories as you a lot want out and arent happy.
Just on the subject of the dry round its all been said and done here and now as others have said the club only serves mid strength beer, i was told they held a function a few weeks back that promoted getting pissed real quick, shooters night- cheep shots all night.
Doesnt that slightly contradict the plan that the president has put into place?
Well done on Rupertswood getting the chance to represent gdca at cricket willow
im to the thinking maybe 20/20 could become a thing for everyone how about have fixtures maybe every 2nd tuesday play them ive played 20/20 5 times quick game enjoyed by all
Well, its been some time since the shite has hit the fan at Gisborne CC. The position the captain/coach put himself, the club and its supporters in have no doubt had an impact on the playing group.
Not many sides in the four (only one, looking at the ladders), most significantly last years premiers look like they were one hit wonders... Harmon's captaincy looks like it is now a ticking time bomb, probably reinforcing the fact that the club should have suggested he go elsewhere... Will be interesting to see how it festers. Are opposition teams using it as ammo?

Other talking points... how good is it to see an even macs comp!! Every side can make finals going into Christmas.
Goonawarra CC off to a great start in its debut season
Is the Sunbury cricket club in trouble??? 6th on the ladder for a team that was pushing macs not long ago??
Anything else??? Whose playing country weeks for who and from your club??
The break is here alot of people will be happy with that
The season really heats up after the break

United just got knocked out of the four in the macs will they hit back?

Diggers rest just took top spot off wallan this week after wallan got bowled out for 108

Ashfield hit top spot after playing in a tie on the weekend in C-grade
Definately wasnt one of his bunnies in fact i cant recall him ever getting me out. He certainly wasnt feared , we had a couple of brothers that went by the name of steve and andrew pike remember them? Were you one of many who use to run to square leg when they faced them? Who cares if he was a top grade player who hasnt been, you maybe? Fact is he was a toss of a bloke and
i cant see him being any help with his poor people skills. But if you want to pump his tyres up and tell the world that you think he is a good bloke,then knock yourself out, it wont change my opinion.

Macedon on top in the macs, so much for Pud not being any help as coach :D

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