Gippsland Cricket Thread Part 3

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I would think LDCA, Warragul, traralgon, sale, west gippy, bairnsdale top 3-4 sides would be fairly even, depth would vary as some leagues are much bigger than others and some have bigger towns, eg traralgon. Interleague doesnt mean a lot, did SMCA win all those cos of 3-4 gun cricketers or 11 very good ones? You out 3 superstars in 1 cricket side and it makes far more difference than a footy side.
People always rate there teammates and players from there league higher than others in cricket, footy or any sport so its a pointless agrument. Even worse in cricket cos not as many players change leagues so its harder to compare perfromances.

Your boys must have had a hard day on Saturday. That would have to be a league record wouldnt it.
This weeks SMCA games are interesting. Especially the Maffra v Collegians game. Collegians must win or will miss one day final. All because of the RK match that was not completed because of the pitch conditions. A bit ruff I think, what do you think Nugget, Mayhem and Warrior

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This weeks SMCA games are interesting. Especially the Maffra v Collegians game. Collegians must win or will miss one day final. All because of the RK match that was not completed because of the pitch conditions. A bit ruff I think, what do you think Nugget, Mayhem and Warrior

Rough....was a terrible decision by the umpire in question who ironically/coincidentally has a history of calling off games early in the heat.

2 or 3/80 off 17 probably doesn't indicate a dangerous wicket to me....but i wasn't there so i don't know.
Your boys must have had a hard day on Saturday. That would have to be a league record wouldnt it.

I didnt play, think that was the problem! Yeah i reckon it would have to be the biggest partnership ever in the league. I think berties 281 is still the biggest individual score.
Suprising result considering our bowling attack and we rolled them for 90 earlier in the year but maroney and russ lehman are both quality bats so just one of those days.

Thats our country week side, you prob recognise a few of the names, big torney still batting well is a good inclusion. A few young guys, cal ohare is about 21 and taken probably 30 wickets and made 300 this year opening, quality player.

Cooper, Mark B (C)-Cardinia
Avery,Aaron (V.C)-Tooradin
Giles, Michael-Kooweerup
O'Hare, Callum-Tooradin
Dole, Shane-Kooweerup
Torney, Michael-Officer
Miles, Brad T-Beaconsfield
Tucker, Colin-Officer
Fairbank, Nicholas-Nyora
Goodes, Jarrod-Officer
Pitcher, Scott-Upper Beaconsfield
Doig, Dwayne J-Cardinia
Smith, Chris-Pak. Upper/Toomuc
Walker, Andrew J-Emerald

Paynter, Dominic (emerg)-Pakenham
This weeks SMCA games are interesting. Especially the Maffra v Collegians game. Collegians must win or will miss one day final. All because of the RK match that was not completed because of the pitch conditions. A bit ruff I think, what do you think Nugget, Mayhem and Warrior

I just did a quick calculation of the average bonus points from the round in question, and they were 327.5, so, lets say 327. If College lose the 80 points from the runs they made, plus get awarded the 6 points and also get awarded average bonus points for the round (this is what I see would have been a fair outcome), then the ladder would look like this:

College 36.2100
Bundy 30.2091
Maffra 30.2029.

That is a difference of 71 runs (wickets are worth the equivalent of 20 runs, so, can also be a difference of 3 wickets and 11 runs). In reality, Maffra would have still been able to overtake College, however, if the game stayed close, and both sides lost the same amount of wickets, it is more than likely that College would have gone through to the final even if they lost.

With a scoreline of Maffra 5 for 200, College all out 180, Maffra would have comfortably qualified for the 1 day final. With a scoreline of Maffra all out 200, College all out 180, College would have retained their place in the final.
I just did a quick calculation of the average bonus points from the round in question, and they were 327.5, so, lets say 327. If College lose the 80 points from the runs they made, plus get awarded the 6 points and also get awarded average bonus points for the round (this is what I see would have been a fair outcome), then the ladder would look like this:

College 36.2100
Bundy 30.2091
Maffra 30.2029.

That is a difference of 71 runs (wickets are worth the equivalent of 20 runs, so, can also be a difference of 3 wickets and 11 runs). In reality, Maffra would have still been able to overtake College, however, if the game stayed close, and both sides lost the same amount of wickets, it is more than likely that College would have gone through to the final even if they lost.

With a scoreline of Maffra 5 for 200, College all out 180, Maffra would have comfortably qualified for the 1 day final. With a scoreline of Maffra all out 200, College all out 180, College would have retained their place in the final.

Seems pretty simple for the league to make decsions that are fair and just for all.

What this does is 2 things
1- No club has to prepare a pitch that is good enough to play on.
2- Any umpire can call a game off and use the line "duty of care"

An umpire or team can alter the course of a season. People have to remember that this game was the first one played after three weeks off. They had plenty of time to prepare the wicket and didn't. I was told today by a RK commitee member that there curator went away for xmas and no one relised, that is why the wicket was as bad as it was. people also have to remember taht the captains wanted to continue to play but the 2 umpires still called the game off. How is it fair for the visiting side to sacrifice a saturday in early january, turn up, start a game, get off to a flyer and then have the game called off because of danger and still not get the points??????????????????????????????????????????????????????

I understand draws happen in cricket because of rain and so forth but cricket should not have games cancelled on 36 degree days when it hasn't rained for a week and the weather be the blame for the pitch conditions.

It also allows any teams umpire to go to a ladder deciding game they are umpiring and change the outcome. I am not blaming the umpires for this as i believe they made the RIGHT decsion on the day but there needs to be protection for them from the league by making common sense fair decsions and the right outcomes follows.

The league held a meeting on Monday night to improve the behaviour of the league to promote participation of young people, i also see the need for some league rulings to be made fair as the people that have been playing in the league long term are getting frustrated with the petty bickering of older people no longer playing / running the game.

Cricket is politics but i have never seen so much divided opinion on little non issues in my cricket life.

This season is fantastic! you play everyone in a one dayer and two dayer and although i didn't agree with the dropping of a side i will take my hat off to the league as season 2010 is close and we have all played good games of cricket.

I hope the little side issues can disappear and decsions can be made that are seen as FAIR and RESONABLE for all.

I have also had feedback about these type of posts and how PEOPLE read them from the league. That is great and i would love to see some offical explinations to stop rumour and here say. At the end of the day we want more junior participation and these type of disscussions can improve the media coverage of cricket through out Gippsland.

Another idea worth thinking about -
Have an independant commitee that rules on appeals. This will change the perceptions that are made from rullings on appeals. The league could have an agreement with bairnsdale where they assist each other when needed.
wdca >> tdca >> smca

Going into the game, TDCA and WDCA both knew that the result was irrelevant as they were both playing in the final next week. Be interesting to see whether the result stays the same in the final. All of the TDCA's big guns failed on the weekend, WDCA would wanna hope the same thing happens in the final.
Results went as expected in SMCA on the weekend, which sees College bolt clear at the top of the ladder, Bundy in second place, Maffra third, just 2 points in front of Sale in fourth, who are just 4 points in front of Stratford in fifth. Becoming a bit of a log jam for 3rd and 4th spots, and with the sides involved playing each other in the coming weeks, the sides that finish 3rd and 4th will have certainly earnt it.

Also, College have finished on top of the 1 day ladder and earnt the right to host a home final against Bundy this Sunday. That should be a pretty good game, as Bundy have a host of aggressive batsmen and a strong bowling line up, and College are a very well rounded cricket side on the whole. I'll stick with College to win that one.
I saw Neil Tatterson played for Stratford on the weekend and made 28. How old is he now??? 45...not really sure if this is the way forward for any club.

Walked past SMCA v LDCA yesterday. Parry??? looked a classy player and was batting with Stuart Anderson. Impressed by both of them, Stuart has been a great player for years now. SMCA would be dissapointed not making final.
I saw Neil Tatterson played for Stratford on the weekend and made 28. How old is he now??? 45...not really sure if this is the way forward for any club.

Walked past SMCA v LDCA yesterday. Parry??? looked a classy player and was batting with Stuart Anderson. Impressed by both of them, Stuart has been a great player for years now. SMCA would be dissapointed not making final.

SMCA performed terribly against TDCA and got washed out when they had the game sewn up against Central Gippy. Unfortunately, when there is only 4 games to the season, there is not much margin for error. Had they had the opportunity to complete the Central Gippy game, they would have finished second, and I am sure after yesterday's performance, would have been confident of winning the final against Warragul.

Not sure of Neil's age, however, he has been an outstanding player, not only for Stratford, but for SMCA for many years, and if he is keen to play, then, he is an asset for the side. This is not first class cricket, or the AFL, where you have to build a list, players come and go, move towns, move to Melbourne for uni/work, you have to take your opportunities when they come. Stratford have a decent side, and if they sneak into 3rd or 4th spot in such an even year are a genuine chance to win the comp (as are all the sides), having someone like Neil that has done what he has done can not be harmful in the slightest.

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Yeah I think he is 45. Agree with you Gus, especially when our young side has done well.

I am probably out of line in saying this and a minority. Stratford have made some decisions this year that have reshaped the club (whther they are good or bad i don't know yet). The club sacked Andrew Tatterson which has caused a massive rift, i know that this wasn't handled that well by all parties.

To make matters worse we lost games that we should have won at the start against weakened sides, and then were embarrasingly beaten by Bundy and Sale.

John Mayman left the club at a time when we were at a low. He has outlined the reasons why he has left and both parties (I believe) have come out winners.

It seems to me personally that there alot of issues within the club, it seems to be a dictatorship and a little bit of a puppet show. This need addressing and maybe its time someone stood up and made there opinions count (Yes before people say well what do you do, I had the oppurtunity to join the commitee but had fairly big football commitments at the time). I think more than ever that the club has become one dimensional and thus probably has resulted in the club becoming stale.

I believe picking Neil was wrong and we had a player who had made a GCL 100 in Under 18s who could have done the exact same job that neil did on the weekend. I am not on the selection commitee but i would think picking a 45 year old over a 19 year old is a no brainer. Neil i s a great player, but quite obviously is neraing the end of his career and has suffered a severe injury, which heavily reduces his mobility.

What this has now created is a situation (because neil has made runs and i haven't) where more than likely I will/should get dropped from the side. I am by no means having a sook, but we have a situation in where you are looking at dropping the leading wicket keeper in the league and more than likely replacing him with a 45 year old, as the 14-15 year old that plays in the B grade wants to play fourths. I just think this could have been avoided if some faith had been shown in the players who have done the job before.

We have a great coach, great facilties and a good bunch of cricketers but in reality it may be likely that up to six or seven players will not be playing at Stratford next year that are playing this year. Regardless of whether we are a chance or not of winning the grand final. Some self preservation and a little forward thinking may be needed as we have a very dominant group of youngsters coming through. So I would think that retaining the players you have and keeping them onside would be a priority (especially when there stats are acceptable)

Of course I will get a please explain for this, but hey who cares about a number nine batsmen who is a back stop.
Going into the game, TDCA and WDCA both knew that the result was irrelevant as they were both playing in the final next week. Be interesting to see whether the result stays the same in the final. All of the TDCA's big guns failed on the weekend, WDCA would wanna hope the same thing happens in the final.

Warragul play Traralgon in the GCL final at Bairnsdale which seems a bit silly to me. I know Bairnsdale run the GCL this year but surely the final should be played at the team that finishes on tops home ground. Some advantage for finishing top. It is Warraguls first GCL final for about 15 years and unfortunately not too many people will get to see it because of the distance they will have to travel. Im pretty sure that Warragul will be running GCL for the next 2 years and if Bairnsdale and Sale Maffra made the final next year it would seem silly for them to travel to Warragul to play.
Sale Maffra played Bairnsdale in Leongatha one year and in Morwell another time.

Just because something has happened in the past, doesn't make it right. I think you will find that EDFL follower is saying the whole system is stupid, not, just that Warragul are getting screwed this year or that in the past everything has been right.

Warragul play Traralgon in the GCL final at Bairnsdale which seems a bit silly to me. I know Bairnsdale run the GCL this year but surely the final should be played at the team that finishes on tops home ground. Some advantage for finishing top. It is Warraguls first GCL final for about 15 years and unfortunately not too many people will get to see it because of the distance they will have to travel. Im pretty sure that Warragul will be running GCL for the next 2 years and if Bairnsdale and Sale Maffra made the final next year it would seem silly for them to travel to Warragul to play.

Exactly right EDFL. Basically, it is a very good achievement for an association to finish on top of the GCL ladder, and it should be rewarding by hosting the final. Why would people from Bairnsdale be interested in watching the GCL final between Warragul and T'gon, and why would people from those associations be expected to travel over 1.5 hours to attend and support their associations. If the GCL want the final to be a spectacle they should allow the top association to host the final at the ground of their choice. Warragul have proven to be the best side in the GCL this season, and should be rewarded for this by having a home final with their supporters there.
Think most clubs go through things like what you mentioned nugget. There's to much politics and bullshit that goes on behind the scenes. Guess with a lot of sporting clubs there is a lot of egos and they are bound to clash.

The club I've played for this year has gone through simular with a president getting sacked and a bit of fallout from that. Also with Steve spoljaric coming into the side it pushed a really talented 16 year old kid who was making runs and getting great experiance batting at 4 down to number 7/8 and in the past few games hasn't required to bat. The kid hadn't got a hit since the start of november and he now is thnking of playing elsewhere next season.

Spoljaric is a gun player but he was only ever going to be a one year solution and it hasn't worked in terms of a short fix for the flag and they will most likely loose 3 or 4 players from the seniors who have been annoyed at the attitude of the people that run the club.

Everyone plays to win cricket but you also need a healthy club and a place that people want to be at and have fun. When you start denying young guys oppitunitys for guys that are short term fixes it can piss people off and send the wrong message in which way the club is going?

Are Stratford going to win the flag because of tatterson playing I doubt it, it probably comes across as that the club is desperate and don't believe in the younger guys that have played 1sts or 2nds throughout the season
wdca >> tdca >> smca
Thats a bit simplistic. That just tells me that a team closely resembling the top 11 cricketers of the WDCA, beat a team closely resembling the top 11 cricketers of the TDCA. Doesn't factor in the other 90% of players that make up both A Grade competitions.

I'd like to think the TDCA is a strong competition. It's an 11 team competition, where the best team, Gormandale, have won the Grand Final 4 years running, and will win this years as well. They would be competitive against any side east of Melbourne, as they have blokes batting 8 or 9, who would Captain and bat 3 at other clubs. They would anhialate anyone in the CGCA, and would be in flag contention in the SMCA or WDCA. At the other end of the spectrum, Rovers are last, and are a rabble, and would have a similar lack of success in both the SMCA and WDCA, but would be competitive in the CGCA.

In the middle is where it's interesting. Coming into last Round, the team i play with, the Hurricain Devils, were 9th, but only 2 points off 4th. After an outright against the bottom side, we are now 4th. Of the middle sides, Toongabbie in 2nd place, are probably a step above, but the sides coming 3rd to 10th, are all very competitive sides, as evidenced by the 10th placed side, Traralgon West, being the only side to beat Gormandale this season.

An easier way to compare leagues would be to compare the performances of players who have played in both. Can't think of many who have played in both TDCA and WDCA though, with Craig Black the only one coming to mind. He was a very good player in the TDCA, regularly playing Country Week. He also held the TDCA record, scoring 174 against CATS, which was broken by Grant Little, and now Kent Hammond with 223. He left the TDCA close to 10 years ago though.

There are a few more examples of TDCA to SMCA. Steve Nicholls is the obvious example, and he has made a mockery of the bowling attacks around here. Lleyton Armstrong and Dean Thatcher are another example, with both being very good value for Ex-Students, after years of success within SMCA. Not many have gone the other way though, going from TDCA to SMCA.

I still believe that the SMCA is probably a higher standard than TDCA. I would imagine TDCA and WDCA would be of a similar standard, but thats guesswork, as i don't know anyone currently playing in the WDCA.
Thats a bit simplistic. That just tells me that a team closely resembling the top 11 cricketers of the WDCA, beat a team closely resembling the top 11 cricketers of the TDCA. Doesn't factor in the other 90% of players that make up both A Grade competitions.
Mate, please bear in mind my previous posts, i'm only trying to wind up the smca i honestly couldnt give two shakes as to who is better.
Chris Malone and Leigh Farley pumpter are the only ones i can think of??? Both have had moderate success in smca, after being good players at tdca level.
Yeah I think he is 45. Agree with you Gus, especially when our young side has done well.

I am probably out of line in saying this and a minority. Stratford have made some decisions this year that have reshaped the club (whther they are good or bad i don't know yet). The club sacked Andrew Tatterson which has caused a massive rift, i know that this wasn't handled that well by all parties.

To make matters worse we lost games that we should have won at the start against weakened sides, and then were embarrasingly beaten by Bundy and Sale.

John Mayman left the club at a time when we were at a low. He has outlined the reasons why he has left and both parties (I believe) have come out winners.

It seems to me personally that there alot of issues within the club, it seems to be a dictatorship and a little bit of a puppet show. This need addressing and maybe its time someone stood up and made there opinions count (Yes before people say well what do you do, I had the oppurtunity to join the commitee but had fairly big football commitments at the time). I think more than ever that the club has become one dimensional and thus probably has resulted in the club becoming stale.

I believe picking Neil was wrong and we had a player who had made a GCL 100 in Under 18s who could have done the exact same job that neil did on the weekend. I am not on the selection commitee but i would think picking a 45 year old over a 19 year old is a no brainer. Neil i s a great player, but quite obviously is neraing the end of his career and has suffered a severe injury, which heavily reduces his mobility.

What this has now created is a situation (because neil has made runs and i haven't) where more than likely I will/should get dropped from the side. I am by no means having a sook, but we have a situation in where you are looking at dropping the leading wicket keeper in the league and more than likely replacing him with a 45 year old, as the 14-15 year old that plays in the B grade wants to play fourths. I just think this could have been avoided if some faith had been shown in the players who have done the job before.

We have a great coach, great facilties and a good bunch of cricketers but in reality it may be likely that up to six or seven players will not be playing at Stratford next year that are playing this year. Regardless of whether we are a chance or not of winning the grand final. Some self preservation and a little forward thinking may be needed as we have a very dominant group of youngsters coming through. So I would think that retaining the players you have and keeping them onside would be a priority (especially when there stats are acceptable)

Of course I will get a please explain for this, but hey who cares about a number nine batsmen who is a back stop.

Wow!!!!! Everyone has copped it in this one!

I would like to nominate Nuggett as the best poster on this site. He not only has valued opinions on all matters but is game (or stupid) enough to write what he thinks about his own club. I wouldn't like it written by one of our players but good on him for having the aggotts to say what he thinks!! He might cop a little club imposed ban for it but i am sure people will take notice of what he is saying.

Have you been told your out already nuggett?? I thought you form was OK. Your glove work must be OK to be leading the league.

As far as i am concerned, you pick the best 11 players each week and it does not matter what the birth certificate reads. If Niel is in the best 11 players at Stratford he plays. He can bat and teach while he is playing. We have the same situation at College with A.Hurley returning this year. It is easy to say that a young bloke is dropped when he is playing every second week but as far as a bowler is concerned we are a better side with him in it. The kids time will come. My role is reduced alot with the big fella in but i enjoy having him in the side as i know the opposition hate him playing. Similar to Neil at Stratford. The opposition do not want Niel playing as it is a very very hard wicket to get. Maybe the 25 - 32 yo players not performing should be looked at bein dropped to stop the kid missing out. Age has no factor at the selection table.
If Mark Donald is not the most improved bowler by the end of the year, then someone has come out of nowhere. He span the ball at right angles and got extremely good bounce this from a bloke bowling in only his fourth game of taking up off spin. If he can change to bowling around the wicket no left handers will be able to hit him. After tea he bowled extremely well and grew with confidence especially on a wicket that was really good for batting.

Just a few questions.

Mark Donald???? Can i have some infomation please???

Glad you asked. Handy lower order hitter, and fearsome medium fast, with a ripping off cutter before he tossed it all away to bowl offspin using a walking frame to get to the popping crease.

Many Ringwood league clubs up here in Melbourne have sighed relief that Mark has taken an early retirement to wind out his days on the farm.

Sledging tips: ask him about the yellow rose, how often he attends the footy to watch North.
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