Unsolved Girls that went missing from Adelaide Oval 1973

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Bone (an associate) sat with them and didn't help when search started. He also refused to obey 3 inquest subpoenas. He did however leave his seat earlier for about 30 min probably to meet and discuss the abduction.
I would love to know how old Bone was at the time, I only asked because I lived on Mosley street across from Wenzels from 65 to 68 or there abouts..
I was 6 and my oldest brother was 17 and he would regulary bring around a guy named Bones, he was older than my brother and was pretty nice to me, although he was a bit rough around the edges..
I think I would remember him if I saw a photo from back then..

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This Bone guy has to be involved somehow surely, he goes to a footy game that only lasts what 2 1/2 hrs, gets up and leaves his seat for 1/2hr of it and then when he actually has a reason to miss the action to help find his mates Daughter and Kirste, stays in his seat and watches the footy.
Errol was reported as having died last year in jail in QLD. The recent 'new clue' MSM reporting of MC visiting him actually happened 4 years ago. Why then report it as new? To stimulate discussion on anniversary probably but releasing the information AFTER he died is obfuscation by SAPOL allegedly to protect whatever link they had historically to whatever happened and their knowledge of the participants. They are all dead now so reputational harm cant come from truth now.
Im from the South East of SA there was a shooting here at a small seaside town a few years ago, I beleive Lyle hid the gun. It made the local paper
How closely do you think Bone was associated to the others? Do you know of any sexual abuse allegations directly towards him? I only ask, because if he himself wasn't a pedophile, what did he gain from being in the ring - money?
everyone was debating why he stayed behind in his seat. The logical reason for me. Was in case the girls returned to their seats and found no-one there.

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the sightings.

From what I can remember, all of the sightings are of a solo predator and two kids.
Can we eliminate a group or ring involvement? If it was an organised snatching. wouldn't there be a car waiting?

For me it just doesn't add up.
The SL sighting nearer to the zoo- solo abductor and two kids.
The sighting in Bonython Park, by man and his family- solo male and two kids fitting the description.
The questionable Railcar sighting- pretty much the same, man with two girls.
The Lolly seller, closer to the snatch-point- witnessing the abduction male 40s and the two Victims.
The Groundsman, inside the oval grounds- solo predator, the two victims and commotion.

Probably other sightings not mentioned.

Doesn't really add up for me either.

First witness accounts has the abductor's focus on Kirstie with attempts to get Joanne to run off and leave. If Joanne reversed, the first place she's running to and screaming, is another adult to report what's happened or to her grandmother. That would have potentially had many more than one adult on the hunt and fast. With the kidnapper on foot for over half an hour being spotted all over, the adults could have caught up.

It looks to me as if the situation may have been misread, the kidnapper's calling Joanne names and telling her to 'eff off' meaning to stop kicking and the intention always was to take the two, it's just faster to carry the 4yo with an expectation the older one will follow, or be marched off, which is what happened.

On their feet for too long, I think some of the witness accounts once they left the grounds weren't them. There had to be a car or a close house.
everyone was debating why he stayed behind in his seat. The logical reason for me. Was in case the girls returned to their seats and found no-one there.

Perhaps, then that should have made it easy then to obey the 3 summons and attend the inquests to explain that motivation. No imo he failed to attend 3 times because he didn't want to answer questions he might need to lie about something. Highly likely not innocent motivation something I agree with Bograt about on this occasion though often times I can't. That difference of opinion doesn't mean I'm calling him liar either.
Opportunistic v planned

* the distance travelled after the snatch suggests opportunistic. It has been repeatedly pointed out by several there are quiet secluded locations within 20
mins walk yet that wasn't what he chose.

* the fact it was Kirstie's first unplanned trip with grandmother suggests opportunistic

* the fact that Frank Bone left his seat for 30 mins earlier in day is suspicious. Likewise his disobeying a Summons

* testimony that the man who snatched them was watching them sought to engage in enticing a cat and came out suddenly from behind a tree while being seen

Conclusion: opportunistic abduction but hastily planned on the day by which stage he was committed to carry for longer than one would with adequate planning

Individual v ring

* Bone known to Hart seated with families
*Smythe known to Hart had his kids playing with J&K
* Bone gone missing for 30 minutes earlier

Both are possible..if he did it as individual there were several who had prior knowledge. It's likely that the fact K was with the grandmother this time was a motivation to abduct her. That information seeped back to Hart from multiple sources imo.

Kirstie as target or both.

A pedophile especially a 56yo (if it's Hart) isn't going to try and make the abduction more difficult than it needs to be. Kirstie is easy. Two is ridiculously hard and brings unwanted attention on the abduction..I suspect he was unaware that Joanne had the duty to look after Kirstie and also that she would abide her duty so thoroughly. It ended up causing major trouble for the abductor.

Conclusion: Kirstie alone as target

Hart or another

A major factor in this is whether you think it feasible that a 56 year could do it. Was he strong enough. There were a number of reports..some described him as the dad. SL described him as the grandad..The suspects age was 40 yo. Radan was 34. Brown was 61 though was said he was very fit and young looking

The abductor had to carry a 15kg young girl under his arm for 90 minutes at least. if you read all the reports about Joanne it's often said she was hitting him, cursing him and more often than not chasing behind him. She was a nuisance to him no doubt but it was unlikely that it was equivalent to dragging two kids for 90 minutes. The picture of Hart doesn't suggest he is strong. Thin yes. Wiry yes. But strong no.

Undecided If he could have done it for 90 min.

Addendum: For the Bonython park sighting to be wrong you would have to conclude that a Child daughter would be attacking the parent, hitting them and cursing them one under arm one following. Ie both in trouble. No sorry. Very unlikely imo. The motorist was so taken aback he stopped and thought of intervening. Very unlikely to have same incident same types of girls doing the same disobedience father wearing same QLD hat.. Indeed a father back in 73 would have just smacked the child and quickly brought it to a halt. I don't for one second think they would have taken to a train.
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Check out How Long Does it Take to Walk 3.5 KM?
(The 3.5km based on google search of distance from Adelaide Oval to Vine St, Prospect)

I'm not familiar with the area, if you or someone else is, where's the nearest road a car could have swung in and picked them up once they left the grounds?

At 11yo Joanne's approaching high school, while he would have started running out of puff real fast she wouldn't and after a couple of minutes her mind would be ticking over developing some kind of plan and make a decision. With the courage to fight him, she has the voice to alert someone.

I'm sticking with it that they weren't on foot for 90 minutes, not even half an hour ... maybe but not much longer than that.

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Unsolved Girls that went missing from Adelaide Oval 1973

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