Global warming not going away

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Doctor Jolly

Premiership Player
Sep 28, 2006
AFL Club
The fact is it's a dead issue. Been and gone are the days of global warming propoganda. Australians have been informed on the issue and it's up to individuals if they want to go 'green'. Certainly won't have any influence over the next election.
Despite the best efforts of Tony "Global warming is bullshit" Abbott, and a gaggle of unqualified bloggers, the world just keeps getting warmer.

Also interesting to hear that Rudd is preparing a revised ETS based on getting the greens to help pass it through the senate if they hold the balance of power after the next election.

A purely political statement By Commissar Rudd aimed at winning back voters with an environmental outlook who he has lost to the Greens with his backflips. However, people realise that everything the Commissar says is political without substance, and this latest statement has zero credibility and zero chance of achieving its objective.

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Global warming went away after the Medieval Warm Period, the Roman Warm Period, the Mid-Holocene Warm period and many other warm periods before that. Much like how global cooling went away after the Little Ice Age, the Middle Ages cool period etc.

On the hansen paper that the article refers to, it hasn't entered any peer review processes and hansen himself admits that some of the "newsworthy" comments may not pass the referee stage.

Its sad that the labour fanbois are pushing this issue. After Climategate, more and more of the public have been shown the corruption of the ipcc and their cohorts leading to growing scepticism of the ipcc claims.

Keep flogging the dead horse dr j and make your masters proud.
Remember those Islands that were sinking? Seems they are actually expanding. Just one example of the 'settled' science being disproven.

AGAINST all the odds, a number of shape-shifting islands in the middle of the Pacific Ocean are standing up to the effects of climate change.

For years, people have warned that the smallest nations on the planet - island states that barely rise out of the ocean - face being wiped off the map by rising sea levels. Now the first analysis of the data broadly suggests the opposite: most have remained stable over the last 60 years, while some have even grown.

Paul Kench at the University of Auckland in New Zealand and Arthur Webb at the South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission in Fiji used historical aerial photos and high-resolution satellite images to study changes in the land surface of 27 Pacific islands over the last 60 years. During that time, local sea levels have risen by 120 millimetres, or 2 millimetres per year on average.

Despite this, Kench and Webb found that just four islands have diminished in size since the 1950s. The area of the remaining 23 has either stayed the same or grown (Global and Planetary
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Remember those Islands that were sinking? Seems they are actually expanding. Just one example of the 'settled' science being disproven.

You cant be serious. Sea levels have risen (tick global warming).

The nature of these particular island which are made up of washed up sand/coral is that as sea level rises, more sand/coral washes up. This is great, and very fortunate for the locals.

Does it mean the sea level isnt rising? No
Does it disprove global warming? No.
Does it mean most coastal cities wont be flooded in the centuries to come? No

But maybe a mitigation exercise might be to should start farming coral off Sydney heads!
You cant be serious. Sea levels have risen (tick global warming).

The nature of these particular island which are made up of washed up sand/coral is that as sea level rises, more sand/coral washes up. This is great, and very fortunate for the locals.

Does it mean the sea level isnt rising? No
Does it disprove global warming? No.
Does it mean most coastal cities wont be flooded in the centuries to come? No

But maybe a mitigation exercise might be to should start farming coral off Sydney heads!

So you dispute what is written in the article? Even though it is from one of the Global Warming camps publications.
Dead in the way that our grandchildren will all die young, or dead as in you'd like to bury your head in the sand about it ?

Quite possibly both DJ.

Simply put, in this thread it seems like we have a battle between plain scientific fact and a mixture of the School of My Dad Always Said, the College of It Stands to Reason, and the University of What Some Bloke In the Pub Told Me.... :rolleyes:
Rudd had a trigger issue for a DD election after Abbott and a minority tendency within the Coalition thwarted ETS through their own Party spill. He decided not to pull the trigger. Why? Simple. The electorate had grown tired of the issue, and would look very unfavourably on going to the polls a year early on a single issue. As a result ETS had to be ‘iced’.

But people are either naive or dumb to think the issue of climate change itself is dead. Big difference between an issue dying and issue becoming (temporarily) exhausted politically. Look at the history of the GST, for instance. ETS and climate change will be back on the table big time in the ALP's second term.

Bye the bye, the OVERWHELMING majority of relevant scientific opinion is that climate change is real and that it is manmade. Data and research confirms this year after year. Those within the relevant scientific community who disagree are about as large in number as those who believe smoking is not a health hazard. The only real disagreement or 'controversy' is to what extent and when climate change will radically affect standards of living. The sceptics will not win this debate once it becomes a public issue, as the science is so comprehensively against them. But, as i have already argued, the ALP have obviously decided now is not the most opportune moment to activate that debate. Personally, i think that is pretty gutless. Nevertheless, I can also see the logic of delaying it. Politics is all about timing....
Remember those Islands that were sinking? Seems they are actually expanding. Just one example of the 'settled' science being disproven.
I was waiting for the first pinhead denier to post this in a sort of "gotcha alarmists!" triumphalism.
Well at least you beat hawkermania to the punch, you must be proud.
Did you even read the article? Sea level is still rising as per global warming predictions but the islands in question, being composed of coral have the ability to continually regenerate themselves as the levels rises. Mind you once the coral starts dieing due to ocean acidification is another matter...

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Despite the best efforts of Tony "Global warming is bullshit" Abbott, and a gaggle of unqualified bloggers, the world just keeps getting warmer.

Also interesting to hear that Rudd is preparing a revised ETS based on getting the greens to help pass it through the senate if they hold the balance of power after the next election.

The Climate is always changing, we have gone through a warm period, but there is no need to make idiotic decisions and waste billions and trillions of dollars on something we can not control.

It would make more sense to put the money into things we can achieve.

There is nothing wrong with cleaning the environment, but don't tax big businesses who will in turn tax us, be a bit smarter and give incentives to businesses to be cleaner, give us incentives to be cleaner. The Labor way has always been to add taxes, it's wrong and unfair.

Dead in the way that our grandchildren will all die young, or dead as in you'd like to bury your head in the sand about it ?

We are all living longer, each generation is living longer and it's because of technology and world development. Our lives have been made better by the industrial revolution and the advancements in technology. Our kids and their kids and their kids, kids will also live long healthy lives no matter what the climate change will be. Don't be naive and think a warmer climate won't have positives.

The IPCCC gave their prediction of a global warming of between 1.5 and 6 degrees, a 400% variation, but lets not laugh at that ridiculous assumption and how you predict something so accurate.:rolleyes: The fact is even their worst case scenario the planet will still be here, people will be here, animals and insects just as those previous and in the future some will be extinct and some will be created and the rest still here. It's evolution and it's not going to stop no matter what we do, but if we waste billions and trillions of dollars on trying to stop it, we won't have money to fix the real problems of the world that we can actually fix.
I was waiting for the first pinhead denier to post this in a sort of "gotcha alarmists!" triumphalism.
Well at least you beat hawkermania to the punch, you must be proud.
Did you even read the article? Sea level is still rising as per global warming predictions but the islands in question, being composed of coral have the ability to continually regenerate themselves as the levels rises. Mind you once the coral starts dieing due to ocean acidification is another matter...

There were reports around for years that said the same. It is in Pilmers book, studies show coral grows but you and your warming mates ingored these studies and went for the hysteria card of 'sinking' islands when it was quite clear nothing was going to happen to them.

Hows the Artic Ice going Dipper?
For those who don't really understand what scepticism and scientific evidence actually means (it seems that those with qualifications in economics and finance have been educated very specifically to ignore all evidence in the face of overwhelming odds) here is a 13 minute download from Ockham's Razor that might help clarify this one.

According to scientific consensus (that is the consensus of the experts, not consensus by non experts funded by major polluters) the evidence (as interpreted by the experts, not the non experts) is that global warming is occurring and it is man made.

"Those who are most likely to be able to judge the evidence, the experts, have largely been convinced by it.

There is no evidence of a global conspiracy that the experts have all got together to make stuff up with the goal of global domination.

Try listening to it, even though it might challenge you lot, hell bent on believing what ever the conservative side of politics instructs you to believe. Despite the fact the you know that, at this point in time, conservative policies are being prostituted to the highest bidder.
You moron

There were reports around for years that said the same. It is in Pilmers book, studies show coral grows but you and your warming mates ingored these studies and went for the hysteria card of 'sinking' islands when it was quite clear nothing was going to happen to them.

Hows the Artic Ice going Dipper? You fool, global warming is as dead as your brain.

I hate to reduce this to insults, but seriously, you are without doubt, the stupidest person on bigfooty.
I love the generalisations from the pro AGW people in this thread. Just look at Grins generalisation of the 'scientists' who agree and disagree with AGW.

If you are going to use w*nker generalisation like that, don't expect anyone to take you seriously.
I love the generalisations from the pro AGW people in this thread. Just look at Grins generalisation of the 'scientists' who agree and disagree with AGW.

If you are going to use w*nker generalisation like that, don't expect anyone to take you seriously.

I think you should listen to that podcast, from a very credible source, on what evidence and expert opinion actually is, rather than desperately clinging to ignorance.
It's appropriate that this global warming thread is filed under 'politics'.

Unfortunately the right have succeeded in turning this into a political issue to the detriment of our children and grandchildren.

They feel very clever now. But I wonder what their children and grand children will think of their cleverness in decades to come. Of course when that time comes they will deny that they were ever global warming conspiracy theorists, just like many of them claim that they didn't buy the arguments put by 'scientists' funded by tobacco companies.
Unfortunately the right have succeeded in turning this into a political issue to the detriment of our children and grandchildren.

They feel very clever now. But I wonder what their children and grand children will think of their cleverness in decades to come. Of course when that time comes they will deny that they were ever global warming conspiracy theorists, just like many of them claim that they didn't buy the arguments put by 'scientists' funded by tobacco companies.

If you're right and action isn't taken then the difference between no action having been taken will be barely noticable.
Re: Another misguided labour fanboi thread


So is a fourth grader smarter than the global warming alarmists on BF? &id=7801690&instance=landing_news_lead_story
Her project, “Disproving Global Warming,” beat more than 50,000 other projects submitted by students from all over the U.S.
The National Science Foundation judges included four former astronauts, 14 recipients of the President’s National Medal of Science and one person clueless on the subject of climate studies with a plethora of links to the tobacco industry.
Re: Another misguided labour fanboi thread

So is a fourth grader smarter than the global warming alarmists on BF? &id=7801690&instance=landing_news_lead_story
The National Science Foundation judges included four former astronauts, 14 recipients of the President’s National Medal of Science and one person clueless on the subject of climate studies with a plethora of links to the tobacco industry.

I dont know whats more scary. You actually read this stuff, or you think it contributes to the debate.

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Global warming not going away

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