Global warming not going away

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Despite the best efforts of Tony "Global warming is bullshit" Abbott, and a gaggle of unqualified bloggers, the world just keeps getting warmer.

Also interesting to hear that Rudd is preparing a revised ETS based on getting the greens to help pass it through the senate if they hold the balance of power after the next election.
This concern from a bloke who has a 4WD and a huge suburban house. Strange.
Re: Another misguided labour fanboi thread

I'm still waiting for any of the alarmists to cite any scientific studies that have adhered to the scientific method. So far their level of debate has contained nothing more than political viewpoints, outlandish religious beliefs, volumes of name calling and a constant stream of FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt).

Astronaut Walter Cunningham has a great article regarding hansen, NASA and the propaganda behind global warming. I highly recommend those not up to the fourth graders standard of research to read it even if its just help keep alive my faint hope that they may actually become better informed.
The public debate should focus on the real cause of global temperature change and whether we can do anything about it. Is global warming a natural inevitability, or is it AGW—human caused?

The conflict over AGW has deteriorated into a religious war; a war between true believers in human-caused global warming and nonbelievers; between those who accept AGW on faith and those who consider themselves more sensible and better informed. “True believers” are beyond being interested in evidence; it is impossible to reason a person out of positions they have not been reasoned into.

It doesn’t help that NASA scientist James Hansen was one of the early alarmists claiming humans caused global warming. Hansen is a political activist who spreads fear even when NASA’s own data contradict him.

Warming in the upper atmosphere should occur before any surface warming effect, but NASA’s own data show that has not been happening. Global temperature readings—accurate to 0.1 degree Celsius—are gathered by orbiting satellites. Interestingly, in the 18 years those satellites have been recording global temperatures, they have actually shown a slight decrease in average temperatures.

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It's very interesting that global warming conspiracy theorists really don't want to address the question of evidence and expert opinion.

Interesting, but hardly surprising, as their position relies entirely on ignorance of such things. Much like those pushing creationalist theology.

What was the expert opinion about the economy before the GFC? (

What did the UK Met office predict before the coldest winter in 100 years? (

When making predictions about complex non-linear systems such as the economy or climate expert opinion does very poorly. It appears your opinions are based on ignorance about this.
What was the expert opinion about the economy before the GFC? (

What did the UK Met office predict before the coldest winter in 100 years? (

When making predictions about complex non-linear systems such as the economy or climate expert opinion does very poorly. It appears your opinions are based on ignorance about this.

Listen to the podcast then we'll discuss.
Whilst I do understand that you are committed to arguing from a position of ignorance, I'm not going to buy it.

Let's start by defining our terms, specifically, what counts for an 'expert', and 'expert opinion'.
That podcast is by abc's global warming alarmist robyn williams. This is truly "pseudo science" at its worst from someone who does his best to stifle debate to aid his deranged beliefs.

Worst still, my taxes contribute towards his salary.
Listen to the podcast then we'll discuss.
Whilst I do understand that you are committed to arguing from a position of ignorance, I'm not going to buy it.

Let's start by defining our terms, specifically, what counts for an 'expert', and 'expert opinion'.

So you are looking for a semantic argument instead of answering my point about predicting the future of complex non-linear systems. I suppose that's not unexpected given your ignorance about the value of expert opinion in this field. Look to geologists and earthquakes if you need to understand that descriptive experts are not necessarily predictive experts.
That podcast is by abc's global warming alarmist robyn williams. This is truly "pseudo science" at its worst from someone who does his best to stifle debate to aid his deranged beliefs.

Worst still, my taxes contribute towards his salary.

You and reason are clearly bitter enemies.

This is a simple explanation of evidence and expert opinion.

Calling R.W. an alarmist, or the Queen of England and the Pope communists doesn't change that.

Like I said. You clearly don't want a reasoned discussion. For you, this is a political discussion.
You moron

There were reports around for years that said the same. It is in Pilmers book, studies show coral grows but you and your warming mates ingored these studies and went for the hysteria card of 'sinking' islands when it was quite clear nothing was going to happen to them.

Hows the Artic Ice going Dipper? You fool, global warming is as dead as your brain.
Yep as previously pointed out you are the thickest person on bigfooty. You have a lot of competition in this area i must say but yep you are drop dead stupid. Nobody has ever doubted the regenerative powers of choral reefs - its a living organism, it grows, it dies and so on. What the report you ignorantly linked simply shows that these coral reefs have the ability to withstand the rising sea levels. It does not dispute the fact of AGW at all.
As for the actic sea ice - yeah it doesnt look pretty.


U.S. data indicate that Arctic sea ice is at a record low for this time of year as 2010 shapes up to be one of the warmest years ever.

Scientists at the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center report that Arctic sea ice – frozen seawater floating on the ocean surface – is at its lowest physical level for the season and is on course to break the previous record low set in 2007, reports the Guardian, a British media outlet.

You wouldnt be relying on bug eyes Monckton for your crap would you..:rolleyes:

A simple graph for a simpleton...

Yep as previously pointed out you are the thickest person on bigfooty.
Thick as a plank
A simple graph for a simpleton...


I'm sure Hawkamania or morgoth will be able to find a blog somewhere which has the same graph, expect the Y axis values are removed, and the line has been rotated 30 degrees to show an upward trend.
Again I refer you to this podcast

Although I know you won't listen to it as you are afraid that an understanding of what evidence and expert opinion actually is, will ****** your regurgitation of pseudo science.
for some reason the link wont work.
Is that the episode of the science show where Bjorn Lomborg (one of the poster boys for the denialists) has his research basically shredded?
Heard that, interesting.

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for some reason the link wont work.
Is that the episode of the science show where Bjorn Lomborg (one of the poster boys for the denialists) has his research basically shredded?
Heard that, interesting.

The one I was referring to was on Ockham's razor on May 9 called 'The importance of evidence'
You're right. The link doesn't seem to be working. My apologies.

I'm not sure if I heard the one you are referring to. Do you have a date for it.
This one's interesting, from Saturday May 1
Talking about how the climate debate has become an ideological issue for the right.

It talks about how the science has been systematically misrepresented by vested interests and how the right has refused to remove itself from this misrepresentation

A better one (possibly the one you are referring to) which talks about the level of evidence employed by the climate change conspiracy theories called 'Climate change scepticism - its sources and strategies' which is from the science show on April 3

Included were interesting facts about the level of scientific expertise by those conspiracy theorists writing on the issue. Amongst much other interesting stuff

If your a climate change conspiracy theorist and your desperate to cling to your ignorance, I would strongly advise that you avoid these programs.
You and reason are clearly bitter enemies.

This is a simple explanation of evidence and expert opinion.

Calling R.W. an alarmist, or the Queen of England and the Pope communists doesn't change that.

Like I said. You clearly don't want a reasoned discussion. For you, this is a political discussion.

Williams once claimed the oceans would rise by 100 metres by the year 2100. I think that qualifies as alarmism and is enough to discredit any contribution he has to make on this subject.
The one I was referring to was on Ockham's razor on May 9 called 'The importance of evidence'
You're right. The link doesn't seem to be working. My apologies.

I'm not sure if I heard the one you are referring to. Do you have a date for it.
This one's interesting, from Saturday May 1
Talking about how the climate debate has become an ideological issue for the right.

It talks about how the science has been systematically misrepresented by vested interests and how the right has refused to remove itself from this misrepresentation

A better one (possibly the one you are referring to) which talks about the level of evidence employed by the climate change conspiracy theories called 'Climate change scepticism - its sources and strategies' which is from the science show on April 3

Included were interesting facts about the level of scientific expertise by those conspiracy theorists writing on the issue. Amongst much other interesting stuff

If your a climate change conspiracy theorist and your desperate to cling to your ignorance, I would strongly advise that you avoid these programs.
No the one I am talking about was last week, if you subscribe to itunes it is the one dated 29th of May.
When was the last month that global temperatures were below average?

February 1994. Even then only by 0.00003 of a degree 0r 3/10,000th of a degree:eek:

If you want a more solid figure of 0.1 of a degree below average you have to go back to the mid 1980s

Those damn pesky facts just keep getting in the way of a rip roaring conspiracy theory.

Andrew Bolt: Dean of science...suggesting rising seas this next century of up to 100 metres, or Al Gore six metres. When I see things like that I know these are false. You mentioned the IPCC report; that suggests, at worst on best scenarios, 59 centimetres.
Robyn Williams: Well, whether you take the surge or whether you take the actual average rise are different things.
Andrew Bolt: I ask you, Robyn, 100 metres in the next you really think that?
Robyn Williams: It is possible, yes. The increase of melting that they've noticed in Greenland and the amount that we've seen from the western part of Antarctica, if those increases of three times the expected rate continue, it will be huge, but the question...
When was the last month that global temperatures were below average?

February 1994. Even then only by 0.00003 of a degree 0r 3/10,000th of a degree:eek:

If you want a more solid figure of 0.1 of a degree below average you have to go back to the mid 1980s

Those damn pesky facts just keep getting in the way of a rip roaring conspiracy theory.

Were at the top of a warming cycle so it goes without saying temps are above average. When we get to the bottom of a cooling cycle, temps will be below average. Get it?
This concern from a bloke who has a 4WD and a huge suburban house. Strange.

Hey, you remember me!.

I have 1 diesel powered car (4wd) between the 4 people who live in the house. Thats 1/4 car per person. At around 10l/100km. They each drive at a per capita of 2.5 l / 100km. (ie motorbike/person).
I catch public transport to/from work.

Our house is well suited to the climate. Never needs summer air conditioning. I have recently converted our electric hot water to solar, and installed a 3 Kw Solar PV system to the roof to offset out electricity charges. (to complement my shed stuff as Dry rot kindly mentioned).
Winter heating is achieved through burning renewable fuels (wood) all obtained through off-cuts of local "pruning". (ie no tree was cut down to be burnt, and no transportation impact).

Yes, thats me. Any questions ?

EIDT: Oh, and I forgot to mention, I'm in the process of coverting the 40w Halogens in the house to 3w LED's.
Were at the top of a warming cycle so it goes without saying temps are above average. When we get to the bottom of a cooling cycle, temps will be below average. Get it?

That's not how the experts are reading the evidence.

You can huff and puff as much as you like and quote all the pseudo science sponsored by conservative think tanks funded by big polluters.

You can make stuff up all you like to prove that cigarettes are a healthy product, that the world was created in 6 days less than 10,000 years ago, or that global warming is a massive communist conspiracy theory.

But instead of jealously protecting your ignorance, read the above links about what evidence is, how it is interpreted, and what the most likely correct interpretation is.

If you dare.
Hey, you remember me!.

I have 1 diesel powered car (4wd) between the 4 people who live in the house. Thats 1/4 car per person. At around 10l/100km. They each drive at a per capita of 2.5 l / 100km. (ie motorbike/person).
I catch public transport to/from work.

Our house is well suited to the climate. Never needs summer air conditioning. I have recently converted our electric hot water to solar, and installed a 3 Kw Solar PV system to the roof to offset out electricity charges. (to complement my shed stuff as Dry rot kindly mentioned).
Winter heating is achieved through burning renewable fuels (wood) all obtained through off-cuts of local "pruning". (ie no tree was cut down to be burnt, and no transportation impact).

Yes, thats me. Any questions ?

EIDT: Oh, and I forgot to mention, I'm in the process of coverting the 40w Halogens in the house to 3w LED's.

They think that by personally attacking you, they prove that global warming is a communist conspiracy theory.
Were at the top of a warming cycle so it goes without saying temps are above average. When we get to the bottom of a cooling cycle, temps will be below average. Get it?

I'd like to no more about these 'cycles,' such as what they are how they are caused etc.

Cause saying we are at the top of a cycle doesn't really mean anything unless you can show something driving the cycle.

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Global warming not going away

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