Hardly a conspiracy, mate. You have just pointed to one of the problems yourself. Did you try to sell the Brownlow seat(s) back? If not, why not? There is a system, maybe it's unwieldy. So it seems in that case, at least, we're not talking conspiracies, are we? A sold-out game at Kardinia Park, quite simply, should not result in a crowd of 33,188. I'm not sure why you wouldn't want answers on that beyond, oh well, 7000 reserved seat holders didn't turn up. The club/AFL/Ticketmaster need to do better.Mate you can keep searching for conspiracies or take the simplest explanation which is always the most likely.
My family has six season tickets in the brownlow stand. We couldnt make the game and we didn’t sell the seat back to the club.
As ive said before and elsewhere, the AFL needs to put work into filling unused seats. Whether its a standby line or a rsvp system or something else. Demand for these games is more than the supply. It should be utilised