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We keep saying that...but these feckers defy the natural laws and the theoretical. They are heretical, defying gravity and flying when all else falls. I'm sick of it. I want the Crucible but with the happy ending of them finally burning to ash and bone. If I have to sign on with the devil & watch them win their God forsaken premiership then so be it...just as long as they die quietly next season and go towards the light and into eternal perpetuity afterwards, then footy life will finally have some sort of vindication.
They aren't that good IMO. They are well drilled but super basic in the way they play and set up. They are the kind of set up that should be easier to stop in finals than most but plenty have tried this year and failed. Sydney have so much going on and so many hard workers that there is more to go wrong but really hard to plan for and stop.
Geelong's age actually works for them though. They will want to go out with a flag and won't leave anything in reserve.