Resource Grand Final TV Ratings

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I doubt the AFL do any such thing. Reporting 5 city data is generally done by ALL tv reporting outlets and media agencies, generally excluding the regionals. Its something NRL fans have complained about for a while.

Thats also because until 2001 ratings were done in a completely different way. The AFL has published its total and regional audiences most years since.
Before 2001, and for a few years after it IIRC, The Australian would publish the detailed break down of the top 20 programs ( maybe more) for the week by the 5 capital cities during ratings period in either their business pages or a media section, before they started their Monday Media section. That was all that I used to read about, was the 5 capital cities ratings figures and the odd article they would talk about regional ratings.

At some point they just stopped doing it. That's when I started losing grasp of what a good ratings figure was for a sports program vs news vs drama vs sitcom was.

The Advertiser when I lived in Adelaide, SMH and Daily Telegraph when I lived in Sydney and the Courier Mail when I lived in SE Qld, never had as much detailed break down as The Australian used to provide. They would usually do a weekly top 10 list with a total and no break downs and then mention what those programs may have rated in their city, or just did a top 10 for their city rather than national top 10 list.
The AFL at some point hopefully next season must stop giving their main competition (NRL) a free kick with TV ratings and go to twilight!

Does anyone believe the the ratings the RL get in prime time on Sunday nights would be the same on Sat or even Sunday afternoons !
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The AFL at some point hopefully next season must stop giving their main competition (NRL) a free kick with TV ratings and go to twilight!

Does anyone believe the the ratings the RL get in prime time on Sunday nights would be the same on Sat or even Sunday afternoons !

The AFL normally outrates the NRL despite being a daytime GF. The game was poor quality and people turned off.

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The AFL at some point hopefully next season must stop giving their main competition (NRL) a free kick with TV ratings and go to twilight!

Does anyone believe the the ratings the RL get in prime time on Sunday nights would be the same on Sat or even Sunday afternoons !

The NRL GF would barely rate if it were Saturday at 2pm in my opinion.

I agree though the AFL give a heap of free hits to their competitor. Round 1, state of origin, stand alone grand final week etc etc..
The AFL at some point hopefully next season must stop giving their main competition (NRL) a free kick with TV ratings and go to twilight!

Does anyone believe the the ratings the RL get in prime time on Sunday nights would be the same on Sat or even Sunday afternoons !

If AFL was prime time (night).... mate it wouldn't even be close.

Then we could start comparing the amount of packed pubs etc.

Better off comparing the AFL Grand Final with Origin.

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