At the request of His Grizzlyness I am starting up this game again. I'll be following the structure that was suggested in the last thread, that I'll show the picture in increments until it's guessed.
To start I'll only have players on our list for a while before delving into past players, I'll tell you the first time that the player no longer plays for us but that'll be the only time, to add a little difficulty to it (I hope, you guys are pretty good at this).
I'll only give hints if it's not guessed after a couple of guesses, but I doubt I'll need to give out too many.
For the people with time to worry about, I'll make it known that someone guess correct by formatting it like CORRECT, so you can filter past all the "wrong/incorrect" posts of mine.
So, starting us off we have this shot:
To start I'll only have players on our list for a while before delving into past players, I'll tell you the first time that the player no longer plays for us but that'll be the only time, to add a little difficulty to it (I hope, you guys are pretty good at this).
I'll only give hints if it's not guessed after a couple of guesses, but I doubt I'll need to give out too many.
For the people with time to worry about, I'll make it known that someone guess correct by formatting it like CORRECT, so you can filter past all the "wrong/incorrect" posts of mine.
So, starting us off we have this shot: