Werewolf Harry Potter Werewolf - Everyone has a role!! - Village Wins

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Harry Potter Fight GIF by Warner Bros. Deutschland

The Battle of Hogwarts was escalating and every move made on all sides of the battle now had dire consequences. Who would take the upper hand!

The Deatheaters, still reeling from two key losses to their faction attacked the castle with no mercy, they were determined to strike a key blow and Albus Dumbledore was the target. The Residents of Hogwarts stood strong to protect their spiritual leader as the Deatheaters attacked and spells bounced around the great hall without prejudice.

As Voldemort tried to land the death blow to Dumbledore, he drew back his wand and screamed "AVARDA KE......." His war cry was cut short as Severus Snape blasted his wand from his hand, Voldemort ordered his troops to retreat, they had failed to hit their target yet again.

As the smoke cleared, a body lay on the floor, while defending Albus, Professor Sprout had lost her life, she had sacrificed herself for glory in the battle of Hogwarts.

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Wickzki (Professor Sprout) - Killed by Deatheaters

The Ministry of Magic continued to fly under the radar, they snuck into the castle amidst all of the commotion and were desperate to strike a key blow to the Residents.

In the halls, they found Remus Lupin, looking to protect Harry who had been ordered away from the fight in the Great Hall. Lupin had already served the Residents so well, and here he was, standing guard, looking to protect the fight once more.

The Ministry surrounded Lupin and yelled "Your war against the Ministry is done, we will never give up control". As the battle raged, the numbers were just too much, the Ministry knocked Lupin to the ground and with no mercy, finished the job.

It Cant Be Harry Potter GIF by Sky

dank420_ (Remus Lupin) - Killed by the Ministry of Magic.

Harry ran out of the room screaming in pursuit! How could they kill Remus, his child will never get the chance to meet him! He chased the Ministry out of the castle, but they were just too far ahead, but then Harry's luck changed, but the luck of Neville Longbottom ran out.

Neville was just making his way from the battle in the Great Hall and was in the wrong place at the wrong time. In his rage, Harry didn't take the time to look at who was ahead of him, he just assumed that he was evil and he struck Neville down, killing him.

harry potter GIF

Kurve (Neville Longbottom) - Killed by Harry Potter (JOAT)

DemurePrincess this!

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The Ministry can flip a late vote and Marc switching helps us know his intentions.
You are just reminding me a lot of the evil game where you trucked me and I believed you...

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Werewolf Harry Potter Werewolf - Everyone has a role!! - Village Wins

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