Has Richmunt Broken the Bay? Facts, Data and Crayons within...

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It's only cause you lot provide the most enjoyable melts, both here and on your own board when you lose.

source (7).gif
Salt overload
Lol, couldnt be further. Have a go when your team has won 3 in a row, god the melts in 2015 were like the sunny side of Mercury.

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100%.... not even 3 flags can wipe away the 4 decades of being bent over by the rest of comp... especially by Geelong. Passive aggressive Freds like this only serve to reinforce that.

My advice to OP would be simple..
Apply liberally:

View attachment 1146268
Absolutely, its good to see you finally facing reality, not sure why you Cats ever thought 3 decade old flags without even being able to go b2b could wipe out the 44 years of being the laughing stock pf the comp, I cant say anything worse than Geelong for 44 years were Collingwood like👍

You were talking about Geelong yeah?
I'm no wily analyst like Luke Hodge,

No shit.

You want to know what's really **** ed up?

It's not people who post about teams other than the one they support. That behaviour is the meat and drink that sustains the community

The problem is one particular band of knob jockeys who post incessantly and compulsively about the team they do support. And will seize the feeblest excuse to change the topic of any discussion to make it all about ########. Some of them will even go to the lengths of making five or six consecutive posts in a thread, all about their own team.

It's really **** ing warped, and pityfully insecure.
No sh*t.

You want to know what's really fu** ed up?

It's not people who post about teams other than the one they support. That behaviour is the meat and drink that sustains the community

The problem is one particular band of knob jockeys who post incessantly and compulsively about the team they do support. And will seize the feeblest excuse to change the topic of any discussion to make it all about ########. Some of them will even go to the lengths of making five or six consecutive posts in a thread, all about their own team.

It's really fu** ing warped, and pityfully insecure.

One particular band of knob jockeys?

This thread of quantum analysis is to highlight the number of Richmunt related threads recently created in the Bay (by non-Richmunt fans).

Make no mistake lapflog, this is a fact finding mission. Not a ‘look how good Richmond is’ thread.

You’re arguing that the exponential growth in these findings is in response to Chookmond fans posting “incessantly and compulsively” about their own team; well I’m not so sure, my Visy comrade...

I’ve always been a strong believer in numbers - they don’t lie (Carlton salary cap calculations excluded).

The findings indicate a mighty strong correlation between ‘# of Tuggers related threads created’ and ‘Team(s) we have reamed in September’.

tldr: Stop whining for the sake of whining.
The problem is one particular band of knob jockeys who post incessantly and compulsively about the team they do support. And will seize the feeblest excuse to change the topic of any discussion to make it all about ########. Some of them will even go to the lengths of making five or six consecutive posts in a thread, all about their own team.
How would they get attention otherwise?

That's really the problem. They aren't intelligent, articulate or insightful enough to warrant their opinions being taken seriously and their knowledge of the game is mostly limited to the accomplishments of their team since 2017.

Their desperate need to have their club's micro-dynasty validated stems from the fact nobody rates the teams responsible, as neutrals generally put it down to a failure of the competition to fill the competitive vaccum due to the dilution of the talent pool rather than anything particularly special about them.

Richmond was simply in the right place at the right time - polar opposite of their Bay13 blowins.

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How would they get attention otherwise?

That's really the problem. They aren't intelligent, articulate or insightful enough to warrant their opinions being taken seriously and their knowledge of the game is mostly limited to the accomplishments of their team since 2017.

Their desperate need to have their club's micro-dynasty validated stems from the fact nobody rates the teams responsible, as neutrals generally put it down to a failure of the competition to fill the competitive vaccum due to the dilution of the talent pool rather than anything particularly special about them.

Richmond was simply in the right place at the right time - polar opposite of their Bay13 blowins.

Can really sense the “hey we had a dynasty too” in this write up.

That’s where you’re all wrong. It’s not about validation, but more so about us poking and watching you all squeal and climb over each other to talk us down. It really just screams panic and sheer anger.

Anyway, it was the GWS and GC draft pick dilution that handed hawfs their treble - 2013 I’ll give you though.

Hawkies were simply in the right place at the right time - polar opposite of their Bay13 blowins.


So many of #kardashimond fans are so easy to wind up, even with your flag success.

Also stuff like Brooke and Trent, whinging about playing home games at Marvel, off fi7eld sheningians of Stack, Bolton and Rioli gives us opposition flogs plenty of ammo to work with.

But I would say to you that if my team won 3 of the last 4 flags, why would I be bothered by what opposition fans think ? Should be water off a duck's back, but it isn't, and that is the crux of the problem.

No real life pics ya dickhead.

How hot do I look but?
Hawkies were simply in the right place at the right time - polar opposite of their Bay13 blowins.
Bit rich coming from a Tugger fan. Particularly given your adultering piece of shit coach learned everything he knows from Clarko.

The only thing anyone'll remember about Pellmond's micro-dynasty is how hard Dusty carried it & how annoying the bandwagoners it created were.
Nah, was just subtly staggered that you think there was only one band of knob jockeys incessantly and compulsively posting about the team they support.

Very odd.

Given that you expended a chunk of valuable time from your life in an ambitious but ultimately poorly constructed new thread bemoaning how they are all obsessed with Richmond......

But now you tell us that after all it is their own Club they are compulsively obsessed with discussing?

This isn't a taco commercial, pal.

You can't have both.

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Has Richmunt Broken the Bay? Facts, Data and Crayons within...

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