But seriously? What idiot would contemplate worrying actual courts with sporting issues. Only Hawthorn bandwagoners. Don't worry they'll all be on St. Kilda next year, unless of course they choke.
BTW if you think demitrispew is runing the game with this decision/ruling then you've missed the last 5 years or so. He's a ****ing spud, and i'd love to see you guys do something to show him he's not satisfying his fans. Which of course he claims to be doing. Mob him!
You really are a w*nker. There are plenty of instances of tribunal matters being taken to the courts. Football is big business and unfairly suspending a player like this is good grounds for legal recourse.
This is for the good of the game as well as the HFC. I hope you enjoy what success you have in September - though there's no way your spineless group will get near a flag