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For a discussion of Kennetts 'activities' I direct you to:


Have a read (Im assuming you can read) and get back to me.

LOL. You absolute tool.

A biased website has listed Jeff's shady deals. Let's have a look at them:

He was also revealed to have been selling liquor without a State Government issued liquor licence.

In what context? It was at a Liberal Party fundraiser - in which case, every sporting club in the country is guilty of this charge.

On 29 May 1996, Kennett assaulted a number of journalists by shovelling dirt on them

Bwahaha, he covered the feet of a few w***er journo's with sand. Hardly an 'assault'.

Kennett also made comments on the Ray Martin Show (Channel 9) about a rape trial still in progress that were evidently in contempt of court. Again he was not charged. After making these statements, Kennett used taxpayer's funds for lawyers in a bid to avoid being charged.

Kennett's use of taxpayer's funds for his own purposes and to gag investigation seems to be a common trait of government in Victoria. He successfully sued Packer for an estimated $400,000 in an out of court settlement for a broadcast few can remember.

So he was never charged, sued the network AND WON. Sounds like Kerry Packer and Ray Martin were the ones at fault here.

(possibly in violation of state laws),


the Casino appears


It has been alleged that Kennett

Alleged? Concrete evidence would be good. Here's an example:

Richard Pratt Found Guilty

WHEN Visy packaging mogul Richard Pratt paid a $36 million fine last year for running a cartel with rival company Amcor, it was the biggest scalp ever taken by the ACCC

Nice try though, flog. :eek:
Just as a footnote to my last post, anyone who wants a laugh should read Malifice's website.

It's full of great information on how 9/11 is really an American conspiracy, how 'corporate' entities are behind terrorism and how Aboriginals are unfairly persecuted in favour of 'white people'.

Thanks for the laugh's Malifice. You crackpot.
Just as a footnote to my last post, anyone who wants a laugh should read Malifice's website.

It's full of great information on how 9/11 is really an American conspiracy, how 'corporate' entities are behind terrorism and how Aboriginals are unfairly persecuted in favour of 'white people'.

Thanks for the laugh's Malifice. You crackpot.
LOL ..

you're right .. a blog site full of gold like this is something much more to be proud of:



is this what you do in your spare time? .. How Embarrassment :eek:
LOL ..

you're right .. a blog site full of gold like this is something much more to be proud of:



is this what you do in your spare time? .. How Embarrassment :eek:

Why is it embarrassing?

My humour might not meet your standard but I'm not sure starting a blog about how the Holocaust never happened would be much better. Or how microwaves and flouride are just 'mind control' methods of MI-6. Or how vaccinating your kids is causing them cancer.

BTW, what do you do with your spare time? Looks like it's checking out my blog.

How embarassment...

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