Autopsy Hawthorn v the great pretenders

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I'm pretty sure they are going to go after us cheap and someone will get weeks for fighting back. Frawley is the obvious enforcer choice and I think he would do a fearfully good job at it. But it will tough to miss him for the suspension. Dunno. Lewis has no fear. Smith has some grumble in him as well but he's awfully skinny, no one is going to fear him. Hodge has missed too much to go back out, but maybe that will be the point.

But when it comes it will be hard. And whoever is the target will wish they had kept out if it.

There can be no other outcome. The MRP has declared it open season on hawks.
Totally agree wholeheartedly "OJ"!!!!!!!!!!!
The hell did Hill or Poppy even do? I saw Hill holding players BACK from trying to get into a push or shove twice. Us getting penalised more sounds about right after that umpiring performance anway. Hate because they ain't us?
Reckon all these umps on the ground at once are getting in each others way already; bloody joke the whole thing. I can remember when only one umpire officiated, and did a good job too. When they brought in two umps in the 70s (I think it was), that sought of rounded things off for me, with one ump looking after each half of the ground. The whole flow of the game is going to be over umpired to a degree that the beautiful flowing game is going to be stifled and over-run with stoppages and free kicks etc..
Ziebell cleared, Howe fined. :drunk:
So obvious that they don't want the Hawks to win a four peat, that would really rub salt into the wound. I mean, Hawks have done the 3 peat without gifts from the powers that be like other clubs have been given in recent times, and this is really getting up their noses.
We have a great coach, but the media still like to call him a angry little man. In his post match conferences he always gives the opposition credit, and especially if we lose. Brad Scott, on the other hand had nothing creditable to say about us, and in fact praised his side as though they had won. In addition, he made several insinuations that the umpires were entirely to blame for their defeat. Other than the one well documented, he implied that we got 13 goals from free kicks. Quote: "I think, that except for Rioli's goal, they got all their goals from free kicks."

North would be better off without him.
Free kicks at the end were North 29 and Hawks 20!
Open season on Hawks players. Do as you please the rest of the competition to Hawks players.
Don't play the ball. Play the man.

If Hodge had of done to Zeibhead..what he did to Mitchell. Straight to tribunal and two weeks.
I'm just glad we won the game and push those pretenders further down the ladder where they belong.
Along with a loss on Thursday night will see them even further down the ladder, which is what I thought would happen early on in the season anyway.
Have to admit, and it won't won't be a popular opinion, but I'm all the whinging about the Hawks (not getting the tub of the green, being the victims of the powers that be, etc) reminds me a little of one north Melbourne coach's whining...
Robbo describing Zeeblockhead's hit as good football. Yeah ok, distracted by premeditated energy sapping aggression that cost them a goal. Sure that's good football.

Not that we haven't been guilty of the same, but that doesn't make it good football.

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Not many in the media want to give us credit for that win. It's like there was only one team playing.
The story from our end should be how well the kids are mixing in with the regulars.
North won't be top four by years end, they blew their chance.
Have to admit, and it won't won't be a popular opinion, but I'm all the whinging about the Hawks (not getting the tub of the green, being the victims of the powers that be, etc) reminds me a little of one north Melbourne coach's whining...

Don't agree. Having a whinge on an in house forum, is worlds apart from a club official, let alone the coach, labeling the umpires cheats. Then again, this is a forum of opinions, so you are allowed to express yours.
Just realised from the footage on Hawks site - it was the Hawthorn Intimidating Monsters in Puopolo and Hill who were sanctioned for starting the melee with Ziebell.

Ziebell deliberately runs through an airborne defenceless player - leaving the ground and bumping at least partially high (which lets be honest should have been weeks given his and MRP history), and the first two Hawks on the scene, who do nothing other than pull Ziebell away from Mitchell to the ground are the ones who get fined.

Firrito and Smith fined for wrestling - when Firrito took out Smith well after (3 steps) he kicked for goal.

They were the ONLY incidents worth reviewing?

Umpires didn't apply control - they were very lucky Hawthorn players showed amazing restraint. The MRP had the opportunity to outline the undesirableness of these actions retrospectively. They didn't.

I guarantee you if the situation was reversed - Lewis hitting Ziebell, Stratton hitting Harvey the media reaction and MRP outcomes would have been very different.

Yet there is no anti-Hawk bias. Apparently.
I'm very disappointed that Sicily got the nomination, personally I think there was some battler at a club outside the 8 more in need of a pick me up from AFL house than our Jimmy

Maybe they can introduce some sort of performance tax to pay for the trophy and so Hawthorn can still participate.
Just noticed when zeebul kicked a goal on the first with about 10 minutes to go. Lewis was spoiled from a touched play on mark and McMillan comes late in and pushes his head yet somehow the ump found a free to norf which was paid advantage and the goal.
Amazing how nth went the knuckle and the umps still found every excuse they could to give them a free.......... And that sook Scott thinks they were hard done by

Don't agree. Having a whinge on an in house forum, is worlds apart from a club official, let alone the coach, labeling the umpires cheats. Then again, this is a forum of opinions, so you are allowed to express yours.
I understand you point, and to a large extent I'm sure people are just venting. Was just surprised to be reading pages of the stuff that then descends into the old 'the AFL are out to get us' crap.

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Autopsy Hawthorn v the great pretenders

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