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Am I adequately insane to enter the UTA100 when entries open in 45 minutes? :think:
It turns out that yes, I am indeed crazy.

At least it'll put my nerves leading into the Melbourne mara into perspective.

Oh well.

Great stuff MP! I did it in 2021, bloody incredible event! Best advice I was given (that I didn't do all that great a job of following) was run the first hill as you are planning on running the last! That is don't go out too hard!

Another thing, is it is incredible how much you can recover while still moving. For me, around 30-35k mark, I was in all sorts of trouble, felt terrible, nauseous hardly any energy, didn't know how I'd get through another ~70km. I walked up the next hill, ran down into the next checkpoint, ate, changed my shirt and left feeling so much better (until the next hill!)

But you go through so many ups and downs (mentally and literally!) you have to remember however you're feeling, good or bad, it won't stay that way. Enjoy the highs and push through the lows, set small targets ahead, the next check point, the top of the next mountain etc, keep moving, make sure you force yourself to eat and drink. It is amazing how good a change of shirt or socks or even shoes can make you feel! Refresh yourself at the checkpoints, but don't stay too long!

Seriously, you are in for an epic adventure!

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You've done it? Any advice?
Yep 2019 and can’t add much to Roo202 above, but definitely train on hill, hills and more hills. And lots of steps if you can.
Mentally don’t think about the entire 100, break it down in to sections and take each as it comes. You will absolutely go through highs and lows, so when you’re in the low, know you will come out of it again.

Enjoy the journey, it’s a beaut
Hey has anyone had trouble with medial knee pain?
I don't know if it was medial knee pain, but I was sure I'd done some damage somewhere in my knee a few years ago, was really struggling on every run with pretty sharp pain in the knee. I went and saw a sports physio, turned out I had an imbalance of strength in my glutes, that meant various muscles were pulling out of line to try and compensate, causing the knee pain. A few weeks of targeted strength work and the pain disappeared.

Short version, my non-expert advice, I'd recommend seeing a physio first.
I had runners knee a few years ago and also saw a physio who recommended occlusion therapy for the knee, which I could do at home with stretchy bands. Worked a treat and if I ever get a niggle now, I do it for a few days and away goes the pain. But, yours could be anything so perhaps a bit of ice and rest and see how it goes, or head off to the physio.

New treatment could help avoid surgery by healing ACL rupture, study shows​

A new non-surgical bracing treatment may help to facilitate healing after an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) rupture, a new study has found.

Published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, the study looked at 80 people treated with the Cross Bracing Protocol, and found 90 per cent had evidence of ACL healing on MRI three months after ACL rupture.

People with more ACL healing on three month MRI reported better 12-month outcomes including very high return to sport rates, better knee function and quality of life.


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Yep! Taper week coming up!! How's your training block gone MP?
So-so. I got a new sub 3 plan, and totally failed to do about a third of the intervals sessions because life/work/kids kept getting in the way. Oh well.

My target is to beat my GC time. I'll be quite happy if I get under 3.10, and I'll be very happy if I do it while feeling good! So yeah, I'll start with the 3.10 pacer and if it turns out to be more like 3.15 I won't mind, so long as my head's in a good space.

How about you? Goals? How's the prep been?
So-so. I got a new sub 3 plan, and totally failed to do about a third of the intervals sessions because life/work/kids kept getting in the way. Oh well.

My target is to beat my GC time. I'll be quite happy if I get under 3.10, and I'll be very happy if I do it while feeling good! So yeah, I'll start with the 3.10 pacer and if it turns out to be more like 3.15 I won't mind, so long as my head's in a good space.

How about you? Goals? How's the prep been?
Damn life getting in the way! Why can't we get paid to be middle of the road runners and just concentrate on training?!

My training has been ok, I had a bit of hamstring strain a few months ago and it has lingered a bit, but I've managed to follow a similar plan to the one I did in the lead in to the Port Fairy Marathon in Feb.

Surprised myself in that one with a sub 3, so I'm hoping to do the same in a week, but not 100% confident of it! Prefer it to be a pleasant surprise rather than an expectation! Also, I have a few past demons of falling apart in the second half running Melbourne over the years!

Bloody excited though, love running it!
A nice pb for me at Chicago, a 2:47:30. Gave it everything and thought I might blow up, but hung in quite well. Amazing flat course and loud crowds. Got my six star finisher medal too, so feeling pretty overwhelmed, had a bit of a cry when I saw the Misso at the end. A world record run too by the winner apparently, amazing!

A nice pb for me at Chicago, a 2:47:30. Gave it everything and thought I might blow up, but hung in quite well. Amazing flat course and loud crowds. Got my six star finisher medal too, so feeling pretty overwhelmed, had a bit of a cry when I saw the Misso at the end. A world record run too by the winner apparently, amazing!

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Just insane mate, what a run, congratulations on the PB and the 6 star, such a perfect day to do it too with Kiptum smashing the WR too! 💪💪
A nice pb for me at Chicago, a 2:47:30. Gave it everything and thought I might blow up, but hung in quite well. Amazing flat course and loud crowds. Got my six star finisher medal too, so feeling pretty overwhelmed, had a bit of a cry when I saw the Misso at the end. A world record run too by the winner apparently, amazing!

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You bloody ripper mate! What a supreme effort. That’s inspirational.

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