Heathcote District FL

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diggidog said:
bloodhound! said:
Morning Everyone

Mounts won on the day because they were not overawed by the occasion having played in a grand final last year and more in previous years.Elmore were probably a little overawed and inexperienced. This S HIT about them not wanting it enough is exactly that S HIT. So pipe down those who are saying it because you know F UCK ALL.
Discipline did cost us il admit but old man emu made a comment about there being 3 extra players for locky (umpires) well if you all can't admit that the umpires severely favoured mounts then you are all lying to yourselves and must have been at a different game coz thats the worst ive seen it all year and i think i would have lost it if i had been out there as well. Umpires are there to control the match not determine it and while im not taking anything away from mounts they did have 3 extra contributors.

You absolute knob joblet!!!, off the top of my head i can recall 2 crucial and incorrect decisions against mounts!!! The first was in the 1st q when the ball was in the mts fwrd line and McKern was doing his tough guy thing wrestling and bumping Matty Johnson 150 metres away from the ball and somehow was paid the free!!!!!!!! Absolute shocker and so critical when mts were a good chance to score into the breeze and the ump blows his whistle and gives elmore a free shot at the opposite end for nothing (he kicked the goal, 12 point turnaround!!!) And the second was Webbys report.... Enough said!!! So in reality Elmore had the extra man at the start ( Yes, I know cunff was sent off later on) SO WHY DONT YOU ADMIT MOUNTS WERE THE BETTER TEAM
AND STOP MAKING EXCUSES YOU PATHETIC SORE LOSER. And you got balls saying elmore will win won before mounts,because over the last 20 years history shows you have had a 2 in 20 chance of making the gf and guess what F ucker- that was this year and 97!!! See you in another 10 years and better luck next time!!!!

Fantastic everyone we have another deads hit!!
I would only expect you to be able to think of 2 incorrect decisions of the top of your head mate coz im sure thats all you can count to....anymore and you would need a panadol and a lay down!!
Macca sucked in johnson who was doing alot of his own "tough guy thing" so dont make him out to be innocent, johnson made contact to maccas face in the scuffle and was penalised and since you have to take the kick from where the indescretion takes place Macca kicked a goal.
Webby's was the only one that could have gone the other way.
Cunff?? is that supposed to be a joke funnyman or was i right ealier you are just a dumb s hit who cant spell or count?? Its Cluff for future reference

At no time you nagging little s hit have i been a sore loser and if you read carefully i have said mounts were the better team but you mounts people get so precious if you detect the slightest little bit of criticism and lash out like a red headed step child coz you think the whole worlds against you. Elmore gets paid out on constantly on this thread sweetheart so just relax take your panadol and your nap and get back to me when you have a clue.
Let it go hound, I think we all get your point mate so dont stress abut it.

Lets move onto talking up club break-ups, upcoming pre-seasons, player movements and the 2007 season.
Doona2 said:
Let it go hound, I think we all get your point mate so dont stress abut it.

Lets move onto talking up club break-ups, upcoming pre-seasons, player movements and the 2007 season.

Fine by me Doona good to see a voice of reason......but i just wanted to be clear....

Are you taking the helm at Yea again? Any of the Newcommen's still involved in the club i know some boys who went to school with Scott??

From an Elmore point im not sure if anyone has left yet or if Bluey is staying coz there has been no announcement but im tipping him to be there he did a great job this year and hates to lose so he has some unfinished business i reckon.

Any other news?

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i heard on the grapevine the other day, and i'm only asking you what i have been told, but i heard that bluey's name has been passed around as one of three or for men who have been approached, maybe even interviewed. heard anything of this.
surely bluey wouldnt leave after the promising year the club had this year
andypipkin said:
i heard on the grapevine the other day, and i'm only asking you what i have been told, but i heard that bluey's name has been passed around as one of three or for men who have been approached, maybe even interviewed. heard anything of this.
surely bluey wouldnt leave after the promising year the club had this year

He has already been approaching players so I would suggest that an appointment is close by.
2007 looms as another great season as It would seems that every side in the competition is looking to have a good go. Some are obviously better placed than others to make an assault on the flag but if the bottom sides recruit some quality it will ensure the highly competitive nature of league.
Righto Groovers

where are your clubs going on their end of season trip? The Hoppers are jetting off to Sin City on Friday arvo however it is more of a cricket trip as only 11 blokes are going! Anyhoo Randwick Races for the epsom on satdy has been locked in along with a massive sunday session at Bondi then onto Coodgee bay hotel, coming home hopefully in one piece on monday!

Ive heard the Bloods are off to Cairns

Doona, quality standard game on sunday at deakin reserve. I did see you there and tried to get your attention at the games end but you were too busy recruiting :) however when i read your post about a few gas attacks at the game and lack of memory for the second half, I put two and two together! Im spewin i couldnt head back to Kings Park sundy nite but from all reports it was a cracking day on Monday.

no country footy this weekend? maybe Doona you are planning a road trip to AAMI stadium for the SANFL GF???!!!
HJ32 said:
Doona, quality standard game on sunday at deakin reserve. I did see you there and tried to get your attention at the games end but you were too busy recruiting :) however when i read your post about a few gas attacks at the game and lack of memory for the second half, I put two and two together! Im spewin i couldnt head back to Kings Park sundy nite but from all reports it was a cracking day on Monday.

no country footy this weekend? maybe Doona you are planning a road trip to AAMI stadium for the SANFL GF???!!!

By then I woulda been only looking at recruiting drinking buddies for the Kings Park session. No footy for a while so Im gunna stand behind the stumps for the round 1 Kilmore v Seymour one dayer.
HJ32 said:
Righto Groovers

where are your clubs going on their end of season trip? The Hoppers are jetting off to Sin City on Friday arvo however it is more of a cricket trip as only 11 blokes are going! Anyhoo Randwick Races for the epsom on satdy has been locked in along with a massive sunday session at Bondi then onto Coodgee bay hotel, coming home hopefully in one piece on monday!

Ive heard the Bloods are off to Cairns

I think the Bloods might have gone last weekend.
Whats your line up for the trip HJ taking a good mixture youth & experience?
HJ32 said:
Righto Groovers

where are your clubs going on their end of season trip? The Hoppers are jetting off to Sin City on Friday arvo however it is more of a cricket trip as only 11 blokes are going! Anyhoo Randwick Races for the epsom on satdy has been locked in along with a massive sunday session at Bondi then onto Coodgee bay hotel, coming home hopefully in one piece on monday!

Ive heard the Bloods are off to Cairns

Doona, quality standard game on sunday at deakin reserve. I did see you there and tried to get your attention at the games end but you were too busy recruiting :) however when i read your post about a few gas attacks at the game and lack of memory for the second half, I put two and two together! Im spewin i couldnt head back to Kings Park sundy nite but from all reports it was a cracking day on Monday.

no country footy this weekend? maybe Doona you are planning a road trip to AAMI stadium for the SANFL GF???!!!

Locky Lads are off to Adelaide Thursday afternoon around 4pm and back Monday night about 7pm.
I hear they are doing a booze cruise on the way down, meeting around 10am at the Locky local ... they may not be allowed on the plane by 4 then !!

Think the itinarary? looks something like Thursday -smashed, Friday mandatory -smashed, Morphettville Saturday -smashed, AAMI GF onto Grand Hotel Sunday Night (say no more )and Monday the Downlow Medal( venue TBA) then death I would think !!
Pity, they had Sydney ( Coogee )just about locked in apparantly, but Newthy could not meet his Mrs their again. :D
They could of hooked up with the colbo mob n had a beer off.
Page 2 and 4 days without action - c'mon lads must be some news out there!!!

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Howdy howdy, been a long time. Bluey was apointed half way through the season. Big news with the locky footy trip, on the way back from melbourne a few boys were in an accident with a truck at kilmore. Car is a ride off and the boys involved are a bit shaken up. no injurys. Elmore have signed up a few locals (1 for sure, other major possibility) that will b making their way back from down the highway. Young boys, 1 played seniors as a 15 year old and was a vic rep and the other tried out for northern nights before moving to elmore but won the goal kicking in the Shep Schools District FL.

So who retired so far: Peter Molony, Grinton, Bar fridge?
Ykickamoocow said:
Locky Lads are off to Adelaide Thursday afternoon around 4pm and back Monday night about 7pm.
I hear they are doing a booze cruise on the way down, meeting around 10am at the Locky local ... they may not be allowed on the plane by 4 then !!

Think the itinarary? looks something like Thursday -smashed, Friday mandatory -smashed, Morphettville Saturday -smashed, AAMI GF onto Grand Hotel Sunday Night (say no more )and Monday the Downlow Medal( venue TBA) then death I would think !!
Pity, they had Sydney ( Coogee )just about locked in apparantly, but Newthy could not meet his Mrs their again. :D
They could of hooked up with the colbo mob n had a beer off.

Don't want to make light of the situation but Ykicka was nearly right ... Extremely lucky boys indeed !!
Footy coach found guilty
Wednesday, 11 October 2006

A FORMER footballer who struck an opponent in the face during a game at North Bendigo is facing a possible jail term after being convicted by a jury.
Former Broadford senior coach Paul Lawrence Tilly, 42, was found guilty of intentionally causing serious injury to North Bendigo's

Travis Lomas during a Heathcote District Football League reserves match on July 31, 2004.

Mr Lomas, 32, was taken from the Atkins Street oval to hospital, suffering extensive facial fractures to a cheekbone and an eye socket.

He had surgery to reposition the bones, including the insertion of a plate and wire, and had sustained a permanently sunken eye.

He told the court he could not remember the incident, which happened after Tilly replaced another player on the field during the first quarter of the match.

"The first thing I remember was waking up in the rooms with ambulance officers over me," Mr Lomas said.

The jury handed down the guilty verdict on Monday.

During a pre-sentence submission to Judge Roy Punshon yesterday, defence lawyer Graeme Keil argued Tilly had used an open palm to push Mr Lomas, claiming it was a reaction to the victim spitting at him.

But the judge questioned whether it mattered if Tilly had used a clenched fist or an open palm.

"What does it matter? Either can be an effective method," he said.

"A karate expert might prefer the latter, a boxer might prefer the former.

"A gentle or moderate push couldn't have caused this damage."

Mr Lomas has denied the spitting allegation.

Mr Keil argued the behaviour displayed by Tilly, who played VFL football for St Kilda and Fitzroy in the 1980s, was out of character.

"In 22 years, he hadn't been reported," Mr Keil said.

The court heard the defendant had played football since he was six, receiving numerous accolades including several best and fairest awards.

Addressing the judge, wife Samantha Tilly said her husband, who conducts skills training programs for organisations including universities and prisons, had never been a violent man.

"He has never shown any violence towards myself, my children, family, friends, anybody," she said.

Mrs Tilly said she held grave concerns for her husband's mental state following the incident.

"He was just devastated," she said.

Mr Keil argued it was an unusual case because the incident happened on a sporting ground.

But Judge Punshon said the courts had made it clear in recent years that it was a serious offence that usually resulted in imprisonment.
nesko_25 said:
So who retired so far: Peter Molony, Grinton, Bar fridge?

Some would say i've been retired for years young Nesko you cheeky little bugger! If i retire now who's going to watch your back next year when you step up and play with the big boys! I better have one more year mate and chase that elusive flag, you never no Mounts and Colbo may get sick of winning them at some stage. Grints and Big Pete would be quite welcome at our club if they wanted to have one more year!:)
Just copped a pay out on the RDFL 2007 thread lads by the Free Press sports reporter - seems some people think the RDFL is a better standard than the Heathcote league :(
Doona2 said:
Just copped a pay out on the RDFL 2007 thread lads by the Free Press sports reporter - seems some people think the RDFL is a better standard than the Heathcote league :(

Just my opinion Doona, I'm sure most RDFL people would believe theirs is better, and the same for HDFL people. From observation of both league's I rate the Riddell League a little better, having said that I haven't played in the Heathcote League. As for a pay out, I hardly think that is an appropriate description of what I said.
matt_nicholls said:
Just my opinion Doona, I'm sure most RDFL people would believe theirs is better, and the same for HDFL people. From observation of both league's I rate the Riddell League a little better, having said that I haven't played in the Heathcote League. As for a pay out, I hardly think that is an appropriate description of what I said.

pffh wouldn't think it would be a patch on the Heathcote league not the same calibre of players in the Riddell. Fevealeki, Waters, Angwin, Lock, Hill, Carter, Ryan, Dobson, Newth, Geary the list rolls on
matt_nicholls said:
Just my opinion Doona, I'm sure most RDFL people would believe theirs is better, and the same for HDFL people. From observation of both league's I rate the Riddell League a little better, having said that I haven't played in the Heathcote League. As for a pay out, I hardly think that is an appropriate description of what I said.

Who is this Squid????? U poor misinformed simpleton. I pity you, I really pitty you.
matt_nicholls said:
Just my opinion Doona, I'm sure most RDFL people would believe theirs is better, and the same for HDFL people. From observation of both league's I rate the Riddell League a little better, having said that I haven't played in the Heathcote League. As for a pay out, I hardly think that is an appropriate description of what I said.

A little better??? Obviously your not familiar with the HDFL mate, you should research alot better before you go posting waffle like that again. The HDFL is by far a superior league to the Riddell, alaways has been always will be, end of story.
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