Hostage Situation - Martin Place, Sydney

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I don't understand why people would ask about Army. Why would the army be there. That kind of situation in the middle of the CBD is not their area of expertise, the specially trained Police was exactly the right group.
Just finished watching both of the stories, and while both were pretty slick and done well, I found the 60 Minutes one to be more balanced, and the stories more evenly spread amongst the hostages they signed up - 7's seemed to be much more Marcia-focused as opposed to Selina being the main person interviewed but much more airtime given to the other hostages compared to what 7 did.
Media assumption I'd say. It was assumed by the media he would have got drowsy as it got later in the evening which is a fair assumption to make. Obviously no one except the hostages knew the full blow by blow story of what happened then and it was purely an assumption.

It might be a fair assumption but it is not OK to be reporting those assumptions in reports. Incredibly misleading and not appropriate practice for media reporting.

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Could they? Maybe but then they could have risked the death of someone else.

It was a tactical operation. Going in guns blazing with nobody inside expecting it would have ended in disaster. With Tori being executed, it provided the appropriate course of action for all involved; police move in form multiple angles and hostages take as much safety as possible. With the amount of bullets flying around, it's impressive there weren't more casualties. They did a superb job.

I am getting increasingly skeptical about this, and there is more and more evidence and opinion supporting the proposition that they didn't really do a very superb job at all.

The general consensus seems to be they used the wrong weapons (M4s with huge richochet potential rather than submachine guns), they fired a very large number of shots and (this last part is admittedly with the benefit of hindsight) the decision to stay outside and passively wait until he shot someone probably did cost Tori Johnson his life, when there's at least a chance that an earlier entry might have resulted in 1 dead or none.

They'll get a chance to defend the decisions they made throughout the inquest and the inquiries, but there are quite a few professional people who have been critical of the police operation. My own view is we have a $200m pa specialist military HRT team which are better armed and maybe better trained for this kind of operation. If you aren't going to call them in for situations like this, why have them?
he tried to disarm him earlier in the day and got beaten up.

Again something that may have been a media beat up. None of the interviewed hostages mentioned that Tori tried to disarm Monis however if Tori did try I'm sure that would have further inflamed the feelings of dislike from Monis. The only people who had a real chance to intervene but decided against where the Lindt workers with the Stanley knives who could have done something while holding the ISIS flag to the window and Monis was seated directly under them.

Watched the C7 story on playback and I think Channel 9 was a bit more professional in it. The reunion of 5 Lindt employees, Selina and the lady with MS whose name now escapes me was well done and necessary.

Channel 7's interview was too focused on Marcia I think. No disrespect to her and what she's been through, inside the siege she was terrific as well assisting with first aid and realising that the injured Katrina needed to be taken out of the cafe first but to me her interview was very much me, me, me. Again no disrespect but I feel she's milking it for all its worth. The lady with MS is just as injured as her and has prior health issues to.

The "white shirt man" barrister Stefan and Julie Taylor, someone who was putting two lives at risk with an unborn baby also weren't ever interviewed. I don't know whether they declined or they just never got asked but they won't get the financial compensation from the media that the other freed hostages did. I'd be interested to hear Julie's story because from the reports of others she was struggling physically and fair enough as she is pregnant but Stefan's story wouldn't be as detailed. Similar to John O'Brien and Paulo's maybe?

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I don't understand why people would ask about Army. Why would the army be there. That kind of situation in the middle of the CBD is not their area of expertise, the specially trained Police was exactly the right group.

Also The Army has very specific Rules of Engagement. Governed by law
Why would the army be there. It's the special police units which are trained for this shit- and half of them would be former soldiers anyway.

The army is better trained in hostage situations but as mentioned earlier they need government approval to act.

One thing that could be asked is why didn't they just pump gas through the ventilation system, even if the fans are shut down it would still circulate through. I'm sure there's some decent stuff out there that could've knocked everyone in the shop out in seconds
The army is better trained in hostage situations but as mentioned earlier they need government approval to act.

One thing that could be asked is why didn't they just pump gas through the ventilation system, even if the fans are shut down it would still circulate through. I'm sure there's some decent stuff out there that could've knocked everyone in the shop out in seconds
Pretty sure they tried that in Russia and a bunch of civilians died...
One thing that could be asked is why didn't they just pump gas through the ventilation system, even if the fans are shut down it would still circulate through. I'm sure there's some decent stuff out there that could've knocked everyone in the shop out in seconds
Because anything strong enough to knock everyone out in seconds, no matter where they are in the room, will also be strong enough that some of them don't wake up again.
The army is better trained in hostage situations but as mentioned earlier they need government approval to act.

One thing that could be asked is why didn't they just pump gas through the ventilation system, even if the fans are shut down it would still circulate through. I'm sure there's some decent stuff out there that could've knocked everyone in the shop out in seconds
If he's got an explosive in his backpack it could be detonated if he falls to the floor, as well as what everyone else has mentioned.
A lot of people in this thread have absolutely zero idea (me included, but im not posting stupid "they should have done..." posts).
what they really have should've done is set off the bat light. then everything would have been sweet.

Pretty sure they tried that in Russia and a bunch of civilians died...

Bezlan or something wasn't it?

The gas, iirc, killed a heap and I think the hostage takers just started hosing the crowd sown when they worked out what was going on.

Wrong one, I was thinking of the Moscow Theatre siege.

Gas was pumped in. Killed the hostage takers and 130+ of the actual hostages.

In Beslan the broke all the windows to prevent being gassed.
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i know in heat of moment (you may think hes got bomb or what not), but when he was sitting talking to tori at the start is it that hard clock him over the head with a chair, stab him (they had knifes) coming from behind

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Hostage Situation - Martin Place, Sydney

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