Opinion How Can AFC Members/Supporters take action to prevent Trigg returning as CEO

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continually (comparative more continually, superlative most continually)
  1. In a continuous manner; non-stop.
  2. In regular or repeated succession; very often.

Have you get any links to back up your statement?

1. Tried to make the 'shed' exclusive shut the majority of the supporter base out that was always welcome from the beginning.

End result had to wipe the egg from his face and open the new shed up again to all members and supporters.

2. When the supporters were calling for Neil Craig's head labelled those supporters 'pathetic'

End result neil Craig resigned after an embarassing 106pt loss to St Kilda at Etihad Stadium.

3. Clearly was lying to supporters all through the Tippett contract negotiation as he knew we were never ever going to get a deal done as the 'clause' had already been written that Tippett could be traded for a second round pick to the club of his choice.

End result draft tappering and $300K fine Trigg banned as holding any position with the AFC for a period of six months and draft pick losses in the next two national drafts.

4. Adelaide Oval fiasco is anything of what he has preached to members about costs true?

Want me to go on?
2. When the supporters were calling for Neil Craig's head labelled those supporters 'pathetic'

Well, this is not exactly something diabolically incompetent. it's very common for administrations to back up the coach to the very end .Do you expect him to openly berate the coach and feed a media frenzy whenever tough times hit?

. Clearly was lying to supporters all through the Tippett contract negotiation as he knew we were never ever going to get a deal done as the 'clause' had already been written that Tippett could be traded for a second round pick to the club of his choice.

I could be wrong, but I thought he came back from holiday once the AFL decided to intervene and was not involved all throughout?

. Adelaide Oval fiasco is anything of what he has preached to members about costs true?

Some people have been outspoken on the Adelaide oval deal, I believe our club had little say in this and would look quite funny trying to play at FP in 2014.

Want me to go on?

Please do, what your calling for is serious. considering now emotions should be settling on this issue, it would be appropriate to see the issues that brought on the thread.
Thats not what I've said. I said keeping him in the job won't make a difference to onfield performance, not what he did in the past which resulted in severe penalties.

If we get charged again on future sanctions, then he can disappear from football forever.

I highly, highly doubt we won't be that stupid again.
OK, I see you consider these actions to be "history".
I disagree because the impact lies in front of us.
I still believe the actions of the CEO can have an effect on on-field performance and I have no confidence in Trigg for the future.

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OK, I see you consider these actions to be "history".
I disagree because the impact lies in front of us.
I still believe the actions of the CEO can have an effect on on-field performance and I have no confidence in Trigg for the future.

Absolutely. The CEO's job is to grow the pie (thanks Leigh) to keep up with the growing cost of the footy arms race

He's cost us 300k in fines, likely as much in legal fees, sponsorship income actually fell in 2011 (per our accounts), and he spent all our money on a big fat white training centre elephant

A CEO certainly has an effect on onfield performance when he doesn't do his job well enough so that we keep up off field
Well, this is not exactly something diabolically incompetent. it's very common for administrations to back up the coach to the very end .Do you expect him to openly berate the coach and feed a media frenzy whenever tough times hit?

Please do, what your calling for is serious. considering now emotions should be settling on this issue, it would be appropriate to see the issues that brought on the thread.

A couple more -
What Trigg did was worse than Bernie Vinces boxer scandal, but he had to purchase tickets.....due to 'image of the club' . Hows our image now? At the very least I'm waiting for Trigg to buy my membership!

Triggs actions were also less defendable than Rendells apparent racial slur.. but he was sacked without even a chance to explain.....
Double standards for the 'boys club' ?

Reid and Trigg and anyone else in on the deal caused more harm to this clubs image than either the two above.. but welcome back soon Trigg.

I usually get Vic membership, but its cheaper to get my tickets at the gate... so I'll still go watch the games and support the boys.. but no membership from me.
He's cost us 300k in fines, likely as much in legal fees, sponsorship income actually fell in 2011 (per our accounts), and he spent all our money on a big fat white training centre elephant
Cmon old son, you can't have it both ways. You may well recall our Boards esteemed previous London based poster who headed up Treasury for a large Swiss Org. I remember him trying to argue in 2008 that the whole GFC was over-stated, effectively nothing to worry about. For reasons of consistency surely you can't now be blaming Triggy personally for the (certainly agreed in hindsight) over-spend on the Westpac training centre? Especially considering the highly volatile global economy AFTER the project had been committed to AND the subsequent decision to move to Adelaide Oval. If blame was to be handed out it wouldnt even lie at Triggs feet, when its a Board decision.

Chapman appears a world class Executive and his decision to retain Trigg is seemingly based on either (1) what's genuinely in the best interests of the club especially with the coming move to AO or (2) Trigg was the public fall guy for the whole episode with the Board knowing a lot more than has been disclosed in recent times (to minimize penalties)
Well, this is not exactly something diabolically incompetent. it's very common for administrations to back up the coach to the very end .Do you expect him to openly berate the coach and feed a media frenzy whenever tough times hit?

There's a difference between supporting an embattled coach and going out openly being hostile to members (as Trigg did with his 'pathetic' comments) though.
Absolutely. The CEO's job is to grow the pie (thanks Leigh) to keep up with the growing cost of the footy arms race

He's cost us 300k in fines, likely as much in legal fees, sponsorship income actually fell in 2011 (per our accounts), and he spent all our money on a big fat white training centre elephant

A CEO certainly has an effect on onfield performance when he doesn't do his job well enough so that we keep up off field

You can mark him harshly on what has happened in the past. No doubt about that.

I also wasn't saying that a CEO has no effect onfield performance, more so I don't think we'll go backwards from our current position with him in the job from July 2013 onwards. This would have certainly been a wake up call to him, and in no way will these sort of actions happen at our club again.

If there's another person out there that is better at getting sponsorship, raising additional revenue and making good decisions, then lets go for it. But its pretty clear thats not going to happen.

The reason I supported the sacking/resignation was more so from a PR/Image point of view, rather than someone who isn't capable of being CEO at the club. Keeping him showed the board is a bit of a boys club, and that they weren't as concerned with the actions that took place, despite the seriousness of them (as showed by the size of the sanctions).

Do I think Steven is capable of fulfilling the job of CEO from July 2013 onwards, yeah I probably do. That doesn't mean I'm not happy with the decision by the board once the sanctions were handed down. Thats why I'm not as "angry" as some of the other people on this board/supporters in general.
I think a lot of people are coming round to this way of thinking, and all that would mean is that the troubles start further up.

So would that be further proof the board is well and truely part of the 'boys club'?

I think the more this goes on and discussed then the AFC members rather than being accepting of it nee to use their voice and feet and whatever other means and send a clear and valid message that change and the right decisions need to start being made.
There are countless ways to show our displeasure - none should reflect on the playing group, so a silent quarter is out!
Let's make a list, choose the most appropriate/acheivable and then campain emphatically.
Some suggestions --------

If the Board opt a lap of honour for Trigg - turn our backs - yes

First game back - wear a red top - Trigg you have 'blood on your hands'

First game back - wear a brown top - "Mud sticks"

First game back - Before the first bounce - collective chant "Trigg must go" repeat each break!

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Or you could all be like me and the majority of supporters and turn up and support the team and leave what ever goes on in the back office to those employed to do it. To me the team is the 22 players who run out to play each week. I don't think anyone apart from those involved knows what really happened with the Tippet affair and I don't care. Tippet has gone, AFL has passed on some minor sanctions for some minor infringements and we can all now get on and support our team
Or you could all be like me and the majority of supporters and turn up and support the team and leave what ever goes on in the back office to those employed to do it. To me the team is the 22 players who run out to play each week. I don't think anyone apart from those involved knows what really happened with the Tippet affair and I don't care. Tippet has gone, AFL has passed on some minor sanctions for some minor infringements and we can all now get on and support our team
That's your prerogative, but some do.
Where did this lap of honour thing come from?

Trigg will be ushered in through the back door, do absolutely the bare minimum of public appearances/media. There won't be any grand announcements that he's back or anything. Silence is their new method of dealing with the issue.

We're pretty much stymied as far as showing our displeasure. If we don't want to impact on the game, our players, don't want to boycott buying memberships/tickets... what's left? Nothing. And the AFC board knows this all to well.

If people are serious, it needs to be a public show of displeasure at a game. Whether that "impacts" on the players or not.
If you actually want to make a difference in 2013, your options are fairly limited. You won't be able to mobilise the member group at large to do any kind of large public protest at a game (as much as I love Carl's idea of a completely silent first quarter :p). You might get a thousand people willing to stage some kind of protest but any more than that is just unrealistic in my opinion.

Nor will taking silent action such as not renewing your membership make any difference. The club likely wouldn't even notice, and if they did, they wouldn't care, because the number of people taking this action would be minimal.

Really, the only thing you can do is continue to voice your opinion, but in a more visible public forum than Bigfooty. Public radio, newspaper letter columns, facebook pages, etc. Encourage other Crows supporters to be involved as well. Keep making noise until support for your opinion reaches a critical mass. Then you have enough people involved to make some kind of meaningful public show of displeasure. Of course, this only works if the silent majority actually feel the same way you do. At this point I honestly have no idea if that is the case.

If we boil it down, the Crows aren't going to act unless there is a large groundswell of anger directed at them, and the vast majority of Crows supporters will not be willing to stop watching matches, or really do anything that makes it less enjoyable for them to watch it. So you need to come up with something that is visible and persistent, but non-intrusive enough that casual Crows supporters will be willing to join in.

Long story short, it's next to impossible.
Where did this lap of honour thing come from?

Trigg will be ushered in through the back door, do absolutely the bare minimum of public appearances/media. There won't be any grand announcements that he's back or anything. Silence is their new method of dealing with the issue.

We're pretty much stymied as far as showing our displeasure. If we don't want to impact on the game, our players, don't want to boycott buying memberships/tickets... what's left? Nothing. And the AFC board knows this all to well.

If people are serious, it needs to be a public show of displeasure at a game. Whether that "impacts" on the players or not.

The administration must be thanking the skies every night for the bounce back '12 season. This happens after '11, and we're playing infront of tumbleweed.
Really, the only thing you can do is continue to voice your opinion, but in a more visible public forum than Bigfooty. Public radio, newspaper letter columns, facebook pages, etc. Encourage other Crows supporters to be involved as well. Keep making noise until support for your opinion reaches a critical mass. Then you have enough people involved to make some kind of meaningful public show of displeasure. Of course, this only works if the silent majority actually feel the same way you do. At this point I honestly have no idea if that is the case.

If we boil it down, the Crows aren't going to act unless there is a large groundswell of anger directed at them, and the vast majority of Crows supporters will not be willing to stop watching matches, or really do anything that makes it less enjoyable for them to watch it. So you need to come up with something that is visible and persistent, but non-intrusive enough that casual Crows supporters will be willing to join in.

Long story short, it's next to impossible.

Agree with above. Silence at a game wont work......we dont make enough noise at the best of times!
Keep up with the voicing of displeasure re the recent stuff-ups beyond BF, but in ways that does not affect the playing performances. The club must be kept on their toes by continual pressure. The Adelaide Football Club is happily bouyant because our competition in this town is at best, fairly mediocre, and not because we are being directed and managed so skillfully. Keep the pressure on for the next 6 months of Trigg absentia and also when he waltzes back into the fold, because we need better performances off the football field. We need to eradicate the sloppyness that has become part of our management.
Chapman appears a world class Executive ....

Your argument doesn't need this hyperbole TCT.

IMHO Chapman has come across as quite slippery in the way he's handled this crisis.

1. Promising to answer all questions and then doing no such thing.
2. Just going on tame media (5AA) and not doing the harder interviews (the Age)
3. Starting to reply respectfully to all supporters emails (though notably not in writing) and then ditching this after a couple of days and getting the club to send out standard meaningless emails.
But getting back on topic, the danger of any mass action is over-reach that falls flat.

So I suggest the following which would be practical and easy to do, and keep the issue alive.

1. Boycott the NAB cup.

2. At the first game, hold up banners that will attract TV coverage (and make a point to all the undecided supporters)

Everyone could make up their own wording but just off the top of my head

'Adelaide Crows
Best players
Worst management
in the AFL


'Trigg: please explain, how did you lose us all those draft picks?'


'Trigg for Syria' (just joking)

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Opinion How Can AFC Members/Supporters take action to prevent Trigg returning as CEO

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