How many drinks do you have per week?

How many drinks do you have per week?

  • I don't drink at all

    Votes: 25 28.1%
  • 1-3

    Votes: 17 19.1%
  • 4-6

    Votes: 6 6.7%
  • 7-9

    Votes: 10 11.2%
  • 10-14

    Votes: 14 15.7%
  • 15+

    Votes: 17 19.1%

  • Total voters

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I'd like to ask your opinion, as you've been through the treatment yourself, on the treatment options available.
I understand that the view is that when you're an addict you're an addict for life and the only treatment is complete abstinence (correct me if I'm wrong)
Do you think there is alternate treatment? Do you think somebody who is addicted to alcohol can learn to become purely a moderate or social drinker?

Good question,

Some in rehab wanted to quit for 6-12 months then try controlled drinking, not sure how it turned out for them. For some like myself I had a physical addiction to alcohol, my tolerance levels were so high and my body required it to function, if I go out and say have one pot I know it will turn into 2 then 4 then Ill want shots and Ill be back right in the shit again so I dont have a choice, I have to abstain for the rest of my life, it is a disease/allergy for me. There are also cases that the alcohol addiction is so bad that stopping it completely without meds can actually kill you.

If it's a mental thing and you have a really strong discipline then yeah maybe you can go back to moderate drinking but I reckon you'll most likely fall back into the alcoholic cycle.
Do you think there is alternate treatment? Do you think somebody who is addicted to alcohol can learn to become purely a moderate or social drinker?

I can't speak from personal experience but having had 3 grandparents that were alcoholics, I would say no. I asked my Grandma one time if she thought she would be able to have a glass of wine and then stop and she said no. This was probably 25-30 years after she gave it up as well. I'm sure there are some people out there that could do it but I would hazard a guess and say they are in an extreme minority.
Ok, I realise this post may open me up to future ridicule however if it helps someone on here (or someone close to them( re evaluate their relationship with alcohol then I will be happy.

Ill preface this by saying I dont think alcohol is bad. I think it can be a perfectly good way for people to unwind after a hard day, have a great night out or even get rinsed with mates.

Unfortunately I am not one of those people. I was, still am and always will be an alcoholic. I had my last drink ever on the 2nd Feb last year. My wife found me 3/4 quarters of the way through my second bottle of 700 ml Vodka at 2:00pm and the next day I was in rehab. It had been building for a while. In my 20's and early 30's I was ok normal sort of drinker if there is one. Then one day on an overseas trip, my sister called asking me to come home that night as mum was ill and didnt have much time left. I made it back for the last two hours of her life and as she painfully passed all my family were in tears except for me, I was stone cold sitting in that hospital chair emotionless. I buried that grief which started to arise in drinking.

Drinking during the week became normal, then every day. When out with mates and it was my round I ordered three shots of vodka/tequila (I mean who does that??), I started hiding my drinking, drinking alone and then as above got to the stage I was drinking myself to death, everyday was loop of drinking to relieve stress then go to sleep and the cycle starts the very next morning, I still remember the nausea, shakes, sweat, simply not being able to perform basic tasks without having a drink, how I kept my job through this Ill never know. This is for perspective not a boast. I have been on over six figure salaries since I was 25, I have a loving wife and two perfectly healthy kids, we have travelled extensively and from the outside in have a perfect life. Alcoholism can hit anyone.

In rehab I had a psychiatrist, GP and support nurses so it all came out, how much I had been drinking for the last few years (on average 25 drinks a day) and I was diagnosed with PTSD and chronic anxiety and prescribed a pharmacy full of drugs. I did three weeks in rehab then went to live with my Dad on his farm for the next six weeks as my wife wasn't ready to have me back home. The damage I had done to her, my kids, all my family was immeasurable and whilst she still loved me she wanted me to dry out completely before coming back home. Those six weeks were hell. Coming off alcohol addiction was one of the hardest things Ive had to do.

After six weeks I came home but I had a mountain to climb in regaining my wife's trust, explaining to my kids I had/have an illness and I can never drink again. This is when I really woke up. I made myself goals to achieve. Every morning in the gym at 4:30 for weights and I took up boxing. I kept my social life to a minimum, if I caught up with mates it as over breakfast or lunch where no alcohol was present. I started gaining focus and rediscovered my love for work again, other things changed, I started reading more than ever before, listening to music, playing and beating xbox games, every weekend playing either cricket or basketball with my son. Spending two hours of studying maths with my daughter every weekend as she really struggles with it. I was becoming a better father than I had ever been.

After six months of sobriety I got a call from some colleagues I used to work with who wanted to catch up at a pub, I was intrigued and went. When I turned up one said what will it be? "Ill just have a mineral water" he looked astonished as he knew me as a drinker, I told him I had quit (not going into detail why) after 30 minutes of chatting he remarked how good I looked, lost weight, building muscle and a lot of (good) colour in my skin. Then on the spot they offered me a job (cyber security firm) which I could not turn down, it effectively means I can send my kids to private school, go on family holidays pretty much secure our future. This is all from me quitting drinking.

I am now killing it, I'm head of Security Architecture in a large firm, my family life has improved out of sight and everyday I feel focused, bright and ready to hit the day. I am still on medication for chronic anxiety and depression. Valium for the anxiety and anti depressants which are a god send. I know valium is addictive but both my psychiastrist and GP have said your on this for the rest of your life because its working which I'm fine with. Valium does give nice relaxing high.

Nearly 12 months in I catch up with mates who drink, I went to xmas parties where alcohol was abundant, my wife enjoys a glass of wine with dinner and I am completely comfortable with it. I do wonder if I didn't spiral out of control what I would be like now. For me my life is awesome without alcohol but again that is because my mind and body simply cannot handle it.

I'm not a counsellor or anything like that but DM me if you want to have a private chat, if you are having issues there is hope.

fantastic post and deserved of many likes. :thumbsu::thumbsu:
definitely not something to be ridiculed for.

From afar, and catching up with particular friends, there's always drinks. "i need a drink" is commonplace. i dont ever recall said people catching up without one. i think "a drink" means catching up for a chat etc. but they are always respectful towards those who do not wish to or drink.

i do wonder about drinking, the connection it has with socialisation. that going out to a venue to catch up invariably means drinks. i wonder what i am missing out on at times, but then logon to this website and spend hours at night on it instead. i also think it has to do with age, younger folk wanna get out of the house and do what young persons do. older family folk less so if at all.

the PS words! be prepared for debates on its value haha

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fantastic post and deserved of many likes. :thumbsu::thumbsu:
definitely not something to be ridiculed for.

From afar, and catching up with particular friends, there's always drinks. "i need a drink" is commonplace. i dont ever recall said people catching up without one. i think "a drink" means catching up for a chat etc. but they are always respectful towards those who do not wish to or drink.

i do wonder about drinking, the connection it has with socialisation. that going out to a venue to catch up invariably means drinks. i wonder what i am missing out on at times, but then logon to this website and spend hours at night on it instead. i also think it has to do with age, younger folk wanna get out of the house and do what young persons do. older family folk less so if at all.

the PS words! be prepared for debates on its value haha

Hahah yeah I've seen the thread SRP board and there is valid debate for public vs private school funding. If we lived the the catchment area for Balwyn or Camberwell High then my kids would be going there, my son is still going to a state primary school this year, its when they hit year 7 we will be sending them to a private school which both my wife and I think will give them the best possible start in life, we also aren't exactly driving around in BMW's or Mercedes we do work hard and choose to send our kids to a school that provides what we think are the best education facilities for them, if people have an issue with that I could not give a ****.
Ok, I realise this post may open me up to future ridicule however if it helps someone on here (or someone close to them( re evaluate their relationship with alcohol then I will be happy.

Ill preface this by saying I dont think alcohol is bad. I think it can be a perfectly good way for people to unwind after a hard day, have a great night out or even get rinsed with mates.

Unfortunately I am not one of those people. I was, still am and always will be an alcoholic. I had my last drink ever on the 2nd Feb last year. My wife found me 3/4 quarters of the way through my second bottle of 700 ml Vodka at 2:00pm and the next day I was in rehab. It had been building for a while. In my 20's and early 30's I was ok normal sort of drinker if there is one. Then one day on an overseas trip, my sister called asking me to come home that night as mum was ill and didnt have much time left. I made it back for the last two hours of her life and as she painfully passed all my family were in tears except for me, I was stone cold sitting in that hospital chair emotionless. I buried that grief which started to arise in drinking.

Drinking during the week became normal, then every day. When out with mates and it was my round I ordered three shots of vodka/tequila (I mean who does that??), I started hiding my drinking, drinking alone and then as above got to the stage I was drinking myself to death, everyday was loop of drinking to relieve stress then go to sleep and the cycle starts the very next morning, I still remember the nausea, shakes, sweat, simply not being able to perform basic tasks without having a drink, how I kept my job through this Ill never know. This is for perspective not a boast. I have been on over six figure salaries since I was 25, I have a loving wife and two perfectly healthy kids, we have travelled extensively and from the outside in have a perfect life. Alcoholism can hit anyone.

In rehab I had a psychiatrist, GP and support nurses so it all came out, how much I had been drinking for the last few years (on average 25 drinks a day) and I was diagnosed with PTSD and chronic anxiety and prescribed a pharmacy full of drugs. I did three weeks in rehab then went to live with my Dad on his farm for the next six weeks as my wife wasn't ready to have me back home. The damage I had done to her, my kids, all my family was immeasurable and whilst she still loved me she wanted me to dry out completely before coming back home. Those six weeks were hell. Coming off alcohol addiction was one of the hardest things Ive had to do.

After six weeks I came home but I had a mountain to climb in regaining my wife's trust, explaining to my kids I had/have an illness and I can never drink again. This is when I really woke up. I made myself goals to achieve. Every morning in the gym at 4:30 for weights and I took up boxing. I kept my social life to a minimum, if I caught up with mates it as over breakfast or lunch where no alcohol was present. I started gaining focus and rediscovered my love for work again, other things changed, I started reading more than ever before, listening to music, playing and beating xbox games, every weekend playing either cricket or basketball with my son. Spending two hours of studying maths with my daughter every weekend as she really struggles with it. I was becoming a better father than I had ever been.

After six months of sobriety I got a call from some colleagues I used to work with who wanted to catch up at a pub, I was intrigued and went. When I turned up one said what will it be? "Ill just have a mineral water" he looked astonished as he knew me as a drinker, I told him I had quit (not going into detail why) after 30 minutes of chatting he remarked how good I looked, lost weight, building muscle and a lot of (good) colour in my skin. Then on the spot they offered me a job (cyber security firm) which I could not turn down, it effectively means I can send my kids to private school, go on family holidays pretty much secure our future. This is all from me quitting drinking.

I am now killing it, I'm head of Security Architecture in a large firm, my family life has improved out of sight and everyday I feel focused, bright and ready to hit the day. I am still on medication for chronic anxiety and depression. Valium for the anxiety and anti depressants which are a god send. I know valium is addictive but both my psychiastrist and GP have said your on this for the rest of your life because its working which I'm fine with. Valium does give nice relaxing high.

Nearly 12 months in I catch up with mates who drink, I went to xmas parties where alcohol was abundant, my wife enjoys a glass of wine with dinner and I am completely comfortable with it. I do wonder if I didn't spiral out of control what I would be like now. For me my life is awesome without alcohol but again that is because my mind and body simply cannot handle it.

I'm not a counsellor or anything like that but DM me if you want to have a private chat, if you are having issues there is hope.
Im sitting on 22 standard drinks a night. I might pm you for a chat if thats alright?
I voted that I don't drink at all but that's not quite true. I don't have alcohol at home but I will have a glass of wine with my meal when dining out, which is no more than about once a month.
I don't drink much at all any more - it got so crazy expensive. I'm not sure I can ever justify 75 bucks for a decent slab or 90 bucks for a decent whisky. (when I was a kid a slab of 25 bucks!)

Especially when medicinal cannabis is now available, and I've always enjoyed smoking over drinking. I might have a beer or two if I go to the cricket or the A-League or the wresting - but even that's only sometimes, whereas a few years ago it was an imperative. I didn't answer the poll, cos realistically I might have 3 drinks on one night every 3-4 weeks.
Hahah yeah I've seen the thread SRP board and there is valid debate for public vs private school funding. If we lived the the catchment area for Balwyn or Camberwell High then my kids would be going there, my son is still going to a state primary school this year, its when they hit year 7 we will be sending them to a private school which both my wife and I think will give them the best possible start in life, we also aren't exactly driving around in BMW's or Mercedes we do work hard and choose to send our kids to a school that provides what we think are the best education facilities for them, if people have an issue with that I could not give a *.
Do you think they will get a better education at private as opposed to public? I mean, you can clearly afford it - which is great - but if it were me, I would spend my money better elsewhere.
In my 20s I would have 4-8 beers a day after work or sport on the weekend. Now I'm 30's with two kids under 2y and when I open a beer to have with dinner I might drink half of it before I have to do bath time/ bed time routines.

Going to stop drinking at home once the Christmas leftovers are done. Will probably continue to drink socially.
Do you think they will get a better education at private as opposed to public? I mean, you can clearly afford it - which is great - but if it were me, I would spend my money better elsewhere.

I did extensive research and checked out the public schools around us and they didnt meet my expectations. The private school my daughter goes to and my sone will next year is co-ed, has small class sizes, 12-14 students per teacher, has an abundance of extra curricular activities (very important for my kids) and a gateway program where my daughter will be heading off to Europe this year. Everyone has their own aims and focus for money but for me I want to give my kids the best possible start and with the public secondary schools in our area not up to my standard (the primary ones were, both my kids went to state primary school) this private school was a no brainer for us.
A bloke I used to work with used to drink 15 cans every weekday and a 2 slabs on the weekend now lives in Thailand last time I saw him he drank 28 cans of Singha beer their cans are smaller. Haven’t heard from him for quite a while probably drunk himself to death

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Around 12 months ago my Auntie discovered my Uncle had been drinking daily for a long while .
It probably wasnt a suprise as his behaviour had become quite erratic, but his nature is normally extroverted .

After they got him to open up he admitted to having around 12 drinks per day , starting at breakfast . Over 3-4 years.
To his credit he owned it , went to rehab and sorted himself out .
Saw him Monday and he is now sober on 9 months .

Was a good wake up call for me . Im not a heavy drinker ( I think ) and dont drink during the week but currently in a habit of hitting a 6 pack each Saturday night .
Will knock that on the head and get myself reset for a bit .
The goalposts seem to move constantly on what constitutes 'heavy drinking' and what a 'moderate' amount is.

Health Canada recommends 2 a week. Australian Gov recommends 10, with no more than 4 a day. That's quite a difference from 2 culturally similar countries.
The goalposts seem to move constantly on what constitutes 'heavy drinking' and what a 'moderate' amount is.

Health Canada recommends 2 a week. Australian Gov recommends 10, with no more than 4 a day. That's quite a difference from 2 culturally similar countries.
Drinking is heavily enshrined in Australian culture, it practically identifies us. Sad as that is.
The goalposts seem to move constantly on what constitutes 'heavy drinking' and what a 'moderate' amount is.

Health Canada recommends 2 a week. Australian Gov recommends 10, with no more than 4 a day. That's quite a difference from 2 culturally similar countries.
I mean the new Canadian guidelines are basically saying that the current data says alcohol is not good for you.

They are saying 2 drinks a week is low risk for alcohol related health issues, 3-6 is moderate risk and 7 or more a week is increasingly higher risk the more you drink.

We're talking risk of cancers, stroke ,heart disease all linked to alcohol consumption and they want warning labels on all products.

It was the first update in their recommendations in 12 years, prior to this they were pretty much on par with Australia.
15 a week seems wild. Thats 2 a day if you do it the way im sure its intended or for those who dont drink during the week 7 and 8 on a weekend (which im pretty sure is defined as binge drinking as is absolutely not recommended).

I dont drink much. Probably once a month during summer catching up with mates ill have 4-5 beers then maybe once or twice a year give it a good nudge on a night out. I pretty much always pick two months and go totally booze free (i probably dont need to but i enjoy doing it as a little refresher).

Dont drink on weeknights and dont drink with meals (not a wine drinker and personally dont think beer partners with anything).

Drinking was a quintessential part of aussie culture growing up for me but im glad to see its far less ingrained and enshrined than it once was.
Have drunk most nights for several years.

Mine's an odd one, I drink because I like the taste etc. I can easily go without though at the same time. The last 3 months I've gone back to just drinking on weekends.

It's not a 'I need a drink', I just enjoy having one.
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So there it is 1 year today of complete sobriety, the first time probably since I was 16. Funny thing is I was quite anxious leading up to today. That's chronic anxiety for you, its a killer, you get anxious over everything and I'm talking about nausea, adrenaline, headaches (hence the valium) every ****ing day.

However I am happy, can honestly say I have not had an urge to drink for six months, the first 3-4 months the urges were powerful but they lessen as time goes on. I've calculated that I've saved $12,400 dollarydoos so going to treat myself to something nice, my wife something nice as she has supported me the whole way through, the rest goes on my daughters trip to Europe.

For those that do enjoy a drink, raise a glass for me, there is an anonymous poster that has achieved something he thought impossible.

And Tbonefreo reach out mate if you want to have a chat, remember there is no judgement.
Have drunk most nights for several years.

Mine's an odd one, I drink because I like the taste etc. I can easily go without though at the same time. The last 3 months I've gone back to just drinking on weekends.

It's not a 'I need a drink', I just enjoy having one.

Thats how alcoholics start their journey.

Other like statements include

  • i cant believe the footy show is still on. its shit (but i dont watch it)
  • i buy playboy for the articles

Thats how alcoholics start their journey.

Other like statements include

  • i cant believe the footy show is still on. its s**t (but i dont watch it)
  • i buy playboy for the articles

Haha look, probably true.

If I ever felt like I couldn't pull back, I'd have to give it more attention.
  • i buy playboy for the articles

If I ever felt like I couldn't pull back, I'd have to give it more attention.

Season 7 What GIF by One Chicago
Probably have one big session per month with day drinking etc (20+ standards at least), then maybe 1 or 2 other smaller sessions with 10 or so drinks plus a month recently. I guess it's probably the weather etc, but then again footy will be here soon and more often than not you're having at least a few drinks on a Saturday night there.

Really cut back the past 2 years when I was in a relationship but that was also to the detriment of a lot of other relationships with friends and family which I think are important.
Don't really let myself drink on weeknights unless its a special occasion, or very rarely will drink on more than one day per week barring special occasions. I sometimes will beat myself up if say I have two social events on a weekend on different days and drink on both, but I've tried to let myself unwind and enjoy the occasions a little more whilst also staying in control of myself.

I think it's pretty cool these days that there are so many more low calorie options for drinking. Things like Better Beer and seltzers are a bit of a game changer. I couldn't imagine drinking 15 plus heavy beers these days but I know a lot of people who will.