How many drinks do you have per week?

How many drinks do you have per week?

  • I don't drink at all

    Votes: 25 28.1%
  • 1-3

    Votes: 17 19.1%
  • 4-6

    Votes: 6 6.7%
  • 7-9

    Votes: 10 11.2%
  • 10-14

    Votes: 14 15.7%
  • 15+

    Votes: 17 19.1%

  • Total voters

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The week just gone, this would be about normal:
8 Friday night
4 Saturday night (id probably tip a couple more in on a saturday)
2 Sunday

None for the rest of the week.

Weekend before was long weekend and camping with mates, so we like to tip in:
Thursday - probably 15
Friday - probably 20 (that was the big day/night - finished around 4 am)
Saturday - around 10 (bit seedy so took it easy)
Sunday - none.
I can unequivocally say I’ve never done this and never will.

Add it to the ever growing list of “unaustralian” s**t people like to toss out.
A well built unit like you would be capable of the whole block of cans.
A carton of beer is like 3000 calories. Too drunk + bloat factor, no thanks mate.
Practice in the weeks leading up to it and pacing the session starting from lunch time is the key, most people struggle around the 17-18 mark otherwise.
A well built unit like you would be capable of the whole block of cans.

Practice in the weeks leading up to it and pacing the session starting from lunch time is the key, most people struggle around the 17-18 mark otherwise.
Lunchtime? Should be 6-8 deep by then if you're knocking over a box. Mid strength beer has made it easier

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Gotta be full strength, with beer they've gone all soft (like everything else in today's world) with all these smaller bottles at lower %.

1.4 standard drinks each is really the marker for eligibility, maybe 1.3 if feeling generous.

my dad always says we are short changing ourselves when we buy a slab of beer with 330ml bottles...almost 3 cans short of a slab of 375ml
40+ standards a week. i don't get hangovers.
or you're permanently hung over and don't realise it because you never have a long enough break to tell the difference
I don't drink at all now. I have a story of sorts:

I used to be an experimental drinker in that I had drunk alcohol just to see what it was like. I had gotten to a point that I drunk secretly. Until that is on a February in 2010 around about the Vancouver Winter Olympics where my brother had gone to a Biomedical conference in Lorne. I was crying like hell and I had a bottle of wine in my hand, I was just about to drink when I had a coming to Jesus moment/ultimatum in that I was like "What the **** are you dong! Your brother is going for a few days and you're going to drown yourself in booze! You have survived worse in your past without it put the bloody bottle down, now!" That shocked me and afterwards I put down the bottle that I was drinking and have never looked back. I am so glad for that, that it happened as when I was 19. That was 13 years ago and I have never touched booze ever since. If I go to a pub I grab some water or Mineral water and enjoy my time.

Plus I never like the taste of alcohol which made it easier to quit completely.
The week just gone, this would be about normal:
8 Friday night
4 Saturday night (id probably tip a couple more in on a saturday)
2 Sunday

None for the rest of the week.

Weekend before was long weekend and camping with mates, so we like to tip in:
Thursday - probably 15
Friday - probably 20 (that was the big day/night - finished around 4 am)
Saturday - around 10 (bit seedy so took it easy)
Sunday - none.
beer of choice?

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Haha, Stilnox, Xanax, Zoloft… What’s your elixir of choice?
It's about finding a good balance. Some endone, dexy's and xanax usually is a good time. Always a trial an error in these things though, don't want to use one drug too much so that it no longer has an effect.

Same with booze, if you're having to pound 10 beers to get a buzz then probably time to step away or try a different drink.
beer of choice?
I'm not a real beer snob so anything will do. I have moved away from the Carlton draught/VBs unless at the pub with mates.

These days I like pale ales, something with a bit of flavour. Mountain goat summer ale is good drop, balta is good. Those types

If I'm having a session at a mates place or camping etc I'll go with great northern original. Easy to drink plenty of them.

On CPH2005 using mobile app
I don't think you have ever lived as a real Aussie unless you have just once knocked off a whole cartoon of beer in one day, what's that about 30-35 standard drinks?

i did a carton on a houseboat trip over easter one year, that was from 12am to 12 am
You sure ? Seems low for a whole slab.
A hungry Jacks meal can be more than that.

I googled calories in a can of bush chook and multipled by 24 to get 3000, I'd take that as a ballpark figure, other beers would have more or less.

A large whopper meal with a coke would be somewhere around 1200 calories, which is still a hideous amount for one meal, but not quite as bad as a whole slab.
or you're permanently hung over and don't realise it because you never have a long enough break to tell the difference
no, it's not that. i jog 20k-ish a week, work a job where im on my feet and sociable the entire time. it's really just that 'hangovers' do not get to me.
40+ standards a week. i don't get hangovers.
So what, 5 or 6 everyday?
I wish your body well.

I think maybe a couple of times in life downed 40 to 50 over a weekend but that was just fun times in youth on footy trip.
Most days of the year I do not drink.
I cannot think of last time had a beer. Probably Christmas day.