Yeah OK the catch is it IS kind of boring not drinking and you don't get that enjoyable temporary relaxation from it anymore. BUT you do feel physically and mentally far, far better and of course save loads of money.So there it is 1 year today of complete sobriety, the first time probably since I was 16. Funny thing is I was quite anxious leading up to today. That's chronic anxiety for you, its a killer, you get anxious over everything and I'm talking about nausea, adrenaline, headaches (hence the valium) every ******* day.
However I am happy, can honestly say I have not had an urge to drink for six months, the first 3-4 months the urges were powerful but they lessen as time goes on. I've calculated that I've saved $12,400 dollarydoos so going to treat myself to something nice, my wife something nice as she has supported me the whole way through, the rest goes on my daughters trip to Europe.
For those that do enjoy a drink, raise a glass for me, there is an anonymous poster that has achieved something he thought impossible.
And Tbonefreo reach out mate if you want to have a chat, remember there is no judgement.
Not counting but I don't think I've had a drink for around 4 months and whilst you do sometimes miss it I think the downside of it massively out weighs the short temporary upsides.